Friday, July 17, 2009

Google - TheGreatWhiteBuffalo - 7-17-09

Have you ever googled your identity? Here are the first five pages of hits from a google search on my identity TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. I've used the strike out code on any hits that are not related to me or my works.

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  1. myLot - TheGreatWhiteBuffalo
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo commented in a discussion called If the innocent are the .... Started by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (1137) in had sex • 9 responses • Last ... - Cached - Similar -

  2. myLot - TheGreatWhiteBuffalo - my discussions
    Started by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (1130) in controversial issues • 7 responses • Last response by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (1130) • 3 days ago ... - Cached - Similar -
    More results from »

  3. Helping others, tell the Truth
    I am: TheGreatWhiteBuffalo, on NPR, Wikipedia, Kavlos and Damians New Music Bazaar, as well as Beliefnet. I used to post on AT&T worldnet it seems I was ... - Cached - Similar -

  4. User:TheGreatWhiteBuffalo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Sep 15, 2007 ... [edit] User:TheGreatWhiteBuffalo/The Evolution of Religion ... [edit] User:TheGreatWhiteBuffalo/My entry to Public Radio Talent Quest ... - Cached - Similar -

  5. TheGreatWhiteBuffalo | National Novel Writing Month
    Oct 25, 2007 ... About TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. Location: Quakertown. Home Region: ... TheGreatWhiteBuffalo's Writing Buddies ... - Cached - Similar -

  6. TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Blog Talk Radio
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalos profile on Blog Talk Radio - the leading talk radio network with thousands of shows from around the world. - Cached - Similar -

  7. So You Think You Are A Christian? Well You're A Liar! - Judge ...
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. Rating: 0. View Member Profile. post Mar 21 2008, 02:37 PM ... QUOTE (TheGreatWhiteBuffalo @ Mar 21 2008, 03:37 PM) * ... - Cached - Similar -

  8. I'm Frazzled... |
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo's blog; 318 reads ... TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 10:19pm ... TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 10:55pm ... - Cached - Similar -

  9. Insignificantly sized truck |
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 10:18pm. Title: Yep the back of that thing with the lift ... TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 10:11am ... - Cached - Similar -
    More results from »

  10. AT&T Worldnet Service Channels - Community
    Posted May 14, 2006 10:00 AM by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo 1 ... Re: Pardon my intrusion Sherryt · TheGreatWhiteBuffalo 1, May 20, 2006 1:18 PM. - Cached - Similar -

  11. Humanity on Trial- Countdown to 2012 - COURT IS NOW IN SESSION
    - 12/20/08
    Humanity truly is on trial... Is there corruption in the court room? 3 Replies. Started by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. Last reply by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Feb 28. ... - Cached - Similar -

  12. So You Think You Are A Christian? Well You're A Liar! - Judge ...
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. Rating: 0. View Member Profile. post Mar 21 2008, 02:37 PM. Post #1. Regular Member * Group: Members Posts: 115 ... - Cached - Similar -

  13. AT&T Worldnet Service Channels - Community
    Posted May 17, 2006 9:05 PM by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo 1 ... Re: For Thomas, while I believe in the Swoon theory,, TheGreatWhiteBuffalo 1, May 17, 2006 9:05 PM ... - Cached - Similar -

  14. More Videos like "Something woman can't do" | Veoh
    { "videoCategories":"category_music", "videoCategoryIds":"120", "publisher":"TheGreatWhiteBuffalo", "videoId":"v758055sbsKJXad", "primaryKey":"758055", ... - Cached - Similar -

  15. MyBlogPosts: Health Care Reform
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo and find my writings Indexed and Organized here at: ... I am: TheGreatWhiteBuffalo, on NPR, Wikipedia, Kavlos and Damians New Music ... - Cached - Similar -

  16. Who is Blogging Here at Communati? «
    Aug 31, 2007 ... TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. The Patriotic truck driver Spokesman whose has sworn a life's oath to fixing crimes and exposing truth. ... - Cached - Similar -

  17. NPR: F@%#!
    - Jul 2
    Sent by Gary (TheGreatWhiteBuffalo) | 7:19 PM ET | 10-17-2007. I started swearing when I was a still a wee girl attending a Catholic ... - Similar -

  18. (Special note leave it to the people at NPR to have comments from the person below my post to be shown as my words in a google search for information on me... Hrrrmmppphhhh!)

  19. - Reviews at Web Hosting Ratings
    Customer's web site: Length of time hosted by this company: 1 month - 3 months. Date when last hosted by this company (as of July ... - Cached - Similar -

  20. Character Development | It Kept Me Guessing Until the End |
    ... davis08; MelissaAlvarez; Empapoldcom; rmotod; saasme; hoursillips; Abralmmub; marionottaway; sallie41; MGJosue; InvenceEscabe; TheGreatWhiteBuffalo ... - Cached - Similar -

  21. SingSnap | pam7's Fans
    50 years old. From Australia. 729 public recordings. TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. 47 years old. - 2 public recordings. yellowcanary. offline. yellowcanaryGOLD ... - Cached - Similar -

  22. Two strike outs in twenty, not bad I guess.

  23. Gary - Quakertown, PA |
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo and find my writings Indexed and Organized here at: Learn what I have been ... - Cached - Similar -

  24. :: View topic - Debunking the Magic
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. Joined: 10 Aug 2005. Posts: 53. wow, thats was pretty cool! Total devotion like that is hard to find in today's society. ... - Cached - Similar -

