As I said I had a lengthy reply written, now to reproduce that writing again...
Who or what am I? I'm a former firefighter, I joined as a junior when I was 14 and studied hard. I'm a mechanic, with a history of being a laborer, I can operate a forklift and am a Truck Driver/Theological/Poet/Blogger and link master extraordinaire. I am more than 'A "VV"' (a Witness and/or a Violated Victim.)
How I came upon my identity (The Great White Buffalo) and the process which leads to the need to explain...
It is very nice to meet you, I too have a history of attending a Catholic church my girlfriend and partner at the time sang in the guitar group and invited me to sing and play my electric guitar in the guitar group and that Mass (service) they performed in.
I started playing guitar in church at the Lutheran church in Trumbauersville, PA. I attended the church of my own accord and learned about communion there, the Lutheran church has a liberal belief that all people who know Jesus and claim to be saved by GOD are entitled to take communion... (Paraphrased) That was my interpretation of their teachings. :)
The Catholic church was much more strict, (Conservative) and when a deacon informed me of the rules of participating in the Catholic church service the guitar group disbanded. Not that one had anything to do with the other, but there was that illusion.
Living with my partner, I was employed where the cousin of the owners of the company also attended one of the most prestigious churches in Quakertown; the people that attended this church had children that reflected the true christian spirit. They were members of the East Swamp Mennonite Church a very liberal Mennonite community that had touched my life. My Lady and I were invited to attend services and would eventually get married there. The reason we didn't get married right away was a promise to my father and the need to live together was a result of the abusive parents that we needed to get away from, my mother for me and her father for her. My wife and I had our ups and downs, there is quite a story here, but has little to do with my avatar or identity.
We were doing Okay surviving in our own little world until one day while driving for this company that I work for even to this day. I found myself in a peculiar situation. I had seen this coming and asked other officers what to do about it. Hearing screeching tires behind my vehicle while having to stop for drivers that interfere with my progress. That is what happened, and it would happen again except that this time there was a collision and I wasn't sure if the collision involved me, and the truck that I was driving, the truck is over 36' long. I have my story and an outline of the event posted on Blogger, I have the transcript of the fictitious court event where my Constitutional Rights were completely violated all available for your reading pleasure. If you're interested in what is wrong in our world then read what I have posted on the WorldWideWeb and learn what a lie truly looks like when a detective that was found to have lied in another court room lies in two court cases to gain a conviction against me. I am and was innocent but I was railroaded.
This detective was a participant in causing problems at the accident scene and I would lose my church membership getting excommunicated for trying to tell the truth in court. This new lazy church pastor Burge Troxel would fail to attend any of the court hearings as a support for my character, he would tell me that I have a case of Vocational Profiling and then be involved in lies to have me involuntarily committed in a failed intervention that would go way wrong to cover up the real truth and cause me and my family much pain.
Burge Troxel is a friend of Chuck Swindol and attended the Dallas Theological Seminary. While talking to Pastor Troxel he told me of how he rode as a passenger on Chuck Swindol's (Harley Davidson) motorcycle. Men of the cloth and men of truth, I'm so discouraged by these profiteering misfits. Like James Dobson who told me I was not a writer, but wasn't that obvious, I was or am a truck driver. Now I am a truck driver and a writer, thanks to the lying detective and the pain I have suffered.
Having the local police put a gun to my head and abuse me ten days after the loss in County Court where the judge came into the court room with a novel to read. The judge was so wrapped up in his novel he never heard the contradictions or chose to ignore them, in the testimonies that should have cleared me of any wrong doing that I didn't commit.
I talked to the District Attorney in the Department of Public Complaints, Mr. Marsch gave me a verbal promise that if I go through with the County Court appeal and come back to him reporting that the detective also lied in County Court, that he would pull the transcript and if he could prove the detective was lying he would prosecute the detective for perjury. I went back and contacted the District Attorney's office and was told that, "my case was too insignificant that he couldn't be bothered with it."
Who are the liars? Who is Lazy and who let me down? Who has immunity and can rule with impunity? Who was preoccupied?
Can I prove any of what I write?
I'll be glad to show you...
All you have to do is to be able to read.
Remember, as I watched the lying detective lie to gain the conviction against me, at the same time I'm watching a build up to a war in Iraq by a president that could be the brother of the detective they appeared to me as two brothers of the same mother. They were both lying and I knew it!
So as I couldn't get interest in the media the local paper didn't investigate this incident of corruption and the local TV news had no concern about the atrocity that I was suffering.
I turned to a new form of media, the Internet.
I started in the Religion and Spirituality message board of the AT&T WorldNet forum, my identity there was 'The Witness' I was subsequently challenged and not permitted to reply to a twisted interpretation created by 'LadyCA' of that forum, it was my first experience of being reprimanded and having my password changed I was informed by the community host that I needed to create a new identity, I chose 'A Witness' a minor change but the same person and the same story.
I would go through a series of name changes, Ninnaum, Patronus, WillieRAbbott and then I spread out from the abuse that I was receiving there to other forums.
I've been writing and spreading the word to what is wrong in as many places as I can.
