Monday, December 21, 2009

Pluralism and Tolerance

Pluralism has also come to mean the efforts between different denominations and different faiths to form an overall spiritual community. This is often used by leaders of the Christian faith to promote unity between the many different doctrines of Christianity. Because many religions have a similar basic goal or belief, proponents argue, they should be able to work together.

Suggesting that all religions have truth and value causes considerable problems for religions that preach an exclusivist idea. Some religions will assert, using quotes from their relevant texts, that their way is the only way to live correctly. A few go so far as to insist that those who do not convert will be punished in an afterlife, or should not be closely associated with here on earth. Doctrines such as this are difficult to resolve, and pluralists are often forced to resort to a tolerance doctrine, as it is paradoxical to embrace both an inclusivist and exclusivist view.

Organized Religion is not and can not be the answer to the worlds problems while grasping dual views not knowing which is right and which is wrong.

The followers of organized religion look through murky lens's not seeing the whole picture where the differences will lead to more war, which is death and destruction.

Here are some conversations on the topic of Pluralism:

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