The lies in the Bible are found through out from beginning to end.
In Genesis at the fall of man and people are condemned which is a huge Biblical lie, for GOD does love those of us pure in spirit and holy who follow in honest submission in a child like obedience to truth and justice for all.
The leaders of Organized religion would have the world believe lies instead of searching for the truth about each one of us and not just the men. Both men and women have suffered at the hands of the leaders of organized religion, for emotional abuse is just as physically damaging as physical abuse.
Women should recognize the first problem with the Bible is the curse placed upon women for a punishment that two people were guilty of not just one isolated person. For the apple was eaten by both as both were present eating of forbidden fruit. The lying snake makes each partner guilty if they each bite from the poisoned fruit. By participating in the lie both are guilty while an innocent victim refuses to go along with the status quo. The book of Genesis outlines some of the ways that people are manipulated into being liars or victims of evil.
The Bible makes GOD both good and evil. The GOD of the Bible is pure and holy and yet filled with wrath. This means that the worship of Evil, the Devil or Satan otherwise called Lucifer is also an alter ego for the GOD that is pure and holy, to raise up the Devil to plague the Earth all you need to do is be convinced that the GOD of the Bible is only pure and holy. The antithesis of good is evil and the GOD of the Bible is clearly both in contradiction to what is normally taught and well covered up for thousands of years.
To follow the book, (the Bible) through until the end in the book of Revelations you will learn about much destruction upon the Earth because of religious teachings.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Bad Juidges
- Kenneth Deatelhauser Twice this man violated the laws of either the state or country, my constitutional right to access to information of a person to be a witness was ignored and my right to double indemnity according to state law was violated.
- Harold Borek He wouldn't allow me to speak to my own defense when I was charged with the profanity that another person spoke, he convicted me violating my right to a defense.
- Ruth Deitrich She denied access to me of documentation of the lying Telford Detective Randy Floyd being reprimanded for committing perjury in her courtroom.
- Lawrence Brown Instead of doing his job, he decided to read a novel and violated my right to a fair hearing in County Court along with my right to my own religious beliefs.
- Ellen Fanning Ignores the truth when the truth is made known, she had the power to help to heal the injustice and is derelict to her duties as an officer of the court and truth.
- Mitchell S. Goldburg The Federal Judge to dismiss my complaint allowing my Constitutional rights to go violated without a chance for proper redress.
- Theodore Fritch Took away the freedom of my Grandmother and gave away my ability to help rebuild and nurture my Grandmother as a person, allowing my younger sister and step mother to disperse my Grandmothers property acording to their will in violation of what my Grandmother and Grandfather had arranged.
What makes a bad judge?
The first thing you need to realize that a good judge knows that they are human and as a human they can be tricked or make mistakes.
Unfortunately as it happens I haven't found a good judge that knows how to repair their own mistakes or the mistakes of others...
This link is to a list of Bad judges
Unfortunately as it happens I haven't found a good judge that knows how to repair their own mistakes or the mistakes of others...
This link is to a list of Bad judges
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What is Jewish Law?
(Wikipedia)Halakha (Hebrew), Halocho (Yiddish), and Halacha — is the collective body of Jewish religious law, including biblical law (the 613 mitzvot) and later talmudic and rabbinic law, as well as customs and traditions.
Judaism classically draws no distinction in its laws between religious and ostensibly non-religious life. Hence, Halakha guides not only religious practices and beliefs, but numerous aspects of day-to-day life. Halakha is often translated as "Jewish Law", although a more literal translation might be "the path" or "the way of walking." The word is derived from the Hebrew root that means to go or to walk.
Historically, Halakha served many Jewish communities as an enforceable avenue of civil and religious law. In the modern era, Jewish citizens may be bound to Halakha only by their voluntary consent. Under contemporary Israeli law, however, certain areas of Israeli family and personal status law are under the authority of the rabbinic courts and are therefore treated according to Halakha.
Reflecting the diversity of Jewish communities, somewhat different approaches to Halakha are found among Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardi, and Yemenite Jews.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Life Cycles of the Sun or any Star
I'm putting together a list of links that provide interesting information about the life cycle of a star including our sun.
I remember being told that our Sun is a fourth generation star, I'm still trying to figure that comment out as the information that I'm reading leads me to believe that the life cycle of a Star could be once and done.
In theory if the Sun is the result of a much larger star that split several times we could be in some sort of a division through a few generations of energy and gas expanding from a much larger source, as in levels of life, the result would still be in my way of thinking that the universe still did not have an origin of one single point in time, the universe could have always existed with larger stars that have broken down, as in forming and informed galaxies. But that takes me away from the purpose of these links I have provided here.
I remember being told that our Sun is a fourth generation star, I'm still trying to figure that comment out as the information that I'm reading leads me to believe that the life cycle of a Star could be once and done.
In theory if the Sun is the result of a much larger star that split several times we could be in some sort of a division through a few generations of energy and gas expanding from a much larger source, as in levels of life, the result would still be in my way of thinking that the universe still did not have an origin of one single point in time, the universe could have always existed with larger stars that have broken down, as in forming and informed galaxies. But that takes me away from the purpose of these links I have provided here.
What is GOD?
"God is a verb and not a noun. In other words , I view God as creation itself rather than "creator". I think the idea that God is seperated from everything else is an intellectual error. I view God as a higher power within us and all around us to be understood as opposed to a supernatural being outside of us that we are to believe in. Think about it this way>>> God is everywhere...the universe is everywhere...God is all knowing...the universe is all knowledge...God is all powerful...all power has its orgin in the universe...God is one...the "uni" verse means one work or one song.....why isnt God understood as the universe itself ?
to sum up...god is the word invoked to describe the universe" --Faythyrio
Friday, February 5, 2010
Freedom to Believe by Casheyesblond
I wrote something in abstract awhile back which I believe reflects upon your opening post;
When Freedom Is Not Just Another Word(abstract thoughts)
Freedom of emotions...
Freedom of roam--
Anxiety...sleep is hard to find me.
Certain madness ...absolute joy.
Just feels empty.
Inspiration is a close friend.
One pass ego...not about me.
Eyes have been I could see.
Conform to longer viewed as a delusional fool.
I do not wish to conform my thoughts because freedom will then suddenly become just another word to me.So should another consider me as someone that is delusional that embraces a certain madness then let this think whatever he/she chooses for indeed,*if* it is madness,I am never wanting to be cured from such sensational delight,inspiration and thoughts with freedom to roam taking me to place where I believe creativity and the riddle itself breathes.--nope ya want catch me riding the fence of intellectual freedom either.
In other words,as critical thinker I do understand one must maintain an air of skepticism but there will always be that skeptic that denounces everything if ya know what I mean.
To quote Chesterton again," By rebelling against everything he has lost his right to rebel against anything."
What is the direction I am going with this? There are some that will insist on allowing skepticism itself to carry them to this polarization of a "us and them" mentality while spouting off anti-religious attitudes.
I would like to quote Carl Sagan to further these thoughts;.
from the following material and link;
Carl Sagans life and legacy as scientist, teacher, and skeptic
back to the original post/acting_out
(note the quotation marks)
"logical reasoning is not an absolute law which governs the universe"
"logic is not a set of rules which govern human behavior"
In other words,there are those times that we seek that which is not always deemed rational and as an example,love is not rational--but as my profiles reads,one desires it,wants it,needs it just the same.
Let look at the laws of nature...this is something one can not explain but one may still yet simply say, 'it just is' while another would surrender to the possibility of something beyond us--transcendence.
And just as the earth humbles herself(choice of pronoun usage) to the laws of nature,I am someone that humbles myself to what I believe to be all that which is beyond us.
And imo,the one that is never free is simply the one riding the fence,spouting off with verbal acuity instead of mental acuity while refusing to at least from time to time,to entertain thoughts of the "possibility" ya know what I mean.
There is this song I like a lot called "Hanging by a Thread"'s some of the lyrics to the song;
There's a certain kind of pain that can numb you
There's a type of freedom that can tie you down
Sometimes the unexplained can define you
And sometimes the silence is the only sound
When Freedom Is Not Just Another Word(abstract thoughts)
Freedom of emotions...
Freedom of roam--
Anxiety...sleep is hard to find me.
Certain madness ...absolute joy.
Just feels empty.
Inspiration is a close friend.
One pass ego...not about me.
Eyes have been I could see.
