14 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 11/09/03 at 06:10 PM
Here is that story of mine, I was already to post this writing and my connection could not find the server, so I had to wait until now.
Here are some of the things you might not know.
After being charged the next day I tried to inform the superior of what had occurred. A follow up that I had with the Detective’s Chief of Police, Chief Bickle. After explaining to him what had happened to me he comments that it sounds like I did everything he would have done under the circumstances of the situation. He would have to talk with his detective to verify what occurred. After talking to the Detective the police Chief would not give me the time of day, seriously.
The District court Judge Borek sustained an objection to my talking about the man that caused the accident, destroying my testimony in District Court. I was the only defense witness I couldn’t subpoena the other people at the scene that was a job for a Lawyer and I was not permitted access to those individuals information. So the truth was not allowed to be told in District Court. You have to know that I tried. (I tried to get the real truth out and to obtain witnesses for my defense) Then Judge Borek remarked while sustaining the Detective’s objection that “he doesn’t know why the state paints those lines on the highway at intersections, nobody stops behind the stop line any way!.” Later he apologized to find me guilty and told me three times to appeal the case and get myself a lawyer.
He also immediately dismissed the charges that I had filed against the detective.
A different Detective (Gehman) on a Job site 30 miles from my base of operations and in the borough of the DA's office encouraged me to appeal my case.
There is the Lazy Lawyer Lee Bruce Hoffman that I hired. He was referred to me by the Law firm Lowenthal and Abrahams they advertised on the Christian radio station that I listened to.
L. Bruce Hoffman my Lawyer told me my Civil Liberties were violated. To Appeal the case, and so I did I went to the County court house to file my appeal. Then I went over to the DA's office the department of Public Complaints where I talked with an Abbreviated version of a man's name (Richard) Marsch who told me that if I went through the County Court procedure and the detective lies again to come back and see him he would pull the transcript and prosecute the detective for perjury, and that crime comes with a jail sentence.
Nine days later I found out that the Detective Randy Floyd had lied in another court room and was formally reprimanded by the District Justice Ruth Dietrich. She put a written reprimand into the Case file of a man about the Detective lying.
I found the address of a woman who was present on the scene and had warned me about the detective’s reckless approach with his car. She then questioned "Wow! What was his problem?" I also found a store owner to testify that there was another individual that was yelling a derogatory comment as he drove by, that comment was made loud enough out on the street that the store owner inside the store could hear the man, not what he said but he could identify a problem with another individual at the scene. There was also the guy that had caused the accident of which I wrote down his license number and I was never able to contact this man, as the cause of the accident he was not charged and his information was not included on the accident report. I tried to get help in obtaining that man's information, an event that the detective lied about was heard by that man and I believe he would corroborate the truth of what I said to the man that was using profanity at the scene and the detective when the detective finally offered to identify himself as a detective and show his identifying badge. The detective after Identifying himself would not let me tell him about what had happened I was taken aside with another officer and that is when the detective released the perpetrator of the accident. Then the detective released the officer I was talking with and made derogatory comments to me. I never got to tell about everything that happened at the scene.
My lawyer listened to my story, and about the perjury of the detective, he said if we could prove the detective was lying that he would sue the borough the county and the state for me.
At the last minute the lawyer came to me with a defense agreement where he didn't have to call any of my witnesses and he was going to defend me on the fact that I didn't have intent to violate the statute.
Next we go to court what a travesty.
The judge Lawrence Brown came into court reading a book the type of book you read for pleasure. In court the detective corroborated my testimony and contradicted the testimony of his own witnesses. Earlier in my testimony I mentioned about being a Christian, later the Judge turned to me and said "So you think you are a Christian? Well you are a liar!" I said "Excuse Me?" And the Judge repeated that I was a Liar. That little tidbit was not included in the transcript but it actually happened. The judge then increased my two hundred dollar fine to three hundred dollars. The fine wasn’t really about my conduct at all it was about profanity that somebody else used at the scene of this accident, it was heard and I was blamed for using this profanity. The Detective lied about my use of profanity. He lied in court, he made up a scenario and prosecuted me for something that I do not do! I had many people ask me to start a petition that states did they ever hear me curse, they would sign such a document.