  25. The Great White Buffalo music download free mp3
    Download The Great White Buffalo mp3, music The Great White Buffalo downloads, MP3 The Great White Buffalo Downloads, download mp3 songs, mp3 song hits, ... - Cached - Similar -

  26. Launch: Making More of Music
    - 2 visits - 5/30/08
    May 25, 2007 ... You can find my entry and my thoughts by searching "TheGreatWhiteBuffalo". What I have for a concept is quite valuable. ... - Cached - Similar -

  27. Writing Fantasy |
    Mitchel Bethel; Jim Hart; Gerrard00; Anya; TheGreatWhiteBuffalo; Cheap-Antabuse-Pills; metrocashcarryry; tami_miller75; Dr Rune57; StevenClarkBradley ... - Cached - Similar -

  28. Ted Nugent The Great White Buffalo

    38 sec - Sep 22, 2007 -

    Rated 3.9 out of 5.0

    Great White Buffalo At Steamboat Days Iowa '07 ... Ted Nugent TedNugent Rock The Great White Buffalo Thegreatwhitebuffalo ... -

  29. SEO, Social Media and PR Analysis · · · · · ... - Cached - Similar -

  30. MyBlogPosts: Organizing Content according to Opinion, or Point Of ...
    I am: TheGreatWhiteBuffalo, on NPR, Wikipedia, Kavlos and Damians New Music Bazaar, as well as Beliefnet. I used to post on AT&T worldnet it seems I was ... - Cached - Similar -

  31. It's Just a Party - Nothing Fancy «
    Comment by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo — June 30, 2007 @ 10:05 am. and that you all can get through this difficulty without added frustrations… ... - Cached - Similar -

  32. litekepr | National Novel Writing Month
    0 / 50000. theinkslinger, 24699 / 50000. WordVixen, 2841 / 50000. TheGreatWhiteBuffalo, 0 / 50000. sixshadows, 0 / 50000. Glowing Halo · benning, Winner! ... - Cached - Similar -

  33. The Beliefnet Memorials -
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo 4/23/2006 14:33. Dear Dootsie, GOD's Blessing and Peace be with you, yours, and ALL forever and ever. Sincerely, ... - Cached - Similar -

  34. Hit & Run > Gillespie on Penn & Teller's Bullshit! Tonight (and ... Neu Mejican | April 27, 2007, 8:27pm | #. P & T's Bullshit. ... - Cached - Similar -

  35. My Poetry: Children working together
    I am: TheGreatWhiteBuffalo, on NPR, Wikipedia, Kavlos and Damians New Music Bazaar, as well as Beliefnet. I used to post on AT&T worldnet it seems I was ... - Cached - Similar -

  36. Gary Landis | Facebook
    - [ Translate this page ]
    Gary LandisさんはFacebookを利用しています。Facebookは、人々が簡単に情報をシェアできる、オープンでつながりのある世界の構築をお手伝いします。 - Cached - Similar -

  37. User:AlexNewArtBot/LawFeedSearchResult/archive6 - Wikipedia, the ...
    ... Public Radio Talent Quest by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (talk · contribs) started at 17:19, 20 May 2007; Arcadio Larraona Saralegui by Tajm (talk · contribs) ... - Cached - Similar -

  38. My Story: Complaint filed in Eastern Federal District Court
    - Feb 16
    I am: TheGreatWhiteBuffalo, on NPR, Wikipedia, Kavlos and Damians New Music Bazaar, as well as Beliefnet. I used to post on AT&T worldnet it seems I was ... - Cached - Similar -

  39. My Story: A journal or time line of events and more
    I am: TheGreatWhiteBuffalo, on NPR, Wikipedia, Kavlos and Damians New Music Bazaar, as well as Beliefnet. I used to post on AT&T worldnet it seems I was ... - Cached - Similar -

  40. Light Warriors - Light Warriors
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (213). The Virus (174). Blue Water (170). MoonChild (146). l1l1th (120). Search. Inside Google Display results as : Posts Topics ... - Cached - Similar -

  41. Marginal Views on Technorati that is working a way into the hearts and minds of people that care. As you will see there is much that I care to ... - Cached - Similar -

  42. Marginal Views: Blog Reactions on Technorati that is working a way into the hearts and minds of people that care. ... - Cached - Similar -

  43. French military - corporate lapdogs
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo. Light Warrior Light Warrior. Post Subject: Re: French military - corporate lapdogs Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:12 am ... - Cached - Similar -

  44. Ted Nugent The Great White Buffalo - 画像 携帯待ち受け デコメ素材
    - [ Translate this page ]
    Ted Nugent TedNugent Rock The Great White Buffalo Thegreatwhitebuffalo Great White Buffalo At Steamboat Days Iowa '07 ... - Cached - Similar -

  45. YOID Your Own ID ... - Cached - Similar -

  46. Sitemap - Heavy Metal TR
    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo · davutyavuz · dewil666iron · rbaki · Killjoy · MrsLaiho · tenacious · fairplay · pharmaniac · metallicamonster ...

That was 44 results shown of 648. I would like to know how Google determines which information to present in any given search?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ghosts of the Bush Era @ABC

Funny how the republicans want to move forward or hold hostage the needed health care reform that plagues our country and is part in parcel with the mortgage scams responsible for our financial crisis.

The problem that we face as a nation is our integrity is in question. Are we to be trusted and how do we prove that we can be trusted? President Obama makes a big BIG mistake thinking that not prosecuting the crimes of the previous administration will hurt him or us. Our money is on the line and we have a lot of things to fix. With Health care we also have to work out the bugs in the Social Security System.