Conform to longer viewed as a delusional fool.
I do not wish to conform my thoughts because freedom will then suddenly become just another word to me.So should another consider me as someone that is delusional that embraces a certain madness then let this think whatever he/she chooses for indeed,*if* it is madness,I am never wanting to be cured from such sensational delight,inspiration and thoughts with freedom to roam taking me to place where I believe creativity and the riddle itself breathes.--nope ya want catch me riding the fence of intellectual freedom either.
In other words,as critical thinker I do understand one must maintain an air of skepticism but there will always be that skeptic that denounces everything if ya know what I mean.
To quote Chesterton again," By rebelling against everything he has lost his right to rebel against anything."
What is the direction I am going with this? There are some that will insist on allowing skepticism itself to carry them to this polarization of a "us and them" mentality while spouting off anti-religious attitudes.
I would like to quote Carl Sagan to further these thoughts;.
from the following material and link;
Carl Sagans life and legacy as scientist, teacher, and skeptic
- While vigorously advocating the concepts of scientific skepticism, Sagan also raised questions about strategy. He wrote that “The chief difficulty I see in the skeptical movement is in its polarization: Us vs. Them—the sense that we [skeptics] have a monopoly on the truth; that those other people who believe all these stupid doctrines are morons.” He was especially troubled by anti-religious attitudes. While not a believer himself, Sagan had constructive interactions with religious leaders, including the Pope and the Dalai Lama. He wrote “There is no necessary conflict between science and religion. On one level, they share similar and consonant goals, and each needs the other.”
back to the original post/acting_out
- You just had an encounter with a celestial, and you've been told something that goes against all known logic and reason.
(note the quotation marks)
"logical reasoning is not an absolute law which governs the universe"
"logic is not a set of rules which govern human behavior"
In other words,there are those times that we seek that which is not always deemed rational and as an example,love is not rational--but as my profiles reads,one desires it,wants it,needs it just the same.
Let look at the laws of nature...this is something one can not explain but one may still yet simply say, 'it just is' while another would surrender to the possibility of something beyond us--transcendence.
And just as the earth humbles herself(choice of pronoun usage) to the laws of nature,I am someone that humbles myself to what I believe to be all that which is beyond us.
And imo,the one that is never free is simply the one riding the fence,spouting off with verbal acuity instead of mental acuity while refusing to at least from time to time,to entertain thoughts of the "possibility" ya know what I mean.
There is this song I like a lot called "Hanging by a Thread"'s some of the lyrics to the song;
There's a certain kind of pain that can numb you
There's a type of freedom that can tie you down
Sometimes the unexplained can define you
And sometimes the silence is the only sound
Names of God, a list compiled and shared by Jewelz
Ascended Masters, Archangels, Galactic Beings
Beloved Presence of God
The Holy Spirit
Cosmic Council of Twelve
Twenty-Four Elders that surround the Throne of Grace
The Mahatma
Archangels Michael and Faith
Elohim Councils of the Light of God
Archangels of the Tree of Life
Archangels and Angels of the Light of God
Hyos Ha Kodoish
Paradise Sons
Great Divine Director
Lord and Lady of Sirius
Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians
Sanat Kumara
Helios and Vesta
Ashtar and Athena
The Asthar Command
Jophiel and Christine
Chamuel and Charity
Gabriel and Hope
Raphael and Mother Mary
Uriel and Aurora
Zadkiel and Amethyst
Hercules and Amazonia
Apollo and Lumina
Heros and Amora
Purity and Astrea
Cyclopia and Virginia
Peace and Aloha
Arcturus and Victoria
Mahachohan Allah Gobi
Lord Buddha
Sri Yukteswar Lahiri Mahasaya
Dr. Lorphan
The Galactic Healers
Platinum Angels
Sai Baba
Lady Masters
Quan Yin
Pallas Athena
Lady Master Nada
Six Buddhas of Activity
El Morya
Lord Maitreya
Djwhal Khul
Office of the Christ
Office of The Divine Mother
all Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram
Seven Ray Ahsrams of the Christ
Serapis Bey
Paul the Venetian
Saint Germain
Eagle Command
Celestial Command
Order of the Golden Robe
the Mountain of Mt. Shasta
Earth Mother
Dolphins and Whales Pan
Animal Kingdom
Plant Kingdom
Mineral Kingdom
Devic and Nature Spirits
Elemental Kingdom
the Manifestation Council
Divine Mother
Silent Watcher of the Cosmos
Lady of the Sun
Lady Liberty
Lady of the Light
Native American Master Elders
Multi-Universal Logos
Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light
Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance
Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command
Goddess Lodge
Christed ET Lodge
Eastern Masters Lodge
Occult Western Lodge
the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy
Inner Planes Healers are available to help you with these techniques:
Lord Melchizedek
The Universal Logos and teacher for all beings in the universe, who consciously holds the primary pattern for all evolution in this universe.
Lord Maitreya
Current head of the Spiritual Hierarchy; holds the position of "Office of the Christ" in the Planetary Hierarchy of Earth; past life of Lord Krishna; Maitreya means "love" just as Christ means "love". On a cosmic level, God holds the "Office of God" - the Office of Power and Will. Christ holds the "Office of Christ" - the Office of Love. The Holy Spirit holds the "Office of the Holy Spirit" - the Office of Wisdom and Active Intelligence. The Offices of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are represented throughout all of Creation on all levels of existence. Lord Maitreya runs the "Office of the Christ" for Planet Earth.
An incarnation of Sananda 2000 years ago in the Middle East, where the prototype for the Christ Consciousness of the Piscean Age was anchored. Overlighted in his mission by Lord Maitreya.
Jesus Christ's name on the Inner Plane.
Earth's present Planetary Logos and the Ascended Master known primarily through the incarnation of Guatama Buddha 2500 years ago in East Asia, who among others taught the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path.
Archangel Metatron
Metatron is described as the chief or head of the "world of creation," and the creator of the electron and all outer light in the universe, with his Twin Flame, Neptha El-Ra "servant or the "body" of Shekinah (the Divine Feminine).
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection of the First Ray. Call on him and his Twin Flame, Archangel Faith any time you or anyone you know is in need of protection on any level. I offer my assistance in clearing negative energies or implants, or the like, from your energy bodies. Ask and it will be done – for that is my service and my desire.
Mother Sekhmet
Mother represents the great Mother Warrior Goddess who comes at the beginning and the end of every Yuga, which is a 26,826 year cycle, otherwise known at this present time cycle as the Kali-Yuga orbit around the great central sun, Alcyone. Mother Sekhmet and her twin flame, Lord Alcyone, have come here at this time from an Anti-Matter Universe to our Matter Universe to balance out the masculine and the feminine.
The commander of the Ashtar Command! An Ascended Master and Christed Extraterrestrial who actively supports the planetary ascension process.
Lord Arcturus
Lord Arcturus works hand in hand with the Ashtar Command. Arcturus is a Master Healer and works with the Arcturian Temple Workers. The Arcturians are well known for their advanced healing technologies, especially Light Surgeries. The technologies they use effect the subtle bodies. After these bodies are healed, the transmutation comes into the physical body. This is a very effective form of Healing.
Ashtar Command
The winged extraterrestrial airforce, so to speak, of the Ascended Masters that are in charge of protecting the Earth and helping in its Spiritual enlightenment.
Dr. Lorphan
I come to you from Sirius to offer my support to mankind. I am honored to assist and look greatly forward to watching and of course participating in your evolvement. I am available to those that ask in the healing modalities to assist in the development and alignment of healing energies. These higher energies are being made available to you at this point in your history. All is possible.
Galactic Healers
A group of Spiritual Masters from the Great White Lodge on Sirius headed by Dr. Lorphan, the head of the healing Academy on Sirius, who are available to work on physical, psychological and Spiritual health concerns for anyone who calls upon them.
Saint Germain
Holds the position of Mahachohan in the Spiritual Government of Planet Earth; former Chohan of the Seventh Ray that deals with ceremonial order and magic, which is coming into manifestation more with the Golden Age. Many know of Saint Germain through a number of well-known incarnations such as Merlin and Francis Bacon (William Shakespeare).
From Hinduism, the Monkey God who was the servant of Rama 20,000 years ago. Hanuman is considered the archetype of the perfect servant of God. It is helpful to work on integrating changes into your Monadic Blueprint Body and carry all healing back to the Source, Back to the Godhead.
