Sunday, June 28, 2009

Having to build upon the basics...

In helping others to write, the most important key is to be able to organize our thoughts, with out the fear of being abused.

Only a bully would deliberately attempt to remove a person's ability to organize and build upon a solid foundation. Bullies inhibit the normal growth patterns and stop the forward momentum of creation.

It is my belief that Page Rank Checker is a tool created to mislead the public from the truth and as a result will end up getting expunged.

The minority is losing their stranglehold that they enjoyed on the majority.

I expect a financial shift to occur as it looms on the horizon. A person can not pay out more than they have earned. Healthcare, Food, Clothing, Fuel, Taxes, Housing, Telecommunications, and Local services, they all add up and the outgoing must be less than the incoming.

Two gay penguins have successfully hatched an egg...

Huttriver14 Sun, 06/14/2009 - 8:37pm

Two gay penguins have successfully hatched an egg and entered mother/fatherhood and are proudly rearing the chick.

Z and Vielpunkt, both males gladly accepted their "Easter present" and set about hatching the egg as if they were born to it, at a zoo in Bremerhaven in northern Germany.

The two "fathers'' are by all accounts diligently handling their offspring. Z and Vielpunkt are reportedly part of a six- strong gay penguin community among the zoo's endangered Humboldt penguins who became famous when four Swedish females were brought in to unsuccessfully "cure" them of their homosexuality.

Like humans before them, the "cure" never works! Its all in the wiring as they say!

Trick Falls on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 9:18pm
They need a web cam at their place

If Atlanta's baby pandas can have web cams, these guys can have a penguin cam. Interesting story.


Jellen on Mon, 06/15/2009 - 8:55am
I had to laugh, Hutt

over the "Swedish" female line. Interesting story.

fornls on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 1:57pm
Really funny story Hutt..

Really funny story Hutt.. What happens to their species in the future?

huttriver14 on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 10:17pm
Artificial insemination...

for penguins.

TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun. 06/28/2009 - 11:10am
Too bad animals don't take to meddling like us humans do...

If the pair of same gendered adults were subjected to the same meddling formula that offends or breaks up human relationships then the queer subjects might revert to a normal life of bonding with the opposite gender partner. The brainwashing took years to develop in the absence of a good role model it could take a long time to repair the damage created.

I have evidence that homosexuals can hurt heterosual families.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

April 23, 2009

The torture memo's raise a lot of questions, what was once speculation to many or was expected to be information veiled in a shroud or cloud of secrecy is now being exposed and I hope that others will not be tortured and I feel horrible for those of us who have been tortured in the past 8 years. It is horrible that our government allows our citizens to be tortured as well as people from other nations.

We need to stop the abuse and torture of all people.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Notes: Father's Day

Arrive 20 minutes early
After 20 minutes of waiting past the agreed upon pick up time I call to find out if Jon will be spending the day with me...

Another 15 minutes passes before he arrives, he forgot to bring along his sister's bike that needed repairs, he brings over the bicycle and off we go...

First order of business, making sure he has something to eat to start the day I get my second cup of coffee he gets a milk shake and a breakfast sandwich.

Next stop my Grandmothers house for a real quick short visit that surprises my Grandmother and my Step mother...

Third stop we walk around the fishing ponds of the club that we belong to near my Grandmothers house.

Go hook up the boat.

Jon rides the bicycle that I bought for him around for a while while I hook up the boat and look at Val's bicycle.

Head over to Walmart for tire patches and an airpump to mount on Val's bike, and some juice (we wanted sweet tea a half gallon cold... nada... )

Now for something to eat, whoops new laws prevented us from eating at my first selection of places to grab a bite to eat...

Second shot at a place to eat works out well we had an appetizer, cheese steak sandwiches and some cheese fries... With beverages...

Off to set sail the wind was blowing really erratically...

Pack the boat up and return it to it's parking spot...

