Friday, February 5, 2010

Freedom to Believe by Casheyesblond

I wrote something in abstract awhile back which I believe reflects upon your opening post;

When Freedom Is Not Just Another Word(abstract thoughts)

Freedom of emotions...
Freedom of roam--
Anxiety...sleep is hard to find me.

Certain madness ...absolute joy.
Just feels empty.
Inspiration is a close friend.
One pass ego...not about me.
Eyes have been I could see.
Conform to longer viewed as a delusional fool.


I do not wish to conform my thoughts because freedom will then suddenly become just another word to me.So should another consider me as someone that is delusional that embraces a certain madness then let this think whatever he/she chooses for indeed,*if* it is madness,I am never wanting to be cured from such sensational delight,inspiration and thoughts with freedom to roam taking me to place where I believe creativity and the riddle itself breathes.--nope ya want catch me riding the fence of intellectual freedom either.

In other words,as critical thinker I do understand one must maintain an air of skepticism but there will always be that skeptic that denounces everything if ya know what I mean.
To quote Chesterton again," By rebelling against everything he has lost his right to rebel against anything."

What is the direction I am going with this? There are some that will insist on allowing skepticism itself to carry them to this polarization of a "us and them" mentality while spouting off anti-religious attitudes.

I would like to quote Carl Sagan to further these thoughts;.

from the following material and link;
Carl Sagans life and legacy as scientist, teacher, and skeptic

  • While vigorously advocating the concepts of scientific skepticism, Sagan also raised questions about strategy. He wrote that “The chief difficulty I see in the skeptical movement is in its polarization: Us vs. Them—the sense that we [skeptics] have a monopoly on the truth; that those other people who believe all these stupid doctrines are morons.” He was especially troubled by anti-religious attitudes. While not a believer himself, Sagan had constructive interactions with religious leaders, including the Pope and the Dalai Lama. He wrote “There is no necessary conflict between science and religion. On one level, they share similar and consonant goals, and each needs the other.”

back to the original post/acting_out

  • You just had an encounter with a celestial, and you've been told something that goes against all known logic and reason.

(note the quotation marks)
"logical reasoning is not an absolute law which governs the universe"

"logic is not a set of rules which govern human behavior"

In other words,there are those times that we seek that which is not always deemed rational and as an example,love is not rational--but as my profiles reads,one desires it,wants it,needs it just the same.

Let look at the laws of nature...this is something one can not explain but one may still yet simply say, 'it just is' while another would surrender to the possibility of something beyond us--transcendence.

And just as the earth humbles herself(choice of pronoun usage) to the laws of nature,I am someone that humbles myself to what I believe to be all that which is beyond us.

And imo,the one that is never free is simply the one riding the fence,spouting off with verbal acuity instead of mental acuity while refusing to at least from time to time,to entertain thoughts of the "possibility" ya know what I mean.

There is this song I like a lot called "Hanging by a Thread"'s some of the lyrics to the song;

There's a certain kind of pain that can numb you
There's a type of freedom that can tie you down
Sometimes the unexplained can define you
And sometimes the silence is the only sound