Ganesha's head symbolizes the Atman or the soul, which is the ultimate supreme reality of human existence, and his human body signifies Maya or the earthly existence of human beings. The elephant head denotes wisdom and its trunk represents Om, the sound symbol of cosmic reality. Ganesha is known as the destroyer of obstacles.
The highest Source level, from which all other levels extend and to which all will return to. The Source of All That Is. God, The Creator.
Monadic Blueprint Body
Encases the Mayavarupa Body as protection and contains futuristic coding relative to the universal force of light and energy. It is composed of sacred language created by God and dispenses light directly to the other bodies beneath its layer; also composed of DNA, RNA contributors and electrons assimilated through divine dispensation to configure your physical structure for the purpose of holding the intense energy of this light body.
It’s general appearance is multi-colored reflections from the other bodies of light beneath it with a dominant color associated with your individual ray structure, projected to the other bodies.It’s purpose is to solidify the structure for future light bodies to be built upon.
Self-Healing "Helpers" - The Ascended Master, Archangel, and/or Galactic of your choice.
Beloved Presence of God
The Holy Spirit
Cosmic Council of Twelve
24 Elders Surrounding Throne of Grace
the Mahatma
Archangels Michael and Faith
Elohim Councils of the Light of God
Archangels of the Tree of Life
Archangels and Angels of the Light of God
Hyos Ha Kodoish
Paradise Sons
Great Divine Director
Lord and Lady of Sirius
Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians
Sanat Kumara
Helios and Vesta
Ashtar and Athena
the Asthar Command
Jophiel and Christine
Chamuel and Charity
Gabriel and Hope
Raphael and Mother Mary
Uriel and Aurora
Zadkiel and Amethyst
Hercules and Amazonia
Apollo and Lumina
Heros and Amora
Purity and Astrea
Cyclopia and Virginia
Peace and Aloha
Arcturus and Victoria
Mahachohan Allah Gobi
Lord Buddha
Sri Yukteswar Lahiri Mahasaya
Dr. Lorphan
The Galactic Healers
Platinum Angels
Sai Baba
Lady Masters
Quan Yin
Pallas Athena
Lady Master Nada
Six Buddhas of Activity
El Morya
Lord Maitreya
Djwhal Khul
Office of the Christ
Office of The Divine Mother
All Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram
Seven Ray Ashrams of the Christ
Serapis Bey
Paul the Venetian
Saint Germain
Eagle Command
Celestial Command
Order of the Golden Robe
the Mountain of Mt. Shasta
Earth Mother
Dolphins and Whales Pan
Animal Kingdom
Plant Kingdom
Mineral Kingdom
Devic and Nature Spirits
Elemental Kingdom
the Manifestation Council
Divine Mother
Silent Watcher of the Cosmos
Lady of the Sun
Lady Liberty
Lady of the Light
Native American Master Elders
Multi-Universal Logos
Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light
Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance
Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command
Goddess Lodge
Christed ET Lodge
Eastern Masters Lodge
Occult Western Lodge
the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy
Beloved Presence of God
The Holy Spirit
Cosmic Council of Twelve
Twenty-Four Elders that surround the Throne of Grace
The Mahatma
Archangels Michael and Faith
Elohim Councils of the Light of God
Archangels of the Tree of Life
Archangels and Angels of the Light of God
Hyos Ha Kodoish
Paradise Sons
Great Divine Director
Lord and Lady of Sirius
Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians
Sanat Kumara
Helios and Vesta
Ashtar and Athena
The Asthar Command
Jophiel and Christine
Chamuel and Charity
Gabriel and Hope
Raphael and Mother Mary
Uriel and Aurora
Zadkiel and Amethyst
Hercules and Amazonia
Apollo and Lumina
Heros and Amora
Purity and Astrea
Cyclopia and Virginia
Peace and Aloha
Arcturus and Victoria
Mahachohan Allah Gobi
Lord Buddha
Sri Yukteswar Lahiri Mahasaya
Dr. Lorphan
The Galactic Healers
Platinum Angels
Sai Baba
Lady Masters
Quan Yin
Pallas Athena
Lady Master Nada
Six Buddhas of Activity
El Morya
Lord Maitreya
Djwhal Khul
Office of the Christ
Office of The Divine Mother
all Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram
Seven Ray Ahsrams of the Christ
Serapis Bey
Paul the Venetian
Saint Germain
Eagle Command
Celestial Command
Order of the Golden Robe
the Mountain of Mt. Shasta
Earth Mother
Dolphins and Whales Pan
Animal Kingdom
Plant Kingdom
Mineral Kingdom
Devic and Nature Spirits
Elemental Kingdom
the Manifestation Council
Divine Mother
Silent Watcher of the Cosmos
Lady of the Sun
Lady Liberty
Lady of the Light
Native American Master Elders
Multi-Universal Logos
Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light
Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance
Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command
Goddess Lodge
Christed ET Lodge
Eastern Masters Lodge
Occult Western Lodge
the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy
Inner Planes Healers are available to help you with these techniques:
Lord Melchizedek
The Universal Logos and teacher for all beings in the universe, who consciously holds the primary pattern for all evolution in this universe.
Lord Maitreya
Current head of the Spiritual Hierarchy; holds the position of "Office of the Christ" in the Planetary Hierarchy of Earth; past life of Lord Krishna; Maitreya means "love" just as Christ means "love". On a cosmic level, God holds the "Office of God" - the Office of Power and Will. Christ holds the "Office of Christ" - the Office of Love. The Holy Spirit holds the "Office of the Holy Spirit" - the Office of Wisdom and Active Intelligence. The Offices of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are represented throughout all of Creation on all levels of existence. Lord Maitreya runs the "Office of the Christ" for Planet Earth.
An incarnation of Sananda 2000 years ago in the Middle East, where the prototype for the Christ Consciousness of the Piscean Age was anchored. Overlighted in his mission by Lord Maitreya.
Jesus Christ's name on the Inner Plane.
Earth's present Planetary Logos and the Ascended Master known primarily through the incarnation of Guatama Buddha 2500 years ago in East Asia, who among others taught the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path.
Archangel Metatron
Metatron is described as the chief or head of the "world of creation," and the creator of the electron and all outer light in the universe, with his Twin Flame, Neptha El-Ra "servant or the "body" of Shekinah (the Divine Feminine).
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection of the First Ray. Call on him and his Twin Flame, Archangel Faith any time you or anyone you know is in need of protection on any level. I offer my assistance in clearing negative energies or implants, or the like, from your energy bodies. Ask and it will be done – for that is my service and my desire.
Mother Sekhmet
Mother represents the great Mother Warrior Goddess who comes at the beginning and the end of every Yuga, which is a 26,826 year cycle, otherwise known at this present time cycle as the Kali-Yuga orbit around the great central sun, Alcyone. Mother Sekhmet and her twin flame, Lord Alcyone, have come here at this time from an Anti-Matter Universe to our Matter Universe to balance out the masculine and the feminine.
The commander of the Ashtar Command! An Ascended Master and Christed Extraterrestrial who actively supports the planetary ascension process.
Lord Arcturus
Lord Arcturus works hand in hand with the Ashtar Command. Arcturus is a Master Healer and works with the Arcturian Temple Workers. The Arcturians are well known for their advanced healing technologies, especially Light Surgeries. The technologies they use effect the subtle bodies. After these bodies are healed, the transmutation comes into the physical body. This is a very effective form of Healing.
Ashtar Command
The winged extraterrestrial airforce, so to speak, of the Ascended Masters that are in charge of protecting the Earth and helping in its Spiritual enlightenment.
Dr. Lorphan
I come to you from Sirius to offer my support to mankind. I am honored to assist and look greatly forward to watching and of course participating in your evolvement. I am available to those that ask in the healing modalities to assist in the development and alignment of healing energies. These higher energies are being made available to you at this point in your history. All is possible.
Galactic Healers
A group of Spiritual Masters from the Great White Lodge on Sirius headed by Dr. Lorphan, the head of the healing Academy on Sirius, who are available to work on physical, psychological and Spiritual health concerns for anyone who calls upon them.
Saint Germain
Holds the position of Mahachohan in the Spiritual Government of Planet Earth; former Chohan of the Seventh Ray that deals with ceremonial order and magic, which is coming into manifestation more with the Golden Age. Many know of Saint Germain through a number of well-known incarnations such as Merlin and Francis Bacon (William Shakespeare).
