Sunday, June 28, 2009

Two gay penguins have successfully hatched an egg...

Huttriver14 Sun, 06/14/2009 - 8:37pm

Two gay penguins have successfully hatched an egg and entered mother/fatherhood and are proudly rearing the chick.

Z and Vielpunkt, both males gladly accepted their "Easter present" and set about hatching the egg as if they were born to it, at a zoo in Bremerhaven in northern Germany.

The two "fathers'' are by all accounts diligently handling their offspring. Z and Vielpunkt are reportedly part of a six- strong gay penguin community among the zoo's endangered Humboldt penguins who became famous when four Swedish females were brought in to unsuccessfully "cure" them of their homosexuality.

Like humans before them, the "cure" never works! Its all in the wiring as they say!

Trick Falls on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 9:18pm
They need a web cam at their place

If Atlanta's baby pandas can have web cams, these guys can have a penguin cam. Interesting story.


Jellen on Mon, 06/15/2009 - 8:55am
I had to laugh, Hutt

over the "Swedish" female line. Interesting story.

fornls on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 1:57pm
Really funny story Hutt..

Really funny story Hutt.. What happens to their species in the future?

huttriver14 on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 10:17pm
Artificial insemination...

for penguins.

TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun. 06/28/2009 - 11:10am
Too bad animals don't take to meddling like us humans do...

If the pair of same gendered adults were subjected to the same meddling formula that offends or breaks up human relationships then the queer subjects might revert to a normal life of bonding with the opposite gender partner. The brainwashing took years to develop in the absence of a good role model it could take a long time to repair the damage created.

I have evidence that homosexuals can hurt heterosual families.

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