Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Politics and Religion

Many people say you shouldn't mix politics and religion. Many people say that our laws are built upon Christian fundamentals. If the later statement is true then the first is false because if our government is divined by the will of GOD then religion and politics are mixed and not separate issues.

With GOD everywhere and in everything, I would say that there is no escaping the handiwork of GOD. What we need to do then is to tune ourselves into a receptacle for knowing or learning how our laws should work.

Here are some topics for your consideration:

  1. Political Parties

    1. Republicans;

    2. Democrats;

    3. Independents;

  2. Current Events:

    1. Larry Craig

    2. Corruption in the Military, Columbian Drugs

  3. Things on a political note:

    1. Independence

    2. Creating Peace

    3. Volunteers

    4. Discrimination

    5. Would you help the police?

  4. Economics:

  5. Services for Society

    1. Health Care

    2. Social Security

  6. Gun Control:

    1. Gun control or Mind control

    2. 1 gun per month

    3. Crimes of Passion

  7. The Reason's President Bush should be impeached:

    1. American Rhetoric's Blog Explains a lot of flaws in this administration.

    2. Geminian President GWB Oil Money and Drugs Why the War on Terror?

  8. I wrote:

    1. Candid Advice How President Bush Permits Misinformation

    2. President Bush and his shell game

    3. President Bush under Oath

    4. Articles of Impeachment

    5. Final Nails Hammered in his coffin

    6. The great deceiver raised to life

  9. Political news sites that want the truth told and exposed:

    1. Air America

    2. Democracy Now

    3. (ICH) Information Clearing House

    4. Pa Clean Sweep

  10. The War in Iraq:

  11. Preparing to take the war into Iran:

  12. Pro's:



Back To:

  1. Politics
  2. Social Sciences
  3. Indexing and Organizing My Writings and Posts

I believe that politics need
Submitted by lcoughey on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 12:41.
I believe that politics need to be taken out of religion, but religion is essential to politics. As a Christian, I believe that God is the head of all governments. I also believe that if we were to follow God's laws, our world would be a better place.
Unfortunately, there are many false gods and religions that distort God's truths.
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That begs the question of Morality
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 12:50.
Where is morality learned and who or how do you teach people morals?
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Peace and Blessings,
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The question is whose religion are we going to allow?
Submitted by American Rhetor... on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 22:48.
There isn't any one religion that is better than the rest. They all have the corruption of man woven into them through interpretations and wrangling to support the need to impose one mindless set of values over another. This is why the US constitution says there will be no one Religion chosen to be "the Religion" of the USA... I can only say thank God for that! Everyone should practice religion as they see fit... Just keep it the hell out of my government and out of my bedroom! I'm sick to death of this "religious war" declared on everyone that doesn't have a bible on the end of a chain swinging it over their head like a weapon. All at the same time they are out doing all the things they preach about on Sunday as being something death worthy.
Clean your own damn stoop and stay the hell off mine! Worry about your own family values… It’s obvious most of those preaching it have none!
Don't be fooled by the fools!!! Thank you for visiting American Rhetoric Review
Impeachment is the rational method to deal with our dilemma.
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and one more thing
Submitted by American Rhetor... on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 22:51.
Any churches that decide they need to participate in politics need to be paying taxes on every cent they take in the coffers. If they want to play politics they need to pay to play!
Don't be fooled by the fools!!! Thank you for visiting American Rhetoric Review
Impeachment is the rational method to deal with our dilemma.
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Poor old US of A...
Submitted by huttriver14 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 04:51.
life is so compicated for you. NZ is a secular society - politics and religion should know their place.
Kiwi Riverman
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Our constitution says we are secular as well
Submitted by American Rhetor... on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 11:42.
But we have some religious power mongers who think they can take over the government and promote their agenda. Beware.... They will come to your neck of the woods as well.... It's like a cancer!
Don't be fooled by the fools!!! Thank you for visiting American Rhetoric Review
Impeachment is the rational method to deal with our dilemma.
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We should all know that tollerance is not forcing others
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 00:05.
Or putting words in the mouths of others, that would be a lie.
Telling a person what they should believe is not showing someone how to believe.
I listen to good teachers and know.
If you are interested in more of my thoughts or writings this is the link to link more links
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Peace and Blessings,

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