From Hinduism, the Monkey God who was the servant of Rama 20,000 years ago. Hanuman is considered the archetype of the perfect servant of God. It is helpful to work on integrating changes into your Monadic Blueprint Body and carry all healing back to the Source, Back to the Godhead.
Ganesha's head symbolizes the Atman or the soul, which is the ultimate supreme reality of human existence, and his human body signifies Maya or the earthly existence of human beings. The elephant head denotes wisdom and its trunk represents Om, the sound symbol of cosmic reality. Ganesha is known as the destroyer of obstacles.
The highest Source level, from which all other levels extend and to which all will return to. The Source of All That Is. God, The Creator.
Monadic Blueprint Body
Encases the Mayavarupa Body as protection and contains futuristic coding relative to the universal force of light and energy. It is composed of sacred language created by God and dispenses light directly to the other bodies beneath its layer; also composed of DNA, RNA contributors and electrons assimilated through divine dispensation to configure your physical structure for the purpose of holding the intense energy of this light body.
It’s general appearance is multi-colored reflections from the other bodies of light beneath it with a dominant color associated with your individual ray structure, projected to the other bodies.It’s purpose is to solidify the structure for future light bodies to be built upon.
Self-Healing "Helpers" - The Ascended Master, Archangel, and/or Galactic of your choice.
Beloved Presence of God
The Holy Spirit
Cosmic Council of Twelve
24 Elders Surrounding Throne of Grace
the Mahatma
Archangels Michael and Faith
Elohim Councils of the Light of God
Archangels of the Tree of Life
Archangels and Angels of the Light of God
Hyos Ha Kodoish
Paradise Sons
Great Divine Director
Lord and Lady of Sirius
Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians
Sanat Kumara
Helios and Vesta
Ashtar and Athena
the Asthar Command
Jophiel and Christine
Chamuel and Charity
Gabriel and Hope
Raphael and Mother Mary
Uriel and Aurora
Zadkiel and Amethyst
Hercules and Amazonia
Apollo and Lumina
Heros and Amora
Purity and Astrea
Cyclopia and Virginia
Peace and Aloha
Arcturus and Victoria
Mahachohan Allah Gobi
Lord Buddha
Sri Yukteswar Lahiri Mahasaya
Dr. Lorphan
The Galactic Healers
Platinum Angels
Sai Baba
Lady Masters
Quan Yin
Pallas Athena
Lady Master Nada
Six Buddhas of Activity
El Morya
Lord Maitreya
Djwhal Khul
Office of the Christ
Office of The Divine Mother
All Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram
Seven Ray Ashrams of the Christ
Serapis Bey
Paul the Venetian
Saint Germain
Eagle Command
Celestial Command
Order of the Golden Robe
the Mountain of Mt. Shasta
Earth Mother
Dolphins and Whales Pan
Animal Kingdom
Plant Kingdom
Mineral Kingdom
Devic and Nature Spirits
Elemental Kingdom
the Manifestation Council
Divine Mother
Silent Watcher of the Cosmos
Lady of the Sun
Lady Liberty
Lady of the Light
Native American Master Elders
Multi-Universal Logos
Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light
Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance
Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command
Goddess Lodge
Christed ET Lodge
Eastern Masters Lodge
Occult Western Lodge
the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Jesus Tomb
- The Discovery Channel The Lost Tomb of Jesus
- The Lost Tomb of Jesus/
- The Tomb of
- The Lost Tomb of Jesus (Wikipedia)
- Jesus Tomb controversy 1-16-2008 (Time/World/CNN)
- The Tomb of Jesus (Spurgeon Archives)
- Has the Tomb of Jesus been found (CARM Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry)
- Dr. Bill Craig teaching on the Empty Tomb of Jesus (Leadership University)
- Refuting the Lost Tomb of Jesus as being valid -- SBL Jodi Magness, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Books on the Tomb of Jesus
Fine Print
Do you read the fine print?
Is it logical to consider reading fine print is hard on the eyes, causing eye strain and damage to vision.
Is it logical to consider reading fine print is hard on the eyes, causing eye strain and damage to vision.
What is it?
Confucius (Wikipedia)
Confucius (Stanford Encyclopedia)
The sayings of Confuscius
About womenI believe if a woman says no then no is the answer until she indicates that maybe she is interested. If she shows signs of interest then it is safe to pursue her interest.
The Golden Rule attributed to Confucius
Confufuscius Crystalinks
Confucius (Wikipedia)
Confucius (Stanford Encyclopedia)
The sayings of Confuscius
About womenI believe if a woman says no then no is the answer until she indicates that maybe she is interested. If she shows signs of interest then it is safe to pursue her interest.
The Golden Rule attributed to Confucius
Confufuscius Crystalinks
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I saw the movie Avatar what a great movie, I so align with the character Jake, and the on and off friendship with Neytiri was very reminiscent and synchronized with my life.
I found the plot line very interesting.
The battle for resources, and the lack of concern for life on the Planet.
Now how do I get on the good side the winning side because Good always wins light always triumphs over darkness.
A great Video for the theme song I see through your eyes by Leona Lewis Well worth the time to watch...
Seeing paradise through your eyes teach me to see and I give my heart to you...
The community had to come together losing one structure of many branches to survive and secure the safety of the much more important structure where all the tribes were brought together in the defense of what was more important. The spiritual realm and belief is much more important than the resources that the aliens require as they scoff at the spiritual belief in the living Planet and the unseen realm that the believers are connected to.
The consummate battle between Good and Evil...
Links to Online information about the 2009 Movie Avatar produced by James Cameron.
I found the plot line very interesting.
The battle for resources, and the lack of concern for life on the Planet.
Now how do I get on the good side the winning side because Good always wins light always triumphs over darkness.
A great Video for the theme song I see through your eyes by Leona Lewis Well worth the time to watch...
Seeing paradise through your eyes teach me to see and I give my heart to you...
The community had to come together losing one structure of many branches to survive and secure the safety of the much more important structure where all the tribes were brought together in the defense of what was more important. The spiritual realm and belief is much more important than the resources that the aliens require as they scoff at the spiritual belief in the living Planet and the unseen realm that the believers are connected to.
The consummate battle between Good and Evil...
Links to Online information about the 2009 Movie Avatar produced by James Cameron.
Satanism what is it?
I think there was a lot of interest in this subject and I know for one I have an interest in such beliefs what they involve and how we misunderstand those who are practicing this belief system.
The practitioners of this belief do have a handle on reality and truth that many Christians do not. I've met a few Satanists in my life.
Here are a few links to get us started Satanism Wikipedia
LaVeyan Satanism
For those of you interested in the Church of Satan (note: I went to the home page that is as far as I am going... )
The URL on this one is suspicious www.Jesus is of Satan
It is certainly not hell that I intend to catch?
Puts out finger to see if the beautiful butterfly lands safe to rest and be adored.
The world will turn with out her tonight, tomorrow or anytime she decides she and he need a break.
The practitioners of this belief do have a handle on reality and truth that many Christians do not. I've met a few Satanists in my life.
Here are a few links to get us started Satanism Wikipedia
LaVeyan Satanism
For those of you interested in the Church of Satan (note: I went to the home page that is as far as I am going... )
The URL on this one is suspicious www.Jesus is of Satan
It is certainly not hell that I intend to catch?
Puts out finger to see if the beautiful butterfly lands safe to rest and be adored.
The world will turn with out her tonight, tomorrow or anytime she decides she and he need a break.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Egypt The Bible and the Ptolemaic lineage from Wikipedia
Is it possible that the Bible was ordered written by a Ptolemaic order?
The History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemaic Cleopatra's
Egypt (Roman Province)
Final War of the Roman Repblic
Cleopatra of Jerusalem
Cleoparta's Needle
The History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemaic Cleopatra's
- Cleopatra I of Egypt
- Grandmother of, Prolemy Apion
- Cleopatra II of Egypt
- Aunt of,Prolemy Apion
- Cleopatra III of Egypt
- Bernice III of Egypt
- Cleopatra VI of Egypt
- Cleopatra VII Married to, Mark AntonyFather of the twins Alexander Helios & Cleopatra Selene II.
