Friday, January 22, 2010

The Jesus Tomb


  1. The tombs and ossuaries were recently found. Despite Christian-fueled rumors, the scientists stick to their original positions, including rejecting Pfann's "correction" in an area he is clearly less qualified.

    Any objective person can tell that "It isn't proven" is an empty remark in the field of archeology. Almost nothing is "proven." The objective person goes *with* the weight of evidence, *not against* the weight of evidence.

    There is significant evidence demonstrating the Talpiot Tomb is the resting place of Ribi Yehoshua, his wife, his son, his mother and his brother -- versus NO evidence "disproving" the Talpiot Tomb. “ [Quote: Paqid Yirmeyahu]

    I recommend the follow research about the Talpiot Tomb:; Click at “History Museum” (left menu);“Mashiakh.” (top menu); Scroll down to Talpiot Tomb Complex;

    Anders Branderud

  2. Well Anders Branderud,

    First off 10 months later and I respond, I'm really sorry for the long delay, so if you are still following this comment of yours, bear in mind that the information you provide means this can not be the tomb of the Christ Jesus who the Christians believe was crucified for them to be unaccountable for their sins. Many a person will be out of Grace from a pure and holy GOD based upon their false beliefs. The punishment for unrepentant sin is eternal separation from GOD which is clearly good sound teaching in truth. I believe that GOD does exist, what would be really unique is if evidence of the person in the tomb really was the man Jesus the Christ who was crucified and lived on to have children. Now that would make for a real interesting twist to the story that has been proliferated by the leaders of Organized Christian Religion. After all according to their scriptures and a truth that I can accept from the Bible is that Mary Magdalene did call Jesus the Christ, Rabboni after he reveals himself alive upon his release/escape from the tomb. I should go read more of this history you speak/write of to learn and continue in my growth and understanding of the known truths.