These people in both houses of congress have a lot of work to do and they better start working.

Poverty is on the rise.

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Rebellion and Dominion the path to destruction

The order from a pure and holy GOD would not be to give to one people through violence and wrath but that people would find gain through mediation and communication. The teachings of a pure and holy GOD are of love of the good and not to treat the wicked with malice and cruelty. The separation of families and the torture of war and abuse with constant arguing provoking wrath is not of a pure and holy loving GOD.

Walk away from the wicked if they can not be convinced to repent leave the wicked to their own devices for the truth is not with them and soon the truth will be known. The wicked will be exposed.

Our military is encouraged to find villains designated as terrorists in foreign lands when our authorities will not rise to the occasion to remove and repair the damage done by an unrepentant master of lies. How can we know who the terrorist is in another country when we can not or will not identify the terrorist in our own country?

There are many flaws in the Bible and Samuel the prophet of GOD tried to explain, GOD does not want for us to be slaves to a Master Oppressor but the path chosen by the authorities of that time as in this time is a path of destruction, and the blind do not see.

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  • Jonathen

    1. DukeRusty on Blogger

    2. Shelfari

    3. Friend Feed

    4. CNet

    5. Happy Birthday 2009

    6. Have I tried to contact or stay in contact with my son?

      1. There is a good chance that I will get arrested
      2. I'm not arrested yet
      3. Do you take people at their word?

    7. The Phone Rings September 17, 2009 @ 11:00 P.M.

    8. 10-2-2009 My son is in the neighborhood and stops in for a visit 10-3-2009 I await a phone call that I might be able to spend some time to talk with him we have hours of discussion ahead of us, in order to unravel the confusion and the damage. I have so much to share.

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    1. Getting Abused and Getting Heard

    2. The Check Cleared

    3. My Daughter Turns 18

    4. Good News upon acquiring the court Transcript

    5. Graduation

    6. A visit Christmas 2009 with her b/f Glenn

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    Issues Concerning Health

    1. Fellatio is it good for you?

    2. Oral Sex a very sticky topic

    3. The practice of Anal sex:

      1. Is messing with a one way valve.

      2. Can be indicative of power and control issues.

      3. Can harm that part of the body, tearing walls

      4. For the above mentioned reasons it can lead to a greater risk of spreading blood born pathogens or causing disease.

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    Involuntary Committal (302, 303, 304)

    What was my experience with the court system and being mistreated? The question is how much was it worth to my family and the doctors to perform this malpractice and continuation of the farce that has been created by a lying detective and protecting the lies of liars...

    What is a (302, 303, 304 etc?)

    1. A 302 is a form filled out to put someone into the custody of a hospital for three days.

    2. A 303 will keep a person in the hospital for up to 21 days.

    3. A 304 can keep a person in the care of the hospital for up to 90 days

    What rights does a person have when involuntarily committed? None, you will be told what to do what to eat and you can be forced medications against your will. The collected information does not have to be accurate and the doctors have no system to double check the facts of any particular case. How can we be so smart and not do the basic double check to make sure that everything we are doing is accurate?

    If I compare what the people doing evaluations of me wrote down to the information that I have in my story you will find many discrepancies which leads me to wonder about the ability of people to actually sit down and read or listen to a person's testimony to do a proper evaluation.

    The process of my evaluation was interfered with also and that should have raised a red flag as to the motivations and intentions of the people who now numbered many working to profit from the egregious lies.

    See Also:
  • Law raises issues of States reach from the Washington Post

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    Friday, July 10, 2009

    Homophobic Defined

    Homophobia is broken down in two parts one Homo which has a shortened meaning for the word Homosexual and two phobia which we all know is defined fear. So when you put the two pieces together you get a fear of homosexuals or homosexual practices.

    What a laughable twist of events and definitions just like how being tolerant has been twisted to mean something other than accepting that which is not acceptable.

    Someone has allowed homosexuals the ability to control too much of our world and the truth is that there is much harm caused to other relationships as a result of allowing this homosexual agenda to be promoted.

    While I don't like homosexual behaviors I have no fear of pacifist Homosexuals.

    Tuesday, July 7, 2009

    Christian Programing

    Through both television or radio I will catch portions of shows to glean the thoughts good and bad of those who are trying to instruct others in the ways of the Great Spirit GOD.



    1. What Christian teachers think about Pagans @


    1. In Touch Ministries Dr. Charles Stanley

    2. Pro's:


        1. In touch or out of touch?
        2. In Touch or Out of Touch @


    3. New Life Live

    4. Pro's:

      1. If the truth is ever revealed I would hope that these people realize that innocent people should never be lied about and forced medications for being innocent to false accusations.


      1. I hate when I hear people in this field pushing and advocating the use of poisons for conditions that clearly need loving guidance.


    5. Walk in t he Word Dr. James McDonald

    6. Pro's:

      1. I wish I had something good to say but I hear the works of a hardened heart that will not ever become softened by the truth.


      1. 10-1-2009 In the message today Mr. McDonald was all wrapped around the Anti-Christ with a message so twisted against what would be good that he himself becomes that which he preaches about and against. Enough said!

      2. No contact form, no opposing opinions accepted, the sure sign of a one way mind set that wishes to brainwash others leading them down a dangerous and dark path.


