Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bad Juidges

  1. Kenneth Deatelhauser
  2. Twice this man violated the laws of either the state or country, my constitutional right to access to information of a person to be a witness was ignored and my right to double indemnity according to state law was violated.
  3. Harold Borek
  4. He wouldn't allow me to speak to my own defense when I was charged with the profanity that another person spoke, he convicted me violating my right to a defense.
  5. Ruth Deitrich
  6. She denied access to me of documentation of the lying Telford Detective Randy Floyd being reprimanded for committing perjury in her courtroom.
  7. Lawrence Brown
  8. Instead of doing his job, he decided to read a novel and violated my right to a fair hearing in County Court along with my right to my own religious beliefs.
  9. Ellen Fanning
  10. Ignores the truth when the truth is made known, she had the power to help to heal the injustice and is derelict to her duties as an officer of the court and truth.
  11. Mitchell S. Goldburg
  12. The Federal Judge to dismiss my complaint allowing my Constitutional rights to go violated without a chance for proper redress.
  13. Theodore Fritch
  14. Took away the freedom of my Grandmother and gave away my ability to help rebuild and nurture my Grandmother as a person, allowing my younger sister and step mother to disperse my Grandmothers property acording to their will in violation of what my Grandmother and Grandfather had arranged.

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