- Only Daughter;Cleopatra VIII Selene II she was married to; Juba II
- Oldest Son;Alexander Helios
- Youngest Son;Ptolemy Philadelphus
- Julia UraniaMarried to her youngest Grandson
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My Troll List
My Family:
Mary C. Keegan Landis
Rosemarie Dyke Roberts Landis
Nancy E. Schnure Landis Schaffer
Police officials:
Bruce L. Hoffman
Law Firms:
Other Sites:
Mary C. Keegan Landis
Rosemarie Dyke Roberts Landis
Nancy E. Schnure Landis Schaffer
Police officials:
Bruce L. Hoffman
Law Firms:
Other Sites:
Monday, January 11, 2010
Gottcha Trippy Zowwy Doug at 49 you can't teach for 50 years.
1/11/2010 12:01:18 AM Through the forest I hiked to find that one special tree the one I see flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Toledo, OH
age: 49
view: posts | threads
joined: May. 2007
block user from posting
Love huh? Well you're gonna love this then Gary.
A tree? Horse pucky! The tree is a metaphore for XASHAX.
Everybody can see that. You've been shamelessly trailing
that woman through every thread she posts in. The mush
you've been dishing out trying to woo her is pathetic.
It's a wonder she doesn't charge ya with stalking, and
I'm not the first to hint at that. You've also been
playing people back and forth in what ever manner will
suit you in your persuit of xashax. How many threads did
you pollute with your off topic posts that bespoke of
your desire for that woman, sheesh! Block this person,
don't block that one, unblock the other one, what did
that one say, how could that one quote me, bla bla bla.
Now hurry and tell xashax to unblock me so she can read
this, she loves the attention you showwer upon her.
Then xashax can read this:
I mentioned to purecurosity that xashax seems to not
have much else to do but diddle around here in DH, as
she has been a member for 7-8 months yet has 6000+ posts(
30+posts/day)on her bed notch. Pure later mentioned that
in a thread and xashax suddenly thinks pure is a fake again
by some other male poster from her past that incinuated the
same thing. Well wake up woman, it's damn obvious and many
others can see it but don't feel the need to point it out.
I'm not saying you don't have a life, if you chose to spend
a third of it on DH have at it. But, for GOD sakes do it with
a little more grace.
I wrote that I would take care of you personally in an
email, but after all the crap you've been pulling, it's
best I do it publicly in your thread. I will be sure to
save this in my archives LOL.
You seriously missquoted me a few days back. I was in
disbelief that you could read something and not comprehend
what I had written, then not reread to make sure you had
it right before quoting. You did appoligize in that thread
before I calmed down enough to post there my displeasure
with your behavior. Fine, you appoligized, but you seem to
have a history of appoligies that have an aire of insenserity.
Are you appoligizing for intentional missuse of others words
for your personal vendettas and gains or agenda? Explative!
Now here's something that really stinks. You have been refering
to purecurosity as "A" and me as "D". In personal email I made
the obvious mistake of telling you my GOD given name and not
asking you to keep it from public knowledge, I thought that was
common etiquette to not devulge a members real name. Even though
you only used a single letter of mine and pure curosity's name
which she told you in an email, it is too close for comfort and I
take it as a threat and a shamfull way to manipulate your posts
so some know who you refer to and others won't. Purcurosity told
me in phone conversation you emailed that you thought useing
initials of our actual names was ok since I had used yours a "G".
Well hey, you explative head, your handle is GARY!!! DUH!!! If you
go as far as to reveal pure's, mine , or anyone elses name I will
make it my mission to have you removed, and any other profiles I
find you've created as long as I am a member here. After almost 3
years I believe I classify as a senior member regardless of # of
posts, I have paid my dues here more than you could ever fathom.
If you complain to administration about this post I'm sure they
would like to investigate my claims I've layed out here exposeing
the true source of the problems going on in the Religion forum.
Of all the forums why do the biggest bullies hang out here, that
behavior is not condusive to religious or spiritual growth.
The rest of ya know who I refer to here: You think Gary is the worst?
Far cry, it is you that insight the actions of members like Gary.
It is you that insight displeasure and anger from people like
purecurosity when you instantly accuse them of being fake or a troll
putting them immediately on the deffensive. Love to poke the bear eh?
Next you'll be accusing me of being a fake, you'll rue the day.
What gives you the right to admonish people for not writing very
proper, poor spelling and punctuation, inept gramatical conveyence
of what they are trying to say, with pokes and jabbs in gang fashion!?
What happened to inocent untill proven guilty? You know no laws nor
proper etiquette, or you blatantly chose to abandon your better judgement.
Athiest, agnostic, religious in what ever faith, should all know
better as it is universal law not just Bible law/comandments.
I have been reading and I can't say for the most part enjoying, all
that I've been gleaning here so far, which includes all posts by
goofballs that think blocking actually hides what they post.
I was happy to stumble into this forum following purecurosity's lead,
thinking I would rekindle my religious learning, but was instantly
disheartened with what I saw in others behaviors. Gary, how about
you grab a handfull of the leaves off of that most wonderfull tree
and pass them out, then at the count of three everyone can turn
thier own leaf over and start anew. We're only a couple days into
2010, make a resolution to be a better member of DH and human race.
If you don't want to be a leaf on the tree of love and respect, then
you don't belong in this forum. Religion requires respect of others and
the world we fly through space on.
I am going to find and post a post I posted way back, I think it would be
relavant to what I'm trying to get across with this post. It was long
so I would rather find it and copy paste for your benefit. It will
be in a following post.
Maybe I should've just quoted the Cheech and Chong teacher skit:
[Edited 1/11/2010 12:23:10 AM PST]
1/11/2010 12:01:47 AM Through the forest I hiked to find that one special tree the one I see flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Toledo, OH
age: 49
view: posts | threads
joined: May. 2007
block user from posting
Need another look at the truth tgwb_gary ?
Pay attention to the second paragraph and the teachers behavior
toward unruly students.
See if it doesn't ring a bell true for you rablerousers here.
This is that post in entirety, from 5/31/2007
Thread titled: Why don't White Females go out with Black Men
In: Dateing and general discussion
Point taken,but heritage and personal preference vary from here to infinity.
What does not vary is right and wrong,the laws of this land and how an
American is expected to treat his or her fellow citizens.By not practicing
proper english,it drags down the reputation of this country,the past is past,
don't repeat it and for Gods sake don't screw up the future.
Let me tell ya...Senior english grammer and composition class,the teacher was
the head of the engish department of Toledo Public Schools,the class was acting up,
worstening as semester progressed,finally it was so disruptive that she absolutely
blew her stack,lectured the class for the entire hour how this had been the most
disrespect she had ever experienced,so severe was the tongue lashing that you would
have had to have been there to understand the intensity of her anger,10 minutes
before the bell rang she anounced she could no longer give us the best of her
knowledge,had lost all desire to teach,and would effectively retire end of year
because of US.US being the rablerousers.Those responsible knew who they were and
those who didn't speak out against it knew who they were.the class was 60% Black
and 40% White or other,only the Blacks were the rablerousers.I was a shy kid and
felt so low cause I could have stood up and said shut up, but you know I would have
gotten my a** kicked maybe right then and there,for sure after school. The last
10 minutes of silence as she sat at her desk staring at us was deafening and
seared into my mind.She had become insensed with the rising moral decay of students.
This is an absolutely true story,I was in the front row center and felt it full
impact.If you have any doubt the impact proper english can have good or bad then
just piss off an english teacher whose been teaching for 50 years.I dare ya.
May the tree flourish.
[Edited 1/11/2010 12:26:15 AM PST]
1/11/2010 12:02:31 AM Through the forest I hiked to find that one special tree the one I see flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Toledo, OH
age: 49
view: posts | threads
joined: May. 2007
block user from posting
Quote from tgwb_gary:
Well Zowwy,
From where I stand, you should have read this little piece of information. How to spot a lie because speaking of making errors as we all do from time to time, and I corrected the error after I became aware of it. I know my own fault staying up too late and doing too much when I should have been recuperating. But nothing wrong with making a lot of posts and meeting a lot of people and I am truly sorry that I ruffled your feathers, but your friend Purecurosity she needs to learn a lesson in being humble also.
You incinuate I lied about something? No, I shit you not.
Purecurosity is responsible for herself and the content of her posts.
I am merely attesting to her profiles legitamacy.
You wrote:"sorry that I ruffled your feathers, but your friend Purecurosity
she needs to learn a lesson"
So, reading that, am I to think that you punished me by ruffling my feathers
for purecurosity's supposed transgresions? Or are You just stating
'Hey, she did something tooooooo.'?