    7. Back to the Bible

    8. Pro's:

      1. I feel that the work of Woodrow Kroll could be used for the great day of revival but there are many things that have to be reconciled with the good work of GOD instead of the interpretations of those in opposition to the Truth, the works that lead to chaos and destruction as currently preached by the false preachers.


      1. While teaching on the message of Salvation does anyone ever consider the flaw in the interpretation? Jesus was the final substitutional sacrifice the purpose of the work of Jesus was to free the innocent. Free them from suffering, from persecution. Remember it was the most perfect that were demanded the sacrifice to the Anti-God be made.

      2. No contact form, no opposing opinions accepted.


    9. Truth For Life

    10. Pro's:

      1. This is a man that understands our times and the needs of our world, we must work in a new direction for the future.

      2. The house of GOD is found in the heart, the heart of love houses GOD



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  • Sunday, July 5, 2009

    Tony Stewart Vs. Kyle Busch

    On my ride home I was listening to the Nascar race on the radio I had heard the preview while driving to the Grandview Speedway. There were about 30 laps left in the Daytona Firecracker 400 and I was itching to see how the race would end. So I found a place where I could watch the last several laps and to my surprise it was quite a shoot out.

    The man of the season last year wanting to obtain the bad boy status had found his way to the front of the field but little did Kyle Busch know that he was not racing against Davey Allison. It was Tony Stewart that Kyle had managed to get in front of and on the Daytona track there is no running away with the lead. The aggressive nature of competition in racing played out like my life unfolding before my eyes. They say that everything is fair in the last lap, but is everything really fair? It is in my consciousness to know the difference between right and wrong. In a clean race Tony would have loosened Kyle up and driven up along side and hard down to the finish line, the kind of conduct of a true champion like Davey the other guy would have had a chance instead of being punted into the wall. My life was punted into the wall and the system approved of the actions of others even though many would be damaged.

    Good sportsmanship and doing the right thing, is this really a foreign concept?

    There are two paths you can go down...

    • One leads to joy and happiness where all come away winners

    • The other path leads to destruction.

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  • Nascar

    Posts about racing

    Grandview Speedway
    Nascar Sprint Cup

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  • Winning Track Championship with the last flat head engine to run on the track

    It was 1967 dad had been working on the pit crew for several years and the new overhead valve engine design was proving to be a really reliable engine. The technology on this new engine design was producing much more power than the old flat heads and this the last flat head to race in full time competition in the modified division was marking the close of an era.

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  • Racing July 4th, 2009

    It was another Saturday night and I was getting restless, so I headed over to the old race track that little 3/8th mile speedway (Grandview Speedway) where back in 1967 my father was the mechanic on the car that would take track championship. Winning a championship with the last flat head engine to run on the track There are several memories that I can recall. As I sat in the bleachers watching and praying that one day I would be able to race like that, my soul focus as a child was on that desire to drive.

    I grew up and was able to support my family with a job doing just that driving, at least until my job would take my family away from me. My Story is about a bully trying to ruin my chances of obtaining my goal or goals. The destruction of the effort that I put forth to live my life my own way.

    I went back to the old track last night and watched the races as the cars started to run the sound of thunder roared through the air all of the engines coming up to speed the seats in the bleachers vibrated and the race started and ended before I knew it the race was over.

    On my ride home I was listening to the Nascar race on the radio I had heard the preview while driving to the Grandview Speedway. There were about 30 laps left in the Daytona Firecracker 400 and I was itching to see how the race would end. So I found a place where I could watch the last several laps and to my surprise it was quite a shoot out.

    The man of the season last year wanting to obtain the bad boy status had found his way to the front of the field but little did Kyle Busch know that he was not racing against Davey Allison. It was Tony Stewart that Kyle had managed to get in front of and on the Daytona track there is no running away with the lead. The aggressive nature of competition in racing played out like my life unfolding before my eyes. They say that everything is fair in the last lap, but is everything really fair? It is in my consciousness to know the difference between right and wrong. In a clean race Tony would have loosened Kyle up and driven up along side and hard down to the finish line, the kind of conduct of a true champion like Davey the other guy would have had a chance instead of being punted into the wall. My life was punted into the wall and the system approved of the actions of others even though many would be damaged.

    Good sportsmanship and doing the right thing, is this really a foreign concept?

    There are two paths you can go down...

    • One leads to joy and happiness where all come away winners

    • The other path leads to destruction.

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  • NPR & WHYY


    1. They say they provide balanced and fair broadcasting???

      • They do great on the current issue of Healthcare and all aspects of the problems.

    2. Located at the bottom of the post I created on Blogger, I put information Promoting Radio Times and Other WHYY/NPR Programs.

    3. Or you can visit these links for more information about these shows:

      1. Morning Edition

      2. Radio Times #1

      3. Radio Times #2

      4. Voices in the Family

        1. Divorce

      5. Here and Now

      6. Tell me more

      7. Talk of the Nation

      8. BBC

      9. --


      1. Being listener supported they often proclaim that their programs come to us commercial free, but every 20 minutes they take a break to mention those people and corporations that underwrite their programs. (Isn't that a form of advertising?) How many businesses are supported by all sectors (Commercial, Public and Government?) Talk about getting money from all sources.