The Detective at the end apologized to the judge for his appearance in court. The Detective came into court with his head all taped up with little one to two inch pieces of tape that look self applied, he covered every piece of his hair including his sideburns. And out the top back center of his head he had wires sticking up.
The Judge accepted the apology and called the detective a cone-head.
The Detective then explained that he suffered from tremors.
I ask you what is a Detective doing issuing citations if he suffers from a neurological condition?
Well anyway the lawyer promptly quit the case after the hearing, he then advised me not to acquire the transcript.
I called the DA to go over the detectives perjury told in court and the DA told me that he couldn't be bothered with my case it was too insignificant.
Ten days after I was trying to obtain legal services from the message boards here and was asked to give an opinion about the posts on the politics board at a thread depth of 100, that took almost all night, someone from MSN sent me one of those resume' popup adds and I filled it out the add said it should only take a few minutes and I wanted to leave the computer and go to bed as I had been up all night. But MSN kept asking me questions, my wife came down to send me off to work and she interfered with the add, I was almost done and ready to submit and the wife shut down the computer on me.
She then got upset, as she didn't know that I told dispatch that I was taking a vacation day on Monday I didn't have to go to work. But she got the Church staff involved scheduled me an appointment to see them did things on her own, and they sent me to see a psychologist who wanted to make a diagnosis about me instead of sending me to bed because it was a busy weekend. I was tired after all of that reading.
I wrote many things on the politics board that night and someone did give me the help that I requested, I was given information to contact the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City, and of course they wouldn't get involved.
The time expired to file an appeal while I spent two weeks in the hospital.
The night of my commitment;
My wife left the house on me, and later that night the police barged into my home knocking me down taking me upstairs and getting me dressed, (I was in bed sleeping, not dressed to go out of the house)
They handed me the clothes that I was to wear and asked me to put my hands behind my back. I asked to have the cuffs put on in front of me. I think I heard mention that they were going to take me out to a car; I didn't want to sit on the cuffs. This request was immediately met with the officers, pulling me across my bed forcing me face down into the mattress and one of the officers putting a gun to the back of my head!
While in the hospital on a 302 report that was fabricated by my mother and the Crisis intervention worker Carol Bamford, my wife was then forced to sign the fabricated document that accused me of things that I did not do and would not do. I was diagnosed by a doctor that made that diagnosis based on what was written in the 302 report. He said "Based on what is written here I am diagnosing you with this disorder. I don't have time to sit down with you and figure out what your problem is, I want to see if we can fix you with these two medications."
I saw two stoned face women (MY Mother and my wife) sit in a chair across from me in the hospital when we had a 303 hearing it was evident that there was no love in our relationship anymore.
In the hospital I was given a four hundred question psyche evaluation which was to take an hour and a half, except the doctor now three days later from the incident of the diagnosis, on Friday evening the Doctor now had 20 minutes to convince me that I had all weekend to do this report. I went back to the man administering the test and he agreed to allow me another 20 min. for the lost time the doctor spent with me.
I was having reactions to the medications, so the doctor changed to two different medications, and I reacted to them, I really didn't want to be medicated, I knew my problem was a legal matter not a mental matter. I reacted really badly to those two medications, so again the doctor prescribed two more medications. I didn't like what these medications were doing and by now I am willing to take just one medication so I can figure out which does what to my body and mind. The doctor agreed and told my Ex about the change to one medication, I requested that he made sure he changed the chart.
I knew the night staff head nurse was biased evaluating me off of the report and offended by what was written in the report. Well guess what happened? The doctor failed to change the chart that I was getting one medication and the night nurse while asking me to take my medications, declared that I was refusing to take the second medication when I tried to explain that I had talked to the doctor and I was only to be on one medication not two. She ordered me to my room to have the second medication injected into me or would she have to call security and put me in restraints? Trust me I cooperated, but I wasn't happy about it.
As soon as I could I sought a new Psychiatrist, unfortunately and I reversed this quote, I went from the fire and into the frying pan. The man I would get used to be the head of Psychiatry in the hospital that I was in, it was his friend who was the new head of psychiatry that I had the problem with.