The posts were aimed at everyone including you, don't feel singled out.
You provided a perfect and timely outlet for the messages intent,
Love Thy Nieghbor. You must have been compelled by the forces of good
to create the thread
Turned over that leaf yet?
Quote from tgwb_gary:
Asha wanted to know if I would own my mistakes, to her I have apologized over and over again, yet I never saw Purecurosity ever apologize for her mistakes.
Her not appoligizing and what for, has nothing to do with my posts.
Quote from tgwb_gary:
I still respect you and your opinion, you won't have any issues with me, you know that I have exchanged plenty of private e-mails with you and so you should know the condition of my heart from all that I have written here in public and in private.
Likewise, but you're going to give yourself a freakin heart attack if you
keep obsessing over a woman, your health and reputation is parramount.
Sure she's a looker, but you need to step back and watch what eminates
from within her for a spell before you go head over heal on someone.
Even then you will need to show tact and respect.
Quote from tgwb_gary:
The question is am I telling the truth? Check the link out, and see what you think. I have a lot of material archived an English major should love what I am doing. They might even see progress in my grammar and thanks to spell check my spelling is much better, I certainly needed help in that department. My weakness is not in knowing the material, it is in getting people to listen and understand me, and you know how to confuse people also, and that isn't funny.
You seem to have missed the point of my posting the teacher and rablerouser post.
The point was not focusing on grammer or spelling, it was on the rabblerousers and
how they compare to the bullies here in DH forums. I could care less how well you
or others write, I won't bully them over it( accuse of being fake), but it sure
won't help the inept writer convey what they mean or appear intelligent and believable.
Don't accuse me of porposely confusing people, are you kidding? If you are confused
it's a result of yours or others skills in comprehention. That post initially was
to point out poor english skills in america in a thread over two tears ago, it
seemed ponient here with the disrespectfull students aspect of it.
Quote from tgwb_gary:
So this is the note you were referring to? No biggie, your truth from your perspective. I still have faith, that my truth will be revealed openly and publicly. Keep watching and keep reading.
Not MY truth from MY perspective. It is what it is. I posted what and how it is.
I no longer respect you, you've shown yourself to be malicious and deviate.
You lie with both sides of your forked tongue, your scales are very dark.
I'm as much a fake as you are a good soul, I no more lied than you havn't
sold your soul in persuit of the flesh. You were supposed to turn that leaf
over, not stuff it in your ass. How wonderfull does that feel? Put the rest
of the tree in there why don't you. Your wife must be happier without you,
as people don't change and your behavior in DH exposes the real you and what
your wife had to put up with and what any future mate of yours will have to
Alone will be your density.
Turn over that leaf.
1/11/2010 12:18:04 AM Through the forest I hiked to find that one special tree the one I see flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Toledo, OH
age: 49
view: posts | threads
joined: May. 2007
block user from posting
I understand you don't block me because you try in your
posts all over the forum to goat me into responding.
You NEED to see what I post. You are a hell bent spy.
You will likely be back after you die, you are learning
of knowledge, but have not learned to respect natural law.
Your fig leaves have fallen and your evil is showing.
[Edited 1/11/2010 12:19:13 AM PST]
Toledo, OH
age: 49
view: posts | threads
joined: May. 2007
block user from posting
Love huh? Well you're gonna love this then Gary.
A tree? Horse pucky! The tree is a metaphore for XASHAX.
Everybody can see that. You've been shamelessly trailing
that woman through every thread she posts in. The mush
you've been dishing out trying to woo her is pathetic.
It's a wonder she doesn't charge ya with stalking, and
I'm not the first to hint at that. You've also been
playing people back and forth in what ever manner will
suit you in your persuit of xashax. How many threads did
you pollute with your off topic posts that bespoke of
your desire for that woman, sheesh! Block this person,
don't block that one, unblock the other one, what did
that one say, how could that one quote me, bla bla bla.
Now hurry and tell xashax to unblock me so she can read
this, she loves the attention you showwer upon her.
Then xashax can read this:
I mentioned to purecurosity that xashax seems to not
have much else to do but diddle around here in DH, as
she has been a member for 7-8 months yet has 6000+ posts(
30+posts/day)on her bed notch. Pure later mentioned that
in a thread and xashax suddenly thinks pure is a fake again
by some other male poster from her past that incinuated the
same thing. Well wake up woman, it's damn obvious and many
others can see it but don't feel the need to point it out.
I'm not saying you don't have a life, if you chose to spend
a third of it on DH have at it. But, for GOD sakes do it with
a little more grace.
I wrote that I would take care of you personally in an
email, but after all the crap you've been pulling, it's
best I do it publicly in your thread. I will be sure to
save this in my archives LOL.
You seriously missquoted me a few days back. I was in
disbelief that you could read something and not comprehend
what I had written, then not reread to make sure you had
it right before quoting. You did appoligize in that thread
before I calmed down enough to post there my displeasure
with your behavior. Fine, you appoligized, but you seem to
have a history of appoligies that have an aire of insenserity.
Are you appoligizing for intentional missuse of others words
for your personal vendettas and gains or agenda? Explative!
Now here's something that really stinks. You have been refering
to purecurosity as "A" and me as "D". In personal email I made
the obvious mistake of telling you my GOD given name and not
asking you to keep it from public knowledge, I thought that was
common etiquette to not devulge a members real name. Even though
you only used a single letter of mine and pure curosity's name
which she told you in an email, it is too close for comfort and I
take it as a threat and a shamfull way to manipulate your posts
so some know who you refer to and others won't. Purcurosity told
me in phone conversation you emailed that you thought useing
initials of our actual names was ok since I had used yours a "G".
Well hey, you explative head, your handle is GARY!!! DUH!!! If you
go as far as to reveal pure's, mine , or anyone elses name I will
make it my mission to have you removed, and any other profiles I
find you've created as long as I am a member here. After almost 3
years I believe I classify as a senior member regardless of # of
posts, I have paid my dues here more than you could ever fathom.
If you complain to administration about this post I'm sure they
would like to investigate my claims I've layed out here exposeing
the true source of the problems going on in the Religion forum.
Of all the forums why do the biggest bullies hang out here, that
behavior is not condusive to religious or spiritual growth.
The rest of ya know who I refer to here: You think Gary is the worst?
Far cry, it is you that insight the actions of members like Gary.
It is you that insight displeasure and anger from people like
purecurosity when you instantly accuse them of being fake or a troll
putting them immediately on the deffensive. Love to poke the bear eh?
Next you'll be accusing me of being a fake, you'll rue the day.
What gives you the right to admonish people for not writing very
proper, poor spelling and punctuation, inept gramatical conveyence
of what they are trying to say, with pokes and jabbs in gang fashion!?
What happened to inocent untill proven guilty? You know no laws nor
proper etiquette, or you blatantly chose to abandon your better judgement.
Athiest, agnostic, religious in what ever faith, should all know
better as it is universal law not just Bible law/comandments.
I have been reading and I can't say for the most part enjoying, all
that I've been gleaning here so far, which includes all posts by
goofballs that think blocking actually hides what they post.
I was happy to stumble into this forum following purecurosity's lead,
thinking I would rekindle my religious learning, but was instantly
disheartened with what I saw in others behaviors. Gary, how about
you grab a handfull of the leaves off of that most wonderfull tree
and pass them out, then at the count of three everyone can turn
thier own leaf over and start anew. We're only a couple days into
2010, make a resolution to be a better member of DH and human race.
If you don't want to be a leaf on the tree of love and respect, then
you don't belong in this forum. Religion requires respect of others and
the world we fly through space on.
I am going to find and post a post I posted way back, I think it would be
relavant to what I'm trying to get across with this post. It was long
so I would rather find it and copy paste for your benefit. It will
be in a following post.
Maybe I should've just quoted the Cheech and Chong teacher skit:
[Edited 1/11/2010 12:23:10 AM PST]
1/11/2010 12:01:47 AM Through the forest I hiked to find that one special tree the one I see flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Toledo, OH
age: 49
view: posts | threads
joined: May. 2007
block user from posting
Need another look at the truth tgwb_gary ?
Pay attention to the second paragraph and the teachers behavior
toward unruly students.
See if it doesn't ring a bell true for you rablerousers here.