      2. What agenda is being promoted?

        1. Promoting hatred and war?

        2. Promoting Homosexual behaviors?

        3. Promoting Organized Religion especially christianity?


      1. Subliminal Advertising

      2. My beefs with Public Radio Talent Quest the Deleted entry from Wikipedia

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    Saturday, July 4, 2009

    The moment that lead to my Estrangement

    A period of estrangement occurred after this (audio recording that is transcribed)occurred. I went to share this event with my father who would not listen. He made a promise to us both me and my sister at the time when he knew that they were getting divorced his promise was that while he didn't think that he could help us financially, he would always be there to listen if we ever had a problem. One of many promises that my father would break.

    It was the day after that recording was made and I went over to share this horrible event with my father who refused to listen to anything that would happen between my mother, my wife and me. He told me he had to meet with someone in Trumbauersville. The only places to meet in Trumbauersville were the bars, my father was a regular drinking alcohol and known in many of the local establishments. My father had a routine, if you couldn't find him here try there or the other place. Eventually you would catch up with him if you could figure out his pattern. So I drove around after leaving his house where he refused to give ear, he was so adamant about his position I thought he was going to hurt me as I knew the look on his face as he was struggling to get up out of his chair. His struggle getting out of his chair might have hurt his intestines, it wasn't long afterward that he needed surgery because he twisted his intestines. That day he was well enough to go to the local club in Trumbauersville and in my driving around I happened to arrive there to see him walking from his car to the door to enter. He looked over at me and that would be the next to last time that I would see the man. The last time was at a Wawa one morning I was getting coffee and there he was, he was standing not really paying attention to me and I wasn't going out of my way to become visible to him. He was looking good healed from the stomach problem, but his mind wasn't ready to sit down and deal with the issues between my mother, my wife and I.

    I was on my motorcycle and felt the urge to talk to someone that person would be my Grandmother. I headed over to have a conversation with her and as we talked she imparted to me the thought that all people going through the trauma that I was having to endure would go crazy and start shooting everyone. She insisted that fighting a sin such as the one perpetrated by the lying detective could only leave the victim one choice and that choice is to become a terrorist or suffer physical maladies.

    My Grandmother would reinforce her convictions of our conversation when she wrote a letter in correspondence to our conversation. To that letter I would reply and then there would be correspondence between me and my father and again between me and my Grandmother. As time would pass my wife would send my father a letter and about that letter being delivered to him in person she wrote a letter to me, for my wife feared that my step mother would not pass the letter from my wife on to my father.

    Little did my Grandmother know...

    She was on the verge of becoming the victim of another plan, enter my step mother.

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    Military recruitment

    Yep, a hypocrite you might very well be and the conflict might be overwhelming, but your mission would be true as your leaders will keep you focused.

    Here is the thing, at least your comrades will probably be more like you in your thinking and the risk of being killed by so called friendly fire won't be an issue that you would have to worry about in contrast to my self.

    Imagine if I was to join the military??? I would need to put a camera behind my head to watch my back as I watch where I am going all at the same time.

    I've often written that my enemy, 'the enemy' is not the one that 'they' are searching out, but the real enemy is the one right here in my own back yard or the guy behind me if I was in the military. Anyone can be conditioned to see evil where evil does not exist, if the brainwashing is properly indoctrinated at a core level, basically it is this indoctrination that moves me so far away from belief structures. This is a great opening to insert a link to my writings on Organized Religions, and identifying these structures as they can be found in places far from Religious buildings. Our military here in America is a fine example of a religion organized and built on the same model as any other religious structure, the police and many medical practices also fall into this model... It is big business...

    Obviously and very much my thoughts...

    All you have to do is read my writings particularly The Evolution of Religion and an out pouring of thought overwhelms the idea to do as my Grandmother had envisioned.

    Visions of the future can be changed.

    First we have to view what could be and move forward accordingly.

    My writings are very much in line with the Quaker beliefs of pacifism. Finding ways to arrive at a peaceful solution even in the midst of great assault both emotional and physical.

    Drugs and Alcohol

    This is one of the topics that can come up from time to time and to no surprise has a lot of controversy surrounding it as a debate between most people.



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    Personality Types

    I woke up this morning with a burning desire to do more research on Personalities.

    One personality is the Amoral personality I think I have pretty well exposed that type of situation, if you've been following closely we should know what I'm talking or writing about.

    So I Googled Personality Types and clicked on this link: Personality Types

    Along with this I have taken a personality test, I'll provide my results later, but I immediately recognized these sixteen personality types as those from the test that I took.

    I also took note to a link at the bottom of the first page of Google links describing the type 'C' personality, that of an engineer or accountant, I thought for a moment and moved along...

    Now what I really want to know is how do we develope a good measure between Moral and Amoral personalities and how can we encourage morality in a world that seems not to care?

    We are all writers but are we all readers?

    What is comprehended?

    How do we engage?



    Being more alert,

    Building better responses,

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    Human Relationships

    Civil Rights Having equal rights being free and protected.

    1. Civil Rights and Abuse

    Gender and Choosing a Partner

    1. Gender Orientation; Partner Selection - Are we confusing our children and should we allow a minority to change our vocabulary and social structure? Do you understand this problem from all angles? Does one word and its definition harm our world allowing (harm, violence, and abuse) to flourish unchecked and out of balance?