Names of God, a list compiled and shared by Jewelz

Ascended Masters, Archangels, Galactic Beings

Beloved Presence of God


The Holy Spirit

Cosmic Council of Twelve

Twenty-Four Elders that surround the Throne of Grace

The Mahatma



Archangels Michael and Faith

Elohim Councils of the Light of God

Archangels of the Tree of Life

Archangels and Angels of the Light of God

Hyos Ha Kodoish

Paradise Sons

Great Divine Director


Lord and Lady of Sirius



Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians

Sanat Kumara




Helios and Vesta

Ashtar and Athena

The Asthar Command

Jophiel and Christine

Chamuel and Charity

Gabriel and Hope

Raphael and Mother Mary

Uriel and Aurora

Zadkiel and Amethyst

Hercules and Amazonia

Apollo and Lumina

Heros and Amora

Purity and Astrea

Cyclopia and Virginia

Peace and Aloha

Arcturus and Victoria

Mahachohan Allah Gobi

Lord Buddha



Sri Yukteswar Lahiri Mahasaya


Dr. Lorphan

The Galactic Healers

Platinum Angels

Sai Baba



Lady Masters




Quan Yin

Pallas Athena



Lady Master Nada


Six Buddhas of Activity

El Morya


Lord Maitreya

Djwhal Khul

Office of the Christ

Office of The Divine Mother

all Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram

Seven Ray Ahsrams of the Christ

Serapis Bey

Paul the Venetian



Saint Germain

Eagle Command

Celestial Command

Order of the Golden Robe

the Mountain of Mt. Shasta

Earth Mother

Dolphins and Whales Pan

Animal Kingdom

Plant Kingdom

Mineral Kingdom

Devic and Nature Spirits

Elemental Kingdom


the Manifestation Council

Divine Mother

Silent Watcher of the Cosmos

Lady of the Sun

Lady Liberty


Lady of the Light

Native American Master Elders


Multi-Universal Logos

Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light

Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance

Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command

Goddess Lodge

Christed ET Lodge

Eastern Masters Lodge

Occult Western Lodge

the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy

Inner Planes Healers are available to help you with these techniques:

Lord Melchizedek
The Universal Logos and teacher for all beings in the universe, who consciously holds the primary pattern for all evolution in this universe.

Lord Maitreya
Current head of the Spiritual Hierarchy; holds the position of "Office of the Christ" in the Planetary Hierarchy of Earth; past life of Lord Krishna; Maitreya means "love" just as Christ means "love". On a cosmic level, God holds the "Office of God" - the Office of Power and Will. Christ holds the "Office of Christ" - the Office of Love. The Holy Spirit holds the "Office of the Holy Spirit" - the Office of Wisdom and Active Intelligence. The Offices of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are represented throughout all of Creation on all levels of existence. Lord Maitreya runs the "Office of the Christ" for Planet Earth.

An incarnation of Sananda 2000 years ago in the Middle East, where the prototype for the Christ Consciousness of the Piscean Age was anchored. Overlighted in his mission by Lord Maitreya.

Jesus Christ's name on the Inner Plane.

Earth's present Planetary Logos and the Ascended Master known primarily through the incarnation of Guatama Buddha 2500 years ago in East Asia, who among others taught the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path.

Archangel Metatron
Metatron is described as the chief or head of the "world of creation," and the creator of the electron and all outer light in the universe, with his Twin Flame, Neptha El-Ra "servant or the "body" of Shekinah (the Divine Feminine).

Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection of the First Ray. Call on him and his Twin Flame, Archangel Faith any time you or anyone you know is in need of protection on any level. I offer my assistance in clearing negative energies or implants, or the like, from your energy bodies. Ask and it will be done – for that is my service and my desire.

Mother Sekhmet
Mother represents the great Mother Warrior Goddess who comes at the beginning and the end of every Yuga, which is a 26,826 year cycle, otherwise known at this present time cycle as the Kali-Yuga orbit around the great central sun, Alcyone. Mother Sekhmet and her twin flame, Lord Alcyone, have come here at this time from an Anti-Matter Universe to our Matter Universe to balance out the masculine and the feminine.

The commander of the Ashtar Command! An Ascended Master and Christed Extraterrestrial who actively supports the planetary ascension process.

Lord Arcturus
Lord Arcturus works hand in hand with the Ashtar Command. Arcturus is a Master Healer and works with the Arcturian Temple Workers. The Arcturians are well known for their advanced healing technologies, especially Light Surgeries. The technologies they use effect the subtle bodies. After these bodies are healed, the transmutation comes into the physical body. This is a very effective form of Healing.

Ashtar Command
The winged extraterrestrial airforce, so to speak, of the Ascended Masters that are in charge of protecting the Earth and helping in its Spiritual enlightenment.