This is that post in entirety, from 5/31/2007
Thread titled: Why don't White Females go out with Black Men
In: Dateing and general discussion
Point taken,but heritage and personal preference vary from here to infinity.
What does not vary is right and wrong,the laws of this land and how an
American is expected to treat his or her fellow citizens.By not practicing
proper english,it drags down the reputation of this country,the past is past,
don't repeat it and for Gods sake don't screw up the future.
Let me tell ya...Senior english grammer and composition class,the teacher was
the head of the engish department of Toledo Public Schools,the class was acting up,
worstening as semester progressed,finally it was so disruptive that she absolutely
blew her stack,lectured the class for the entire hour how this had been the most
disrespect she had ever experienced,so severe was the tongue lashing that you would
have had to have been there to understand the intensity of her anger,10 minutes
before the bell rang she anounced she could no longer give us the best of her
knowledge,had lost all desire to teach,and would effectively retire end of year
because of US.US being the rablerousers.Those responsible knew who they were and
those who didn't speak out against it knew who they were.the class was 60% Black
and 40% White or other,only the Blacks were the rablerousers.I was a shy kid and
felt so low cause I could have stood up and said shut up, but you know I would have
gotten my a** kicked maybe right then and there,for sure after school. The last
10 minutes of silence as she sat at her desk staring at us was deafening and
seared into my mind.She had become insensed with the rising moral decay of students.
This is an absolutely true story,I was in the front row center and felt it full
impact.If you have any doubt the impact proper english can have good or bad then
just piss off an english teacher whose been teaching for 50 years.I dare ya.
May the tree flourish.
[Edited 1/11/2010 12:26:15 AM PST]
1/11/2010 12:02:31 AM Through the forest I hiked to find that one special tree the one I see flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Toledo, OH
age: 49
view: posts | threads
joined: May. 2007
block user from posting
Quote from tgwb_gary:
Well Zowwy,
From where I stand, you should have read this little piece of information. How to spot a lie because speaking of making errors as we all do from time to time, and I corrected the error after I became aware of it. I know my own fault staying up too late and doing too much when I should have been recuperating. But nothing wrong with making a lot of posts and meeting a lot of people and I am truly sorry that I ruffled your feathers, but your friend Purecurosity she needs to learn a lesson in being humble also.
You incinuate I lied about something? No, I shit you not.
Purecurosity is responsible for herself and the content of her posts.
I am merely attesting to her profiles legitamacy.
You wrote:"sorry that I ruffled your feathers, but your friend Purecurosity
she needs to learn a lesson"
So, reading that, am I to think that you punished me by ruffling my feathers
for purecurosity's supposed transgresions? Or are You just stating
'Hey, she did something tooooooo.'?
The posts were aimed at everyone including you, don't feel singled out.
You provided a perfect and timely outlet for the messages intent,
Love Thy Nieghbor. You must have been compelled by the forces of good
to create the thread
Turned over that leaf yet?
Quote from tgwb_gary:
Asha wanted to know if I would own my mistakes, to her I have apologized over and over again, yet I never saw Purecurosity ever apologize for her mistakes.
Her not appoligizing and what for, has nothing to do with my posts.
Quote from tgwb_gary:
I still respect you and your opinion, you won't have any issues with me, you know that I have exchanged plenty of private e-mails with you and so you should know the condition of my heart from all that I have written here in public and in private.
Likewise, but you're going to give yourself a freakin heart attack if you
keep obsessing over a woman, your health and reputation is parramount.
Sure she's a looker, but you need to step back and watch what eminates
from within her for a spell before you go head over heal on someone.
Even then you will need to show tact and respect.
Quote from tgwb_gary:
The question is am I telling the truth? Check the link out, and see what you think. I have a lot of material archived an English major should love what I am doing. They might even see progress in my grammar and thanks to spell check my spelling is much better, I certainly needed help in that department. My weakness is not in knowing the material, it is in getting people to listen and understand me, and you know how to confuse people also, and that isn't funny.
You seem to have missed the point of my posting the teacher and rablerouser post.
The point was not focusing on grammer or spelling, it was on the rabblerousers and
how they compare to the bullies here in DH forums. I could care less how well you
or others write, I won't bully them over it( accuse of being fake), but it sure
won't help the inept writer convey what they mean or appear intelligent and believable.
Don't accuse me of porposely confusing people, are you kidding? If you are confused
it's a result of yours or others skills in comprehention. That post initially was
to point out poor english skills in america in a thread over two tears ago, it
seemed ponient here with the disrespectfull students aspect of it.
Quote from tgwb_gary:
So this is the note you were referring to? No biggie, your truth from your perspective. I still have faith, that my truth will be revealed openly and publicly. Keep watching and keep reading.
Not MY truth from MY perspective. It is what it is. I posted what and how it is.
I no longer respect you, you've shown yourself to be malicious and deviate.
You lie with both sides of your forked tongue, your scales are very dark.
I'm as much a fake as you are a good soul, I no more lied than you havn't
sold your soul in persuit of the flesh. You were supposed to turn that leaf
over, not stuff it in your ass. How wonderfull does that feel? Put the rest
of the tree in there why don't you. Your wife must be happier without you,
as people don't change and your behavior in DH exposes the real you and what
your wife had to put up with and what any future mate of yours will have to
Alone will be your density.
Turn over that leaf.
1/11/2010 12:18:04 AM Through the forest I hiked to find that one special tree the one I see flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Toledo, OH
age: 49
view: posts | threads
joined: May. 2007
block user from posting
I understand you don't block me because you try in your
posts all over the forum to goat me into responding.
You NEED to see what I post. You are a hell bent spy.
You will likely be back after you die, you are learning
of knowledge, but have not learned to respect natural law.
Your fig leaves have fallen and your evil is showing.
[Edited 1/11/2010 12:19:13 AM PST]
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Western for and from DateHookUp
These two forms of religion have formed and framed many off shoots or branches. As Christianity grew they broke off many individual branches becoming denominations which are just sub sects off the original often times in modern society if a new denomination should emerge on the scene they get labeled with the defining term cult.
Many of the holidays that Christians observe were stolen from other religions primarily those considered Pagan as found below under Spiritualism.
Spiritualism will cover a broad range of religions, from the people that originally migrated into the Americas where many other branches of those religions can now be shared side by side prominently with all the other religions of man that lead us to GOD.
Christianity for and from DateHookUp
On line Bibles|..............................|...............Jesus
Favorites............|..............................|....Mary Magdalene
Bible Errors............|..............................|.Mary Mother of Jesus
Back to the Beginning
First we have the Tanakh as described by Wikipedia. The first part being The Torah ("Teaching", also known as the Five Books of Moses)to be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Here is a Wikipedia link for Information on the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Tanakh at Qumran
We know that orthodox Christians assume it was Moses writing all of this but that seems unlikely. Primarily because its doubtful that there ever even existed an actual "Moses".
Its possible that it was simply a conglomeration of various anonymous authors.

While dealing with the story of the Garden of Eden, the Midrash also deals with the serpent. It declares that before causing Adam and Eve to sin, "it had legs" (Bereishit Rabbah, 19). According to this, the serpent was once a tall, splendid and regal creature. When its fate was decided and it is written that "upon thy belly shall thou go" (Bereishit 3:14), "the ministering angels descended and cut off its arms and legs" (Bereishit Rabbah, 20). This tradition gives the image of the enticing serpent an impressive dimension, that has repercussions on many viewpoints of the ancient world, which saw the serpent as representing forces of evil on one hand and as possessing supernatural powers on the other hand.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
- About Akashic Records from Wiki
- About Akasha from Wiki
- Information about the Akashic Community (called Brotherhood) working in common can be found here from Wiki
- About Akashic Books from Wiki
From Acting Out at -- What are Akashic records?
The Akashic records contain the entire history of every soul since the the dawn of time. Simply put, it is the soul's memories...It's the manuscript. More than just a recording of events, the Akashic records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought and intent that has ever occured at any time in the history of the world. The Akashic records are a portion of the Divine mind.
It is known in the Bible as "The Book of Life" of which are many referances.
You may be familliar with the famous Edgar Cayce who accessed the Akashic records, which he also refered to as the "Book of life".
Buddhists refer to the Akashic records as "Natures Memory".
The "lables" may differ but the essence of this energy is unchanged.