    2. ****>Geminian My Id My GOD... Libido over Mind ****

    My memories and experiences that form my understanding as I observed and interacted with others:

    1. A captured moment in time, My Mothers plan

    2. Keith Esslinger

    3. Billy Brennan

    4. John Kennerly

    5. ______***Dead links to be resurected***_____

  • Exposing Abuse:

    1. Corporate

    2. Individual

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    Law raises issues of states’ reach in patient care

    Debate swirls over rules allowing mentally ill to be forced into treatment

    From the Washington Post

    NEW YORK - Susan Wezel had been committed to the city's hospital wards more than a dozen times in 10 years. Her psychosis was so deep and debilitating that she lost her career and her relationship with her son, as she refused to take her medication or follow treatment.
    But because of a New York state law, Wezel hasn't been hospitalized in more than a year. She doesn't wander the streets alone at night anymore. She takes her medication willingly. She even has plans to follow her dream of singing at a neighborhood nightspot, something that was unthinkable 18 months ago.
    Wezel and her caseworker agree that the transformation occurred because of the law, which allowed officials to force Wezel into an outpatient treatment program after she was discharged from a hospital.

    Known as Kendra's Law, it is considered one of the most far-reaching mental health statutes in the country. It gives great latitude to doctors, social workers and relatives to take mentally ill people before a judge to force them into treatment, and it provides money for clinical services.
    Just how far states can go to get mentally ill people into treatment is a key issue in Virginia. The state is struggling with changing its mental health system after a mentally ill gunman shot and killed 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech in April before killing himself.
    "All of this has saved my life," Wezel, 50, said in an interview at her caseworker's office in Queens. As part of the treatment order, she was given immediate access to a caseworker who closely monitors her through visits and phone calls. If Wezel fails to comply with her treatment, she can be picked up by police and taken to a hospital.
    Wezel's experience with forced treatment underscores one of the most controversial issues in the care of the mentally ill. Seung Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech gunman, had been ordered into outpatient treatment, but officials didn't monitor whether he received it, and he never did.
    Had something as detailed as Kendra's Law been in place, with its high expectation of accountability, officials might have been forced to monitor whether Cho got treatment, supporters of such measures say.
    Rarely used outpatient law
    Virginia has an outpatient treatment law, but it is rarely used. Judges interviewed since the Virginia Tech rampage have said that they prefer institutionalization for the most severely endangered patients. Some judges said they think that ordering outpatient treatment is a waste of time because the lack of resources would make follow-up nearly impossible.
    A survey conducted this year by the Virginia Supreme Court's Commission on Mental Health Reform found that judges used the outpatient treatment option in 5.4 percent of cases during the month studied.
    Kendra's Law, named after Kendra Webdale, a 32-year-old woman who was killed in 1999 when she was pushed in front of a New York City subway train by a severely mentally ill man, allows courts to use a much lower standard than Virginia's to force outpatient mental health treatment.
    To qualify for forced treatment under Kendra's Law, among other criteria, a person must have been hospitalized twice within the previous three years; must have shown violent behavior toward himself or others in the previous four years; and must need treatment to "prevent a relapse or deterioration which would be likely to result in serious harm to the person or others."
    Across the country, supporters of such programs, known as preventive outpatient commitment laws, have called them pragmatic approaches in addressing the needs of the millions of mentally ill people who are not in institutions.
    But there is intense debate among experts and policymakers about whether coercive statutes would be necessary in cases in which states increase the availability of services to the mentally ill.
    Maryland does not have an outpatient commitment law. The District has a standard like Kendra's Law, but it is used sparingly.
    The Supreme Court commission in Virginia recommended this month that the state expand the use of outpatient treatment for those who don't meet the criteria for forced hospitalization. The panel also called for specific procedures to monitor those receiving outpatient treatment and suggested ways to enforce it. But lawmakers also expect debate over a more expansive law that mirrors the New York statute when the General Assembly convenes next month.

    "These arguments over outpatient commitment are some of the most emotional and contentious debates you'll find in mental health law," said Jeffrey Swanson, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University who is involved in a three-year study of Kendra's Law for the state of New York. "It really goes to the heart of whether we believe community mental health care can be effective without coercion and at what point we're willing to say that coercion might be necessary, legitimate and humane."
    The New York statute outlines the responsibilities of local mental health agencies, spells out monitoring requirements and incorporates provisions for ordering noncompliant mentally ill people into hospitals. Those who are taken into outpatient treatment under Kendra's Law get immediate access to services. The petition process can be started by a roommate, parent, spouse, adult child or sibling, a hospital director or a caseworker, among others.
    "There was nothing I could do to get her into any help before this," said Chris Wezel, 50, Susan Wezel's husband.
    New York officials say the law has been effective. They conducted a survey in 2005, when the measure was up for reauthorization. The study found that a sample of patients treated under Kendra's law were more likely to participate in care, take their medication and follow up with caseworkers than when they were not treated under the law.
    In addition, for those treated under the law, homelessness, arrests, hospitalizations and incarcerations dropped at least 74 percent and as much as 87 percent, the statewide survey found. Other studies conducted by mental heath researchers over the years have found similar outcomes the longer that mentally ill people stay in such coerced treatment programs.
    'Coercion does work'
    "Coercion does work, if it's done the right way," said Mary T. Zdanowicz, former executive director of the Treatment Advocacy Center in Arlington County. She said that Virginia needs a law "that incorporates involuntary treatment, both inpatient and outpatient." Such laws get patients complete help the first time, rather than partial help over and over, she said.
    But opponents of Kendra's Law say that the New York study did not use a control group for comparisons. The state's legislators were so skeptical of the available research that they called for a separate study and declined to make the law permanent. That study is due in 2009, and the law will come up for reauthorization a year later.
    Advocacy groups and other mental health experts who oppose Kendra's Law say that it came with money for services, proving that coercion alone is not a solution.
    The statute was accompanied by $32 million a year in state funding, much of it for medication and more caseworkers.
    The law also affects a small population. Last year, about 1,800 New York residents fell under its guidelines at any given time, out of more than 400,000 mentally ill adults in the state, New York state health officials said.
    "You have to consider the increase in services. It's not a slam-dunk to say that just because of the law itself, we have these better results," said Peter Beitchman, a longtime advocate for the mentally ill in New York City.
    As opponents of the law have said, Andrew Goldstein, the schizophrenic man who pushed Webdale, had been denied outpatient services before the incident. He was told that there was no room for him at local treatment centers.
    The issue of forced outpatient treatment resonates in Virginia because of the Virginia Tech shootings. Cho had been given an outpatient treatment order 16 months before the rampage. But it was never enforced by the local community services board or Virginia Tech's counseling center, and it was never specified which one was required to do so.
    "Sometimes, those that need mental health treatment don't know they need help," said state Sen. Henry L. Marsh III (D-Richmond), who has unsuccessfully submitted bills like Kendra's Law in previous years and will do so again next month. Marsh will be chairman of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee next year, which will consider the legislation.

