Thursday, December 17, 2009

Neo Paganism


Here is a link: For Neopaganism defined at Wikipedia

There are many who profess allegiance to different Neo-Pagan faiths. The Polytheistic faiths are not often found to be Monotheistic yet there is a slight possibility that one might emerge, and most do not consider Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.

The Worship of GOD can be either Patriarchal or Matriarchal one might not believe that GOD has a gender at all. Some may hail the GOD, God/Goddess. Their numbers are many, though the God/Goddess might not be the same as the God/Goddess of another individual. But whichever God/Goddess we hail— almost all Neo Pagans do not consider Jesus Christ Lord and Savior, what can be shared is this, if Jesus existed then the light of Christ was in him as a child of GOD. We are all children of a GOD. From beginning to end.

Neo Pagan Faiths include:

(compile list of faiths with a short description, add more if necessary)


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