Fix the flat tire on Val's bike

Time is passing quickly I return Jon to his mothers house and when we get across the street there I put Val's bike all back together and adjust it making sure that everything is in the best working order that I can put it into.

Jon calls Val and she would like a ride home from work which isn't too far from where she is currently residing.

I take Jon and pick up Val and drop them both off before I head back here to bed myself.

This was a full and busy day and setting up these notes in order iced my evening...

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Notes: From Communati (???)

How was I hurt by the stories I believed, when I found out the truth, and how they lied to me.

How they abused me and took advantage of me.

What was the cost?

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Notes: 6-20-09

While listening to Radio Times yesterday I have to point out the errors or flat out lies being promoted by both guests... This work up will be a perfect insert and addition to the already started FaceBook entry that I created in the I Love Marty Group.

The supreme leader - If violence is used against innocent people then the blood will be on the hands of the ones who order the violence. Lying about being a follower of GOD will result in eternal death, cheating is stealing. The inalienable rights of the human can not be removed when all the eyes of the world are watching.

My Son Jon wants to know what Truth is, I look forward to a very Happy Fathers Day tomorrow when I get to share the Truth with my son.

My Daughter Val has graduated and has a full schedule I hope she remembers to think and act in ways that will benefit her future.

Work and Court... Much to do...

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Health Care Reform

Gary --

Thank you so much for sharing your story about health care and for allowing us to share it with the public to support health care reform.

Whether it's a story of personal experience with the deficiencies in our current system or of the experience of someone close to you, it is invaluable to us as we tell the larger story of why reform is necessary to the American public.

We're launching a new feature on our website next week to dramatically increase the visibility and impact of the stories that we have received.

This new section of our website -- "Health Care Stories for America" -- will make hundreds of thousands of stories available for folks to read and share challenges so many Americans face in getting quality, affordable health care.

Before they go live, we wanted to give you the opportunity to add a picture to your story and make any other final edits to it before it gets posted.

Could you add a photo to your story, and make any other edits you'd like to add?

As with your story, your photo may be used in a variety of ways to build support for health care reform.

We've gotten hundreds of thousands of stories like yours, and we can't wait to show the American people -- and those opposing the President's plan -- why it is that we need reform.

Putting a human face on the health care crisis is exactly what's needed. We've all been affected by our health care system in some way or another, and it's through your story and others like it that the need for reform can be truly driven home.

So please upload a photo to go with your story and make any edits you feel are necessary to make your story even more powerful.

If for any reason you've changed your mind about sharing your story publicly, that's okay, too. Please let us know and we will not include it on the site:

Thank you,


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

P.S. -- Please note that while we hope to post as many stories as possible, we cannot promise that all stories submitted will be posted to the site.

Make Your Story Even More Powerful: Add Your Photo
Hundreds of thousands of strong supporters like you shared your personal health care stories with Organizing For America. As we continue to push for real health care reform, we're going to begin sharing your stories publicly to highlight how the need for reform affects people all across the country.
Some of the ways we'll be sharing stories will be highly visual -- to make each story as powerful as possible, it's important we have photos for as many as we can.
Close-ups of of your face -- the storyteller -- will work best. But any photo is better than none, so please upload a photo of yourself today.
Your story as it currently appears is to the right -- you can make any edits you'd like using the form beneath it.
Your photo:

Quakertown, PA

Life or Death your path your choice.
An injustice in my life the result of government corruption, judicial misconduct and a total abuse of power has put me in a horrible situation where I lost my marriage and church membership. The safety nets that failed to stop the abuse and torture also prevented any complaint from being made to expose the problems in the system. The waste of resources and capital to make false accusations conform to a diagnosis that was contrived on false information and not corroborated with the actual facts to prove or disprove the assumptions being made, the evidence was totally ignored and I was forced to endure chemical invasion against my will.
What is malpractice if malpractice is not prosecuted? What is railroading and torture if the abuse is not exposed? Can you continue to hide from the truth?
My story is quite complex and a federal law suit is in the works, I'm not a lawyer and the authorities always seem to have a way to oppress the poor.
Read my writings, the transcript and know the truth that is found at:
Search. TheGreatWhiteBuffalo and find my writings Indexed and Organized here at:
Learn what I have been through and consider the suffering at the hands of the liars that would manipulate the lives of us (the children and I.)
Who is responsible and who should be held accountable? I'm thinking the Doctors and Judges should have put a stop to the madness along with an investigation by the insurance companies of which no one has been held accountable to do the job that they are paid for.
Healthcare reform begins with removing the corruption.
Peace and Blessings,
Gary Xxxxx Xxxxxx