    Staff writer Tom Jackman contributed to this report.
    © 2007 The Washington Post Company

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    Mental Health How Low should the standard be?

    MSNBC article 22435155

    If you visit the link and read the article I have to wonder just how low the standard of proof should be, should malpractice constitute a reasonable standard to prove that a person is mentally ill?

    Should we allow perjury to be a measure to prove the victim/defendant is actually mentally ill?

    Should the confessed lies signed under duress or coercion be the standard, should a mothers dictation to the crisis intervention worker be the standard of proof to prove that a good man and innocent victim should be declared mentally ill or retarded?

    I think this article MSNBC article 22435155 creates a dangerous measure that we need to be real careful of in order to prevent good and innocent people from becoming victims of bullies and abusive family members set to destroy the lives of others for an obvious motive.

    What motive? The oldest motive in the world...

    Defamation, Lying, Dignity it all destroys a person's right to life...

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    We all have the ability to think and help others, we all like to share both good and bad events that happen in our lives, why should only a few be given the opportunity to share and make a profit off of other people's losses? What do you know about your mind and the minds of others?

    Here are some things to think about if your interested in similar or different views that you might have. My writings express my own personal view and sometimes I share opposing views for the purpose of contrast and education.

    1. Mental Health How low should the standard be?

    2. Law Raises Issues with States reach in patient care

    3. Human Relationships

    4. Personality Types and mine

    5. Are you interested in thoughts about Drugs and Alcohol?

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    The BBC starting World War 3

    Two British reporters were taken captive as organizers of opposition to the elections in Iran.

    The power struggle to implement rules in order to maintain the old leadership through stealing the election is taken right from the pages of the American design of manipulating the vote to put into power a regime that will reward nepotism through an oligarchy. The elite have ruled our world and this is how they have managed to maintain their control through political forces and the religious structures created to be pillars upon which they stand. The pillars of oppression rest squarely upon the backs of the poor crushing innocent lives that are prevented from having freedom the victims become slaves to the system created.

    Rise up and take control... The leaders have created this mess let us hold those leaders accountable for being criminals and causing harm to the global community.

    We need to set ourselves free.

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    Thursday, July 2, 2009

    Sexual Practices

    Heterosexual Vs. Homosexual

  • Define Marriage

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    Homosexuals have an agenda and soon that agenda will be fully exposed. Often times people who present information that is (anti-homosexual) get attacked or misrepresented as homophobic somehow we have allowed people to twist our way of thinking around 180 degrees. We need to repair some of the damage done.


    1. Two people sharing life and love as though they were of opposite genders.


    1. Culture of life

      • Death

      • Drugs Often times sex is used to protect the underworld of drugs while drugs remove the inhibitions for peoples actions or as gay people become professional they prescribe drugs to manipulate the thoughts of society.

      • Disease Adding more money to the coffers of those in the pharmaceutical industry while spreading an immoral agenda.

      • Lies are often used as scare tactics

        • Lies about childhood abuse

        • Lies about being made into second class citizens, homosexuals are not treated as second class citizens even if they want to project that aura as victims, they are not being victimized!

        • Lies to alarm and control others, while pushing an agenda for profit

        • Lies to hurt heterosexuals, by calling opposition to their cause homophobic

    2. DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell) I believe it is a good program, people should not be talking about what is going on in their own bedroom or what should go on in the bedrooms of others. I mean really? We are talking about a corruption of morals of something that is between two people who should be monogamous. If monogamy isn't part of the partners program then all the Constructive Criticisms I have are absolutely valid and Homosexuals along with others are hypocrites.

      1. Military Men are Silent Victims of Sexual Assault

      2. Is this a war for Oil or Gay rights?

    3. DOMA (The Defense of Marriage Act.) Protecting our vocabulary so that we can communicate effectively. By not affording the word marriage to the unions of same sex couples we make clear distinction to the type of contract that joins two lives together. Marriage is the title to a contract between a man and a woman, a Civil Union is a good title for the contract between two or more people of the same gender or a group of people that are cohabiting in a familial way.