Dr. Lorphan
I come to you from Sirius to offer my support to mankind. I am honored to assist and look greatly forward to watching and of course participating in your evolvement. I am available to those that ask in the healing modalities to assist in the development and alignment of healing energies. These higher energies are being made available to you at this point in your history. All is possible.

Galactic Healers
A group of Spiritual Masters from the Great White Lodge on Sirius headed by Dr. Lorphan, the head of the healing Academy on Sirius, who are available to work on physical, psychological and Spiritual health concerns for anyone who calls upon them.

Saint Germain
Holds the position of Mahachohan in the Spiritual Government of Planet Earth; former Chohan of the Seventh Ray that deals with ceremonial order and magic, which is coming into manifestation more with the Golden Age. Many know of Saint Germain through a number of well-known incarnations such as Merlin and Francis Bacon (William Shakespeare).

From Hinduism, the Monkey God who was the servant of Rama 20,000 years ago. Hanuman is considered the archetype of the perfect servant of God. It is helpful to work on integrating changes into your Monadic Blueprint Body and carry all healing back to the Source, Back to the Godhead.

Ganesha's head symbolizes the Atman or the soul, which is the ultimate supreme reality of human existence, and his human body signifies Maya or the earthly existence of human beings. The elephant head denotes wisdom and its trunk represents Om, the sound symbol of cosmic reality. Ganesha is known as the destroyer of obstacles.

The highest Source level, from which all other levels extend and to which all will return to. The Source of All That Is. God, The Creator.

Monadic Blueprint Body
Encases the Mayavarupa Body as protection and contains futuristic coding relative to the universal force of light and energy. It is composed of sacred language created by God and dispenses light directly to the other bodies beneath its layer; also composed of DNA, RNA contributors and electrons assimilated through divine dispensation to configure your physical structure for the purpose of holding the intense energy of this light body.

It’s general appearance is multi-colored reflections from the other bodies of light beneath it with a dominant color associated with your individual ray structure, projected to the other bodies.It’s purpose is to solidify the structure for future light bodies to be built upon.

Self-Healing "Helpers" - The Ascended Master, Archangel, and/or Galactic of your choice.

Beloved Presence of God
The Holy Spirit
Cosmic Council of Twelve
24 Elders Surrounding Throne of Grace
the Mahatma
Archangels Michael and Faith
Elohim Councils of the Light of God
Archangels of the Tree of Life
Archangels and Angels of the Light of God
Hyos Ha Kodoish
Paradise Sons
Great Divine Director
Lord and Lady of Sirius
Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians
Sanat Kumara
Helios and Vesta
Ashtar and Athena
the Asthar Command
Jophiel and Christine
Chamuel and Charity
Gabriel and Hope
Raphael and Mother Mary
Uriel and Aurora
Zadkiel and Amethyst
Hercules and Amazonia
Apollo and Lumina
Heros and Amora
Purity and Astrea
Cyclopia and Virginia
Peace and Aloha
Arcturus and Victoria
Mahachohan Allah Gobi
Lord Buddha
Sri Yukteswar Lahiri Mahasaya
Dr. Lorphan
The Galactic Healers
Platinum Angels
Sai Baba
Lady Masters
Quan Yin
Pallas Athena
Lady Master Nada
Six Buddhas of Activity
El Morya
Lord Maitreya
Djwhal Khul
Office of the Christ
Office of The Divine Mother
All Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram
Seven Ray Ashrams of the Christ
Serapis Bey
Paul the Venetian
Saint Germain
Eagle Command
Celestial Command
Order of the Golden Robe
the Mountain of Mt. Shasta
Earth Mother
Dolphins and Whales Pan
Animal Kingdom
Plant Kingdom
Mineral Kingdom
Devic and Nature Spirits
Elemental Kingdom
the Manifestation Council
Divine Mother
Silent Watcher of the Cosmos
Lady of the Sun
Lady Liberty
Lady of the Light
Native American Master Elders
Multi-Universal Logos
Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light
Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance
Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command
Goddess Lodge
Christed ET Lodge
Eastern Masters Lodge
Occult Western Lodge
the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy