What is different about this new media?
The internet allows us to organize our writings and compare them side by side. We can read for our selves and break free from traditional clutter that blocks free thinking and holds back great writers preventing their material from getting exposed. In many circles the great writers might only be considered good assuming they are even noticed. How does a writer get noticed? Certainly self promotion of a book or idea only gives a person limited exposure. You need a marketing campaign a way to get noticed; most marketing campaigns can be and are very expensive. Then along comes the Internet, the World Wide Web. Suddenly the old forms of media have competition they never had before. So inside and outside of this new medium everything is changing as more people are becoming technology savvy; understanding that they can choose to listen to more than one point of view.
This freedom allows people to see how we have been manipulated, and forced to accept false doctrines or beliefs. This method of brainwashing the masses was used to control all of us and how we have been handled or corralled into accepting or acting with prejudice toward others.
The main surprise to me is that this old media campaign could actually exclude and divide Nations and Communities.
There are Pro's and Con's about all organizations even if they claim to be neutral, they might not be. Here I've identified and written about or collected information that I think is relevant to demonstrate and expose or support all different forms of media.
- Video's
- Book Reviews
- Movie Reviews
- Contests and Submissions
- Capturing Phrases that mislead, confuse or conflict people.
A list of links to comments about different shows or programs from and along with various stations that I listen to follows:
- NPR & WHYY 90.9 FM
- WYSP 94.1 FM
- WZZO 95.1 FM
- CAT Country 96.1 FM
- WOGL 98.1 FM
- The Hawk 99.9 FM
- WLEV 100.7 FM
- WBEB 101.1 FM
- WMGK 102.9 FM
- 104.5 FM
- WBYN 107.5 FM
While I enjoy listening to all forms of news broadcasts from all media outlets, I pay close attention to what spin, agenda or message is being advanced.
- Dr. Phil
- School Discipline, Out of Control
- Wed. October 28, 2009 REvenge the good the bad and the Ugly (What a good show, I could really relate to the couple in crisis because of embellished reports (false reports I know them very well..)
- Most of the shows for the week of October 26 - 30 Deal with troubles in families lying and cheating spouses
- The media can be a catalyst for immorality
- A conversation at Wikipedia
While this is the first time I've used this category I thought it appropriate to explain why I am putting this link here, it is for the fact that while this post has both negative and positive aspects to it I didn't feel the post actually fit into either of those categories. The duality of this post connected to this link I think better suits an Independent category as it is both positive and negative.
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