    4. A conversation that is a trap

    Homosexuals have harmed the relationships of innocent couples and somehow are in control of many lives as 'their' agenda and businesses involve:

      * (Note: -- Links Marked with (*) are not yet alive)*
    1. Control issues

    2. Gambling (*)

    3. Pornography (*)

    4. Prostitution (*)

    5. Corruption of the morals of minors (*)

    6. Corruption of the morals of society(*)

    7. Abuse (*)

    8. Lying (*)

    9. Issues concerning Health


    • Links to Conversations, Arguments or Discussions:

    1. Nature vs. Nurture @

    2. Let's be open minded@MyLot

    3. Beliefs that Lead to War@MyLot

      1. Is this a war for Oil or Gay rights?

    4. Define Marriage

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    1. Two people of opposite genders entering into a monogamous/serial monogamous relationship to be married in the sight of man and GOD.

      • Prince and Princess

      • King and Queen

    2. Natural Law

    3. Reduced risk or no risk of sexually transmitted diseases

    4. Procreation - Perpetual Life

    5. Helpmates


    1. Separation

    2. Divorce


    1. Links to Conversations, Arguments or Discussions:

      1. Nature vs. Nurture @

      2. Let's be open minded

      3. Beliefs that Lead to War@MyLot

    2. Define Marriage

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    Do you have a Riddle that you would like to share?
    Is there a Riddle that you are trying to remember?

    I'm ready for more

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    Everyone has a favorite joke, and we have a member that is a master at writing and sharing jokes. While he is not alone, I thought that I could highlight a few places where Jokes have been written.

  • Here are some links:

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    Notes: Mon, 09/03/2007 - 9:25am

    Posts: Media Pro's, con's and Independant (PCI) Personal Orientation For the Selection of a Partner / Gender Orientation / Selection of Partner Based upon Gender / Partners Orientation Selected by Gender NPR Comments: How was I hurt by the stories I believed, when I found out the truth, and how they lied to me. How they abused me and took advantage of me. What was the cost?

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    Organizing Content according to Opinion, or Point Of View (PCI)

    We all have opinions on subjects, our writings as positive and colorful as they are can always have a slant. It becomes real obvious if you look around this site that we are all different in our perceptions and what we believe yet at the same time there are plenty of constants. The real and tangible things of the world are constant. Our writings are a constant reflection of our true selves. This brings a new dimension to organizing our writings. Let's say you take a topic or subject and you are in favor of that perspective, you are 'Pro' or for what ever. Your comment is actually a positive comment or statement. An opposing point of view is 'Con' You are making a negative comment giving Constructive Criticism or a counter point, talking down, disaproval, or dislike. Being contrary or contradicting the information provided. And a Centered approach would be 'Independant' a neutral statment or comment. So as I go through my posts I can also arrange the content identifying the perspective of my writings, or the writings of others as, (P,C, or I.) I can think of a couple of posts that I can create to incorporate this principle to compare the differences in perspectives showing the different extremes in an easy to access format.




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    Con's = Constructive Criticism, or Contrary

    An opposing point of view is 'Con' You are making a negative comment giving Constructive Criticism or a counter point of view, talking down about a subject, disapproval, or dislike of a commonly held belief. Being contrary or contradicting the information provided. The common use of a judicial term is to dissent to withhold your support of an idea or subject. An opinion that abstains support, contrary to others. Many times today Constructive Criticism has been called hate speech, a lot of people want to restrict contradicting testimony even to the point of not allowing the truth to be told. If there is a counter thought or point the people with power and ego's strong enough to control other people's thoughts have found a way to call anything in opposition to a false position intolerant and have allowed innocent people to become the victims to be violated over and over, time and time again. Constructive criticism is really about knowing all angles or all sides of an issue or subject. Constructive criticism is sometimes played out in a game called 'Devil's Advocate.' Really the game isn't about evil thoughts it is looking at 'what if?' The process is about having the ability to think through a situation all the way to an outcome. Constructive criticism and thinking should be applied as often as possible when entering into situations that are unfamiliar. How to think and what to do next, are all associated with thinking critically, both the Pro's and the Con's.

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    Pro = Positive support of anything

    Pro vs. Con and Pro as defined in terms of Professionalism are both part of the same structure and foundation to building a profitable business. To be professional you have to know all the negative aspects of each and every situation and then you can build on the positive changes that you can provide. Your customers will notice that your service far out shines the services of others and is more valuable because you know how to get the desired results. You study and pay attention to the needs of the people that you serve. People that always remember what it is like to learn, and care about doing things the right way will also understand the desire and need to provide quality service to others.

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    This is where I can organize people that have indicated a desire to be affiliated with the Republican Party in one way or another.




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    This is where I can organize people that have indicated a desire to be affiliated with the Democratic Party in one way or another.




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    For those that I feel have views that are independent of the two major parties I've placed in this catagory. Here I'm looking for people who I think are centered and grounded. Based upon something written like:


    1. I'm very independent while I look to expose the flaws in the other two parties. I will on occassion give credit where credit is due. I like to think of myself as a centrist.



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    Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    Political Affiliation

    Now if I was trying to classify a person into an American political party this is where I would put you.

    Political Parties

    1. Reality Audit Republican or Democrat

    2. Define Political terminology

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    Independent, Neutral, Unbiased, Inspirational, Unique Points of view, Uninhibited, Fair and Balanced.

    I thought it appropriate to explain why I am putting this link here, it is for the fact that while this post has both negative and positive aspects to it I didn't feel the post actually fit into either of those categories. The duality of this post connected to this link I think better suits an Independent category as it is both positive and negative.

    Note: In some posts there are no Independent issues some items can only be categorized as Pro or Con (for or against) but of course everything is subject to change.

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