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Current Events LW's

Light Warrior

PostSubject: Current Events Sat May 16, 2009 10:40 am

What has happened in your world?

This is the last part of the Guardian Angel Test that I started...

I feel like a collector of news and ideas or event happenings that are important and all things are important as you will soon find out.

All things from the smallest to the largest detail.

Right down to the time of an event.

Chronological History recorded unaltered.

Light Warrior

PostSubject: After the First Guardian Angel Test... Sat May 16, 2009 10:45 am

After the First Guardian Angel Test, what happened?

The reporting of the H1N1 virus also called the Swine Flu virus became a global concern, starting or having originated in Mexico in Mexico City I believe the City was struck with a large Earthquake. In my area we had lots of rain out west there was a lot of flooding and other storm related damage and of course a few Tornadoes were reported. In Southern California the Santa Anna winds kicked up near Santa Barbara and there was a huge wild fire that caused the destruction of over 80 homes.

Light Warrior

PostSubject: The Second Guardian Angel Test... Sat May 16, 2009 10:55 am

The Second Guardian Angel Test invited civil unrest in Pakistan as this issue of civil discord has been one that has been a growing problem for many years the day after I posted my writing the media reported that Pakistan is in a civil war.

On another forum I met and became friends with members of a family of a troubled young man who left an impression on me back in the fifth grade.

Prior to the test things were not going well at work, I got the truck stuck down in a basement I started recording some of that event here at this link: in MyLot

On 5-17 I believe it was that an Earthquake of 5.0 magnitude hit L.A. with no injuries and only minor structural damage expected to some buildings. I think of that last line flip a fin and wonder????

I think I'm going to take these comments here as a post in my blog so that I can link them to the Guardian angel test associated with the current events.

Last edited by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Mon May 18, 2009 11:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


PostSubject: Re: Current Events Sat May 16, 2009 5:32 pm

I thought these Guardian angel tests were supposed to help bring light to the world, not disaster...I am not getting it Gary.

Light Warrior

PostSubject: Re: Current Events Sun May 17, 2009 12:17 am

No it is not about the disasters, it is about our world and what is going on to see what is out there, and to help awaken our spirits to what is and looking for ways to fix what is wrong.

In all of the disasters there is nothing that my writings could have done to cause or aid in the compromise of safety.

So what is the deal? Would I have thought for one second longer about what is happening in our world if I didn't write what I wrote? Something changes and you begin to follow more closely what is going on in our world, that is the light.

What is going on in the Canary Islands? Is there a threat to the Eastern seaboard of the United States?

I think the wisdom of Solomon has to be used where we change the things that we can and know about the things we can not change. This knowledge gives us wisdom.

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Light Warriors Archives


What is in the news and has happened in our world this week?

Flight 447 has been located at least bit and pieces as of yet the flight recorders (black boxes) have not yet been recovered.

Iran has held elections which has resulted in civil unrest and lots of peaceful protests that have drawn fire and much criticism as the world watches on... So much is happening and little has really changed.

President Obama has made concessions to the homosexual community to give benefits to all same sex partners who work for the government. The promotion of gambling and porn is fodder for their coffers. The economy has been squeezed and who is really in power?