It was my first meeting with the new psychiatrist and he informed me that the medications were only recommended. I told him that the diagnosis was wrong and that if I was not ordered to take the medications that I felt I didn't need to. He made a comment to me about having the whole world lying to get me into trouble. I replied that that was about the jist of what had happened. He told me I had some 8 weeks to wait till I could start to go back to work.
That night my mother stopped by to check in on things and my EX informed her that I wasn't taking the medications, she came up to my bedroom to confront me about this, I thought she was going to hit me and I could tell she had an Idea. She then told me I know how to get you to take the medications, I can punch myself and report that to the police and that will force you to take the medications. My mother was so wrapped up in this wonderful plan of her she told it to the new psychiatrist that I just met. My wife had called him when my mother and I came down stairs. Mom went into the parlor one way and I went into the living room where I located my new radio cassette recorder. It even had a cassette tape in it. I turned on the recorder to record what was being said, the tape was at the end and I had to flip it over, I managed to do all of this and record my mother talking to the psychiatrist that my wife had called. I then talked to the psychiatrist he explained that my mom shouldn't do things like that and I asked how soon I could go back to work? The man then explained that I still had to wait the eight weeks.
I haven't talked to my mother since.
I stayed in the house for a year and two months until I was questioned or accused of something I was not! My Ex. happened to do this on our daughters 12th Birthday.
I had no intention of leaving that day but I couldn't stand to live in a house with a woman that was manipulating me and controlling me not owning up to her misdeeds, signing a false report.
Once in a while the truth would come out and then she would slip right back again. Acting as though I am a terrible person.
I challenged her to retrieve something that was removed from me she had to go to one of the Lawyers that was sympathetic to my story but refused to help me. The Lawyer drew up a letter for my wife to give to my mother to return Items removed from me. It was in the course about Easter that my ex-wife started to see the light about what kind of a mother I really had as my mother delighted in tormenting me.
After obtaining my stuff for me, my Ex has sine written three wonderful letters of confession about how she was manipulated and questioned my account of what had happened. One letter went to the Church, the church staff was asked to leave my house that day after my wife had left they insisted they had the right to stay in my house as they were the guests of my wife, who wasn't there at the time.
Another to the local police that abused me when they barged in I was knocked down never shown the report or warrant for my detainment and as I was knocked down one of the officers grabbed the inside of my arm so tightly that I had a black and yellow bruise for days. This bruise was documented by the hospital. She also questioned the fact that a gun was used while the officers cuffed me.
The third went to the hospital questioning about the diagnosis based on the false report and not an actual evaluation of the person.
Since my release from the Hospital the First Psychiatrist has resigned, and so has the senior pastor of my former church. The local police chief is going to retire in January.
And I have no idea what is going on in the police department where all of this started with the Lying Detective.
There are still plenty of omissions from this story but I think you will get the Idea of what I had gone through, and yet I say that as much as I have suffered I know there are plenty of others that have suffered far worse.
I still don't like what had happened to me, it was wrong from the beginning. I should have never been charged with any violation. I should have been able to defend myself in District Court? The Detective should not have lied to gain the conviction. I should have had access to information of people that I needed to be present in court.
GOD Bless
RE: More of My Story, sent to Eretz and here for the rest of you who care.
0 Replies Posted by: Crazy Hippie on 11/09/03 at 06:23 PM
Let me get Fizzy... it will be a few minutes before she can get to the board... whether she'll coment on it I don't know... Fizzy is my wife, a post doctoral attorney and more important one who also believes in God.
From Fizzy
4 Replies Posted by: Crazy Hippie on 11/09/03 at 06:41 PM
It sounds like you've been through some tough times, and didn't get all the help and cooperation you needed and wanted.
We live in a fallen world. God sometimes seems to allow rotten circumstances to build up against us. We cannot control our circumstances. But we can control our responses to them...and to the imperfect people around us. Perhaps there was a lesson especially for you in this. Perhaps God plans to use these experiences to bring you closer to Him, which he often does when we come to the end of ourselves and our respective ropes. The darkest hour, as they say, is just before the dawn.
I will pray with you that as you gain the perspective of distance and look back on these events you will see that God had some good purpose for you in there.