Not only did the church do me wrong but at the same time remember the Catholic scandal of Priests and child abuse...
Let's add all of these acts up together and see if we can find the terrorist, let's see who most resembles the demon seed? Are these people? Or, are they the embodiment of evil? Are they Satan incarnate? Or, are these souls the souls of the Devil? I say, "No not one is the Devil" because as I pointed out in my thesis 'The Evolution of Religion' these are the misgivings of people they have tried to control other people with lies.
By recognizing the truth, you then have to see the cure...
The cure for the poison of the church and the lies of the Bible and Quran is?
Wow, great piece....
Submitted by American Rhetor... on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 20:37.
Much of what you convey here is exactly my frustration with government (Authority) and the current state of organized religion. It isn’t the Religion that is the problem it is the people who proclaim their "religiousness" and then use it prop themselves above others and swing the bible on the end of a chain as a weapon.
Persecution is something only experienced by those capable of dealing with it. Your ability is well above most and therefore your experience is specific and at least you have been able to portray it in a way that allows the reader to experience some of what you feel. Justification for the persecution is non existent. Reality is the experience makes one stronger and more capable of identifying it more readily the next time it happens.... Not that it makes it any easier.... Thanks for sharing....ARR
Aww, shucks...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 14:31.
This wasn't that great, the original was great, I went to post it and didn't have it saved before hand and timed out or was blocked from posting it.
The original post was much more descriptive and reflected the exact issues that are wrong both in my little court case and the problems in the world in general.
Where do all of those missing posts go when they get trapped in the unkown whereabouts of that fictitious place called cyber space? Maybe I should look around the third telephone pole down, the street, underneath the casing of the wires, in the fiber network between strands of lines, and pulses of energy transmissions, from one driver to the server and back again.
The cure for the poison of the church and the lies of the Bible
Submitted by gracepub on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 14:39.
I knew I liked you. I am constantly getting in trouble for passing around legal documents that are still stored in England, proving that the King Jame's bible was written as a legal (not religious) document, and that King James did not consult the church (unless you are gullible enough to consider John Knox a christian).
I have procured a copy of the Geneva Bible (pre 1500) - pre all the changes to the current Catholic bible (which has undergone 2 major rewrites in just 4 years) and the King James bible. It is amazing how different the message is.
But, despite the fact that liars lie to control the masses, it is a proven fact that 'religion' and the worship of 'a god' are fundamentally different, and often, cannot cohabitate within the same organization.
I should get you into the MyLot community...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 14:58.
There is a post about Adam and Eve, I'm just itching to respond to it, I'd been reading the post or thread, and I missed it... Well that is the nice thing about the internet and forums of that sort.
What you miss today you can add to tomorrow, and the covnersation takes a lot of twists and turns.
The Genesis account to the story of Noah, a manual for s*xual relations? The subliminal interpretation? Is there another way we can interpret the allegory? Well, you know I'm a guy after all... It took nine months for me to get out; and I'm spending the rest of my life trying to get back in...
You know I love being in... But I don't like being it, as in the one accused of things I didn't do...
What really 'frosts me' is...
Submitted by gracepub on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 15:06.
the fact that you have 1000 idiots trying to sound like theologians. Take the Pentecostal church - to be a member (I was kicked out) you must agree that the 'king james bible is the divine word of God (or is it a god?)' Now, the hypocritical thing is that, many of the pastors I discus this topic with have heard the tags "James the Mad" or King James and the Dauphin of France worked 'hand in hand' to wipe out Martin Luther (puritans) and obliterate his bible.
In fact, in France, the Guise(SP) family hung so many Lutheran followers that there were 'no more tree branches within riding distance, so they burned the heretics on their piles of bibles.'
I guess (now that I have finished my coffee and can think clearly) I would say 'keep your chin up' after all - you are not the first man who questioned the 'establishment' - you are in good company.
Thank You...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 15:27.
My chin is level,
I like being playful,
I had no idea you had such an interest or experience with the religious community as I and others, (this is nice to know.) I'll also bet that you liked reading Gnosisquests posts, he is over at MyLot and I subscribed to recieve all of his posts by e-mail... It is one way to stay current with his highly charged conversations. He does make people think...
My thoughts had to align with my experience.
So that is why I write as I do, about this and that, the things I know or want... or is that the things I have and are to available to me...
Well, this is all very
Submitted by birdiesquill on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 12:36.
Well, this is all very interesting. I could get lost in discussion here if I had more time. The answer is to get down to the truth. The bible isn't full of lie, but by the time religion gets done twisting and manipulating it--well then it could seem so. How does one justify pouring money into "ministry" that makes religious people rich while widows and orphans wonder how they will survive. Does it really matter what color the carpet in sanctuary is? No, what matters is that there shouldn't be any carpet. No church buildings existed until Constantine's time. So what happened? Well that's another story.
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Thank You Joannah for the compliments, as you may realize the Blog is a work still in progress, you'll find that I have the concept of how to weave an intricate web to tell the whole story and not just part of the story.
ReplyDeleteI have so much to write about and so much to add, I look forward to finding more comments this was a pleasant surprise.