The akashic records (akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described as containing all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library; other analogues commonly found in discourse on the subject include a "universal computer" and the "Mind of God". People who describe the records assert that they are constantly updated and that they can be accessed through astral projection. The concept originated in the theosophical movements of the 19th century. It is frequently used in New Age discourse.
Thoth? *from wiki....
He was often considered as the heart, which, according to the ancient Egyptians, is the seat of intelligence or the mind, and tongue of the sun god Ra; as well as the means by which Ra's will was translated into speech.[4] He had also been related to the Logos of Plato[4] and the mind of God[5] (see The All). In the Egyptian mythology, he has played many vital and prominent roles in maintaining the universe, including being one of the two deities (the other being Ma'at) who stood on either side of Ra's boat.[6] Later in ancient Egyptian history, Thoth became heavily associated with the arbitration of godly disputes,[7] the arts of magic, the system of writing, the development of science,[8] and the judgment of the dead.[9]
Note To Asha,
Quote from tgwb_gary:
You might understand the meaning of the songs that I have shared and this one is a fourth... We played this at the end of the performance for Jesus Christ Super Star, it was simply genius. Very touching or poignant.
No music in my soul is there?
I think the Poetry Man who is the Preacher that knows not to hold the delicate flower so tightly that she doesn't want to jump into his arms. but to allow the butterfly the beauty to fly as she is, free to come and go as she pleases, and delighted that she pleases to spend time with a soul such as mine.
Regardless of what tomorrow brings, I will have a memory to cherish with a card and a verse dedicated to this memory. I can't lose for trying, I can only lose if I lose my head and walk away crying. I figured that out a long time ago, and nearly forgot that simple lesson yesterday when I lost my head. I let outside voices in and started to withdraw, and then realized it's way too cold outside I don't like being alone, and I'm going to try and get this test completed after all we are testing each other to see where we connect, at which level, have we ascended? Only we truly know the answer.
What is left is what tomorrow will bring. I still believe that love exists, and that this love is not too far away.
So I needed a cold shower? I was out in the woods and I like it. Do you know what it is like to sleep under the stars on a natural bed? You certainly want to be careful of who your bed partner is, nature is just natural, some creatures are seriously attracted to heat.
Quote from tgwb_gary:
You might understand the meaning of the songs that I have shared and this one is a fourth... We played this at the end of the performance for Jesus Christ Super Star, it was simply genius. Very touching or poignant.
No music in my soul is there?
I think the Poetry Man who is the Preacher that knows not to hold the delicate flower so tightly that she doesn't want to jump into his arms. but to allow the butterfly the beauty to fly as she is, free to come and go as she pleases, and delighted that she pleases to spend time with a soul such as mine.
Regardless of what tomorrow brings, I will have a memory to cherish with a card and a verse dedicated to this memory. I can't lose for trying, I can only lose if I lose my head and walk away crying. I figured that out a long time ago, and nearly forgot that simple lesson yesterday when I lost my head. I let outside voices in and started to withdraw, and then realized it's way too cold outside I don't like being alone, and I'm going to try and get this test completed after all we are testing each other to see where we connect, at which level, have we ascended? Only we truly know the answer.
What is left is what tomorrow will bring. I still believe that love exists, and that this love is not too far away.
So I needed a cold shower? I was out in the woods and I like it. Do you know what it is like to sleep under the stars on a natural bed? You certainly want to be careful of who your bed partner is, nature is just natural, some creatures are seriously attracted to heat.
Friday, January 1, 2010
How to spot a lie
It is unconscionable to think that a person would lie to another person, unfortunately this happens all to often, sometimes a lie is just the way that a story gets told. Let's say that three men go to a motel to rent a room for a weekend and the motel only has one room with two beds, but the motel manager also has cots that he can rent, for just such emergencies. The room rents for $23.00 per night and the cot is rented for $7.00 per night. The three men divide the cost up between themselves and give the manager $10.00 each. The manager going over his figures for the day realizes that he overcharged the men $5.00 for the rental of the cot which should have been rented for $2.00 per night not $7.00 per night. The motel manager calls the bellhop over and entrusts the bellhop to return the overcharge to the three men. The bellhop understanding his duties realizes that; $5.00 cannot be divided evenly among three people, in order to avoid a conflict for which he has no change, pockets $2.00. Now knowing that we all use the same reasoning to follow a set series of thoughts using the same rules maybe you can explain this small detail. Since the men received $1.00 back and there are three of them that meant each combined paid $27.00 and the bell hop kept $2.00, what happened to the final $1.00?
The above paragraph describes ways in which the human mind can be manipulated and convinced that an error is actually truth. The reality is that the given scenario is fallacious in reality the error actually exists from the person telling and controlling the story.
It is never correct to twist an event or lie to any one, but if a person is suspected of doing something they certainly need to be given the opportunity to have the real truth revealed. It is wrong to lie to a suspect, that is deviant behavior and "if you can justify deviant behavior then you are a danger to yourself and others" Robert Sharpe Jr. Esq. A greater crime is created when a person lies in court. That is called perjury and what is really wrong is when a prosecutor would lie to a suspect or about a suspect and then go into court and tell that lie in court in front of a judge or a judge and jury and a person would be convicted upon the prosecutor's lie. This causes major problems for society, if you job requires you to lie, then you need a different job.
Understanding how to twist or untwist the problems of society is to understand how we think and what we beliefs in. Just recently 2-1-04 I heard on the news that 243 people were killed in Saudi Arabia while making a pilgrimage to celebrate the stoning of the Devil. What I draw issue with is that we are all told about this terrible evil that has control of our lives and we fail to see that we ourselves cause some of the most horrific trauma to others. The worst part is that we could cast of f the very evil actions as the will of GOD. I don't think that a war based upon a lie about the existence of weapons that never existed is a good cause for war where over 530 men and woman have been killed and more are going to die before this conflict is resolved. That is just evil for the twisting that they see occur in our own lives , and theology. This takes me back to the Saudi Arabic lives that were lost as a curse from GOD. This was more a curse by people that didn't have a mass movement properly orchestrated for the safety of all. The organizers are just as at fault as the bullies that show complete disregard for the sanctity of the life of others.
The fact is that we are all at fault for the terrible events that occur 'in and around' our world for the lies that are promoted and believed. The victims of these lies are not the ones that should be suffering; they are the ones with a great reward in Heaven. If you know that I am the victim of a lie it is your duty to untie the lie and assist in every way possible to correct the misrepresentation that has occurred. Or is it your theology that is flawed? In casting out the devil you could be part of an unruly mob. You might find yourself as an uncaring participant rushing to throw your stone not being aware of those that you are hurting. Or you have your eyes focused on the possible return of Jesus from the clouds. In this miraculous return we are told that all of the faithful will be removed by the Rapture. We are told of the evil that rules this planet, and that the good will be removed. Then we are told that Jesus will rule the evils of those that are left for a thousand years of peace.
There are obvious flaws in both scenarios:
1.) In the first those casting out the Devil have a callous disregard for others that get in their way.
2.) In the second we have the good being removed where we are told there are no good people. Those that become good washed by the blood of sacrifice actually move into the camp of those casting out the Devil becoming complacent in their actions failing to help others.
The task become overwhelming.
Nobody is helped through complacency.
Lying and stealing is wrong and Perjury is a crime!
What happened to the missing dollar? The dollar was never missing. The charge for the overnights stay is $25.00. The three men were returned $3.00 of the $5.00 overcharge, and they were ripped off by the bellhop for $2.00. There is a crime of theft, but not a single dollar is missing. It is the act of not following the story properly. You become confused, easily misled, and then you become convinced about what is not real. It takes careful reasoning to know what is real and what is not real.
Promotion of site and removed Text to the admin.
(((*Special Note to the Administration:* I hope the Administration of considers this information provided in this link as worthy of consideration, from a person that would like to help promote the site and to help organize an archive of material for those who wish to participate. Here is a link: The Rules and my understanding according to the Terms of Service and Fair Use (with a Link) to Cornell Law University about Copyrights.
I'm not looking to be in violation of any unwritten rule the thing is that already reserves the right to archive information as they see fit. I'm just trying to keep great ideas of great minds linked together, maybe people will find their common ground, their soul mate the person that nurtures their child each to another. I'm trying to bring couples together not tear them apart. This is not just about me, it is for everyone who wishes to be loved, with a love that transcends human understanding.
I'm also certain that if there was a rule previously that I would have been shown or directed to the exact rule that I had violated.)))


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