RE: Yep... Fizzy... I certainly see the light at the end of the Tunnel...
3 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 11/09/03 at 06:57 PM
I have known what my path was from the beginning.
I didn't want to travel this path, I was more like forced down the path, and then I saw the signs of GOD there with me always.
That is when I knew.
There is much for me to do, and it gets harder as we keep getting deeper into this war on terrorism.
We need to get the world to grasp the fact that it is wrong to Kill, it is necessary to change our religious perspectives to then show the right way to resolve conflicts, in accordance with the TRUE will of GOD.
How can we be an example to others if we are not respected but feared by the rest of the world.
We need to stand down, Collect the data on where the explosives come from. Defuse political agenda's and bring common sense to the courts.
GOD Bless
And again I pray for All, You, and C.H., All of the others and Myself. I pray that we can all work together for a brighter tomorrow for the future belongs to our children and their children.
Peace and Love
Somebody asked about tunnel vision, to be focussed on that one point that is infront of you and not seeing everything that happens around you. Actually my vision field is quite broad, I have some extra training on how to look in the right direction open my eyes and see or take in as much as possible. I caught on quick. I'm not as good when I am really tired. But I think that applies to all of us.
RE: RE: Yep... Fizzy... I certainly see the light at the end of the Tunnel...
2 Replies Posted by: Crazy Hippie on 11/09/03 at 07:47 PM
When I read your reply to Fizzy, I couldn't help be see one thing, maybe that's tunnel vision on my part, I don't know, but what i do see is surrender, and surrender to God as to not change the world, but to change oneself. I found that the more I changed, the more differently people looked to me, I seemed to understand and was readily able to forgive them when i felt they wronged me. Before I couldn't i blamed the world, things. and people around me for why I was feeling the way I was, why others didn't like me, why those close to me thought I needed help.
Well I got to the point to where I needed them more than I needed to be right, and I needed to change so i could accept their help. I had to give myself to God, and pray that God would work through others so i can help see what i need to change about myself. And a funny thing happened, I started seeing the world in a different way. I started finding people that actually knew more than me.. (lol) and believe me, with an IQ of over 140 and taken when i was high on drugs was pretty hard for me to take. Someone knowing more than me... yeah right.
the person that first reached out to me and helped me was a person that had been where i had been... and somehow got back into accpeting life on life terms... being happy... so i asked him how he did it, and he told me. I so much wanted to be like that person, happy, other people liking him for who and what he is I followed his advice.
He told me to be quiet, listen, and no matter how absurd it sounded to do what others told me to do in this place called AA. Again, I wanted to be happy, i was tired of feeling different from others, I was tired of being miserable and having so much wrong happening all around me, I surrendered... and did what they told me to do. They told me to follow these simple steps. I started seeing the world a little differently... and found that if i surrendered in working these simple steps (which turned out to be hell.. lol) good things started happening to me, around me, and to those that i loved. even people that i thought would never have anything to do with me started listening to me, and I listened to them... needless to say, i started being happy living life on lifes terms... even my son found it in his heart to forgive me, to trust me, and to love me again... all because someone told me to do some steps, get my head out of my know it all arse.. and start working those steps with the help of others and of God.
For me, I had to surrender, I had to give to God but first to others what i couldn't control myself... people places and things.. I eventually learned how to control myself when people and things started affecting me, i eventually started to learn that it wasn't them that needed changing, because I have no power to do that.. the only power I had was to change myself. And those simple steps I followed have given me a new lease on life, it's taught me to accept and love things that i normally never could have, and not allow them to affect my behavior, hurt my feelings, or make me angry. Now, God is doing for me what i cannot for myself...
There are 12 promises I looked at that were written on the wall when i first went into this place that gave me those steps, AA...
1.We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.
2.We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
3.We will comprehend the word serenity.
4.We will know peace.
5.No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our
experience can benefit others.
6.The feelings of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.
7.We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.
8.Self-seeking will slip away.
9.Our whole attitude and outlook on life will change.
10.Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us.
11.We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us
12.We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could
not do for ourselves.
I got tears in my eyes, this hardened criminal from the streets of Houston and El Paso Texas wanted to have those promises fullfilled in his life so badly. And guess what, I have these promises being met in my life today, they become more true everyday...