Today I learned that the Chief Justice John Roberts has lead the court to prevent the use of DNA evidence to clear a claimed innocent man from an Alaskan prison, the USSC wants the state of Alaska to have control of what evidence should be considered legal for a defense???? I wonder if the states are allowed too much power how many innocent people will suffer not being allowed to have a defense from false accusations...

More rain in my neck of the woods...

Other things to watch would be the new economic coalition of (B???) Russia, India and China I think I have to do more research on this information...

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kenneth Deatelhauser


  1. A Google search on 6-3-09 brought up these thirty entries



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Harold D. Borek

  • Judge Harold Borek
    Montgomery County District Court 38-1-17
    66 County Line Road
    Souderton, PA 18964

  • In my post about people who individually abuse others, a judge that violates the laws of the state is the perfect example of a person that is an individual that abuses others.

    "There is no Law to prevent people from crossing over a stop line, you can stop 14 feet over a stop line, it isn't against the law." - Harold D. Borek while sustaining an objection by a lying detective opposing testimony that might give proof that the defendant acted as required by the law. Evidence can be found here at this link if you read what my wife Meepsqueak wrote She corroborates my testimony of the antics we witnessed in court.

    No defense, is the perfect offense; to cover up a crime of dereliction of duty, and assault. The lying detective drove his car as a weapon, to be a participant in criminal behavior, instead of being an officer of the law.

    The whole story can be found here:
    The Accident and My Conduct

    What happened in District Court and what was the Mockery of the system that Harold D. Borek became a participant of, certainly court is a joking matter. Read my notes a rough version of the court hearing here:
    District Court Case

    I'm looking for other injustices that this District Justice is complicit in.

    Exposure to the light of day is the cure to the darkness that is the problem in our society.

    Other Links to follow:

    1. On the board of directors for dealing with Suicide Who became suicidal in my family as a result of Harold Borek's court room mockery of justice? What all did I lose and have to deal with?

    2. Harold Borek on FaceBook

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    Politics and Religion

    Many people say you shouldn't mix politics and religion. Many people say that our laws are built upon Christian fundamentals. If the later statement is true then the first is false because if our government is divined by the will of GOD then religion and politics are mixed and not separate issues.

    With GOD everywhere and in everything, I would say that there is no escaping the handiwork of GOD. What we need to do then is to tune ourselves into a receptacle for knowing or learning how our laws should work.

    Here are some topics for your consideration:

    1. Political Parties

      1. Republicans;

      2. Democrats;

      3. Independents;

    2. Current Events:

      1. Larry Craig

      2. Corruption in the Military, Columbian Drugs

    3. Things on a political note:

      1. Independence

      2. Creating Peace

      3. Volunteers

      4. Discrimination

      5. Would you help the police?

    4. Economics:

    5. Services for Society

      1. Health Care

      2. Social Security

    6. Gun Control:

      1. Gun control or Mind control

      2. 1 gun per month

      3. Crimes of Passion

    7. The Reason's President Bush should be impeached:

      1. American Rhetoric's Blog Explains a lot of flaws in this administration.

      2. Geminian President GWB Oil Money and Drugs Why the War on Terror?

    8. I wrote:

      1. Candid Advice How President Bush Permits Misinformation

      2. President Bush and his shell game

      3. President Bush under Oath

      4. Articles of Impeachment

      5. Final Nails Hammered in his coffin

      6. The great deceiver raised to life

    9. Political news sites that want the truth told and exposed:

      1. Air America

      2. Democracy Now

      3. (ICH) Information Clearing House

      4. Pa Clean Sweep

    10. The War in Iraq:

    11. Preparing to take the war into Iran:

    12. Pro's:



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    I believe that politics need
    Submitted by lcoughey on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 12:41.
    I believe that politics need to be taken out of religion, but religion is essential to politics. As a Christian, I believe that God is the head of all governments. I also believe that if we were to follow God's laws, our world would be a better place.
    Unfortunately, there are many false gods and religions that distort God's truths.
    Data Recovery Services
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    That begs the question of Morality
    Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 12:50.
    Where is morality learned and who or how do you teach people morals?
    If you are interested in more of my thoughts or writings this is the link to link more links
    My Home Post or Sitemap
    Peace and Blessings,
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    The question is whose religion are we going to allow?
    Submitted by American Rhetor... on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 22:48.
    There isn't any one religion that is better than the rest. They all have the corruption of man woven into them through interpretations and wrangling to support the need to impose one mindless set of values over another. This is why the US constitution says there will be no one Religion chosen to be "the Religion" of the USA... I can only say thank God for that! Everyone should practice religion as they see fit... Just keep it the hell out of my government and out of my bedroom! I'm sick to death of this "religious war" declared on everyone that doesn't have a bible on the end of a chain swinging it over their head like a weapon. All at the same time they are out doing all the things they preach about on Sunday as being something death worthy.
    Clean your own damn stoop and stay the hell off mine! Worry about your own family values… It’s obvious most of those preaching it have none!
    Don't be fooled by the fools!!! Thank you for visiting American Rhetoric Review
    Impeachment is the rational method to deal with our dilemma.
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    and one more thing
    Submitted by American Rhetor... on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 22:51.
    Any churches that decide they need to participate in politics need to be paying taxes on every cent they take in the coffers. If they want to play politics they need to pay to play!
    Don't be fooled by the fools!!! Thank you for visiting American Rhetoric Review
    Impeachment is the rational method to deal with our dilemma.
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    Poor old US of A...
    Submitted by huttriver14 on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 04:51.
    life is so compicated for you. NZ is a secular society - politics and religion should know their place.
    Kiwi Riverman
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    Our constitution says we are secular as well
    Submitted by American Rhetor... on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 11:42.
    But we have some religious power mongers who think they can take over the government and promote their agenda. Beware.... They will come to your neck of the woods as well.... It's like a cancer!
    Don't be fooled by the fools!!! Thank you for visiting American Rhetoric Review
    Impeachment is the rational method to deal with our dilemma.
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    We should all know that tollerance is not forcing others
    Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 00:05.
    Or putting words in the mouths of others, that would be a lie.
    Telling a person what they should believe is not showing someone how to believe.
    I listen to good teachers and know.
    If you are interested in more of my thoughts or writings this is the link to link more links
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    Peace and Blessings,


    1. Economics

    2. Political Activism

    3. Judicial Facts

      1. Robert Roth

      2. Lawrence A. Brown

      3. Ellen Fanning

      4. Harold D. Borek

      5. Kenneth Deatelhauser

      6. Theodore Fritch***I need a Link for this one***

    4. Politics and Religion - Why are we at War?

      1. Ghosts of the Bush Era @ ABC

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    Political Activism

    What is it and where do I begin?

    1. Political Activism posted in MyLot

    2. Judicial Facts should these Judges be re-elected?

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    Monday, June 1, 2009


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    June 1st 2009

    What is going on today, Air France flight 447 goes down in the Atlantic between South America and East Africa... A lesson in geography and a terrible loss for over 220 people on board a plane that suffered complications in flight probably due to severe weather.

    There was a shooting at a church of an abortion doctor who was an usher. This guy representing Religion News Services (Kevin Echman) was saying how the church should be a place of worship and not of violence that people should have more respect for the church, but on the side note if the guy was to ever read my story he would learn that the church is a source of violence and abuse. What a zombie! He really needs to take off his rose colored glasses to see the world as it really is, the pro-life movement is slightly flawed and people like this crony don't understand how they are the source of the problem.

    I have no love for such a flawed belief system that doesn't fully understand the meaning of discipline of the guilty liars and cheats that are running amok!

    An interview with the British Prime Minister reveals Britain's next step to making the world a better place is through Accountability and the Freedom of Information which would be a step in the right direction as we see the chaos of lies that exist in our world through the secrecy disguised as privacy.

    We need good changes to make our world a much better place, what is America doing to make the world a better place? Hmmm?

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