Thank you God... for leading me through others to what i needed most, you.
God Bless,
RE: Well C.H. if you really knew me, I would be a model 12 stepper, I learned to apply these things to my life a long time ago
1 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 11/09/03 at 08:26 PM
I often take time to be in the moment,
GOD is with me and I am at peace with that.
I learned most of what I know from my father and the Bible.
My life has been a travesty with the parents Divorce and Constantly being picked on in school, I knew that I had a different spirit that was not appreciated.
I have lived, and at a young age I had to live more than most had to go through in a lifetime.
And yet my childhood was not all that terrible all of the time, my fondest memories are of a Father and a Mother working together on a family, doing family vacations, and then later the Hunting trips and time I would spend with my Father.
But time has moved on and promises were broken and the experience of my life has now driven a wedge in that relationship between my father and I. We no longer see eye to eye.
GOD Bless and know that I know GOD
I pray for Peace and Love to All of GOD's Children.
RE: RE: Well C.H. if you really knew me, I would be a model 12 stepper, I learned to apply these things to my life a long time
0 Replies Posted by: Crazy Hippie on 11/09/03 at 08:41 PM
Yeah, it's hard to love someone as God wants us to, forgive them for what they did, and accept them with all their faults and wrongs they have committed to us and to those we love...
I do pray that you and your father can mend yourselves, as God wants for all of us to do, and appologizing even when the other person is wrong.
God Bless you witness... may God always be at your side, and forgiveness be there always as God forgives us.
I care, so I guess I can comment then...
7 Replies Posted by: meepsqueak on 11/09/03 at 06:58 PM
I can vouch for the courtroom shenanigans because I was a witness to those.
There are some details as far as the rest that only I can truly speak for because they are about what I was supposed to be feeling and thinking...only I can answer for that...
- -"My wife left the house on me,"
Yep, I left because I had been ordered to by people who were supposed to be experts and who I had erroneously thought loved you as much as I did. I spent the rest of that night under guard by your mother because she knew how upset I was and that I wanted to be with you. no one would let me see you.
- -"I saw two stoned face women (MY Mother and my wife) sit in a chair across from me in the hospital when we had a 303 hearing it was evident that there was no love in our relationship anymore."
As I pointed out above, the guard that gave birth to you was there to make sure I didn't run to you like I wanted to. I had already been saying over and over again before the second hearing that I wanted to see you...to be able to make it all go away. There were alot of people in that hallway to make sure I couldn't do that...and one sent with me to jump on me if I moved. So many people who kept telling me this was necessary and I should cooperate...who do I believe when I just wanted what was best for you...
- -"the medication issues..."
I drove the nurses nuts on that floor with all my calls. Do you remember telling me how they belittled me because of the loving way I would react to you...right from the very first minute that I was finally allowed to see you? I didn't care what they thought about me anyway...you were the only one in that building that I was focused on. When you called me about the injection they gave you, I called the nurses about it. The bottom line there is they thought I was an ***** because I loved you so much and therefore not worth listening to...
- -"That night my mother stopped by to check in on things and my EX informed her that I wasn't taking the medications,..."
I was on her 'hate' list because I flatly refused her repeated orders/suggestions to slip the meds into your food. I WOULD NOT DO THAT! In fact, I'm the one who threw them away.
The screaming battle she started with you did not end as she intended. I called the Dr. to get her to SHUT UP!! I told him what she was doing...She was pissed off at the Dr. because he told her to knock it off, and didn't hesitate to tell me that she didn't like 'that Dr.' She was picking the brains of the Drs. she works with in the G.P. practice about what 'should' be going on. I was so glad when she left! - -"I stayed in the house for a year and two months until I was questioned or accused of something I was not! My Ex. happened to do this on our daughters 12th Birthday."
You had made comments about feeling depressed and had been drinking more. I approached you, not 'accused you', out of concern and love
because of what I had been told about using alcohol to self medicate depression. I was concerned about you because I love you...I was not acting like the shrew you keep painting me out to be. - -"I couldn't stand to live in a house with a woman that was manipulating me and controlling me "
I did not force you to take any medications...I did not manipulate or control you...I ironically got blasted(still do) by others because of the level of control you have always had over me.
You have constantly painted me as a hateful, unloving woman. If anything, I have always loved you too much...my heart was aching through all that happened...there was no 'joy' in it as you want the world to believe.
You never saw just how deep my love and devotion to you has been because you have always been looking the other way for someone 'better'. I'm not good enough, but I will always love and care about you..always have, always will....
RE: Sorry after posting I re-read my material.
1 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 11/09/03 at 07:22 PM
I see you did pretty good, I want to read this again there are a few things at the end that need to be addressed.
RE: I tried to Edit my last post as I edited some minor errors in the original post but I was unable to.
0 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 11/09/03 at 07:40 PM
So here I will address the couple comments that I have.
>there was no 'joy' in it as you want the world to believe.
I never said that you had joy in what you did, I have always said that your part was forced and a result of trying to deal with the things that you were forced to do.
>You never saw just how deep my love and devotion to you has been because you have always been looking the other way for someone 'better'.
If I was looking the other way then something was missing in our relationship, something major.
>I'm not good enough, but I will always love and care about you..always have, always will....
Everyone of us has the ability to love another any other person and a single person for a lifetime, That is if we do not become afraid to get close. You know that Love exists because you both feel the Love, your spouse trembles and is excited to see you, and on our daughters Birthday you couldn't even say Good Morning to me.
I had become a source of stress to you.
I'm so Sorry that I would become such a stress, I needed to be caressed and you never knew, I'm sorry I couldn't chase after you after all re-read that 302 report, what terrible things had I been accused of?
We are better now that I am out of your house...
RE: I guess I can comment then too...
4 Replies Posted by: jcwriter on 11/09/03 at 07:24 PM
Meep, God be with you and your children. I offer all of you my condolences in a tragic situation that is affecting all of you so deeply. With any energy that you have left, try to give your children as much normalcy as you are able to give them. The future belongs to your children.
RE: That also is true J.C.
2 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 11/09/03 at 07:48 PM
I hope you don't mind me thanking you for not attacking me.
I know what your Bible tells you about me, and I say that there are many other forces at work, and they have pulled this family apart and most of the problem is lies. Detectives, Doctors, Lawyers and Parents.
I did not lie when I told my wife that I loved her and married her.
I do not and I am not in love with what had happened to me, this has been a major blow to everyone involved. And why?
We do need GOD's Blessings, around the world for ALL and All need to be a blessing to GOD.
A Mother's work is at some time done...
1 Replies Posted by: EretzIsrael on 11/10/03 at 03:11 AM
A Witness,
Thank you for sharing your very stressful life circumstances. Before we address the original scene of the accident, before we address the courts, before we address the 302 and 303 reports, before we address the arrest and incarceration, before we address the separation, may I make a sociological evaluation regarding the information you posted. (I want to stress that this is not a personal psychological evaluation of you as so many others have attempted to render.)
Your mother sounds like the source of the problems with your marriage.
I have been alive long enough, be around enough, seem enough and understood enough to know that even a beloved mother may be a stumbling stone to a marriage. I do not know your mother, I’ve never met her, I am not passing judgment on her, but from my gleanings on both your and meepsqueak’s posts, everything evil that happened to you and your marriage after the original court case surrounds your mother’s intervention into your and meepsqueak’s life.
Do you believe that I may be right?
RE: My Mother never did the work right, from the begining...
0 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 11/10/03 at 04:37 PM
Yes I know that many people coincided with my mothers intervention, the problem really was parental emotional abuse to both my EX by her father and me by my mother. My mothers abuse was more on the lines of neglect. There were some traumatic moments that were caused by her and there are plenty of stories to demonstrate that.
GOD Bless
Back to the top... I wanted to see what and if you replied...
There's nothing left inside JC...
0 Replies Posted by: meepsqueak on 11/09/03 at 08:40 PM
but pain. God will have to reach to me because I can't see through the tears.
I told the children today that as long as you're with the ones you love it doesn't matter what your circumstances are because you have each other. I always felt that way before, but I was the only one. If/when I lose the children it will be up to God to keep me alive and walking...my heart will be dead.
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