Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nasa and Computer Sabotage

This is a no brainer, lets figure out the motive to sabotage a NASA computer.
Let's start with the debate between Intelligent design and Evolution. One side respects scientific exploration while the other side resents the human mind growing to know more about our universe.
Need I add any more?

Communat chimes in:
Which is which?
Yes, I am afraid you will have to add more.

I Reply:
Oh? You asked for it :)

Which is Witch? One more wicked than the other. Let's look at the facts, I offer as an example of Christian Love the Sabotage of my motorcycle a Yamaha 1200 Ventura Royale that had a man and a half side car or side hack attached. Anyone to touch this motorcycle to cause engine damage is a terrorist. When this motorcycle gets damaged while sitting on Church property as I was called to the Church office to have my membership revoked as a result of trying to clear my name in a court case where a lying detective lied to gain a conviction against me... Yep! This is a fact but proving this fact is a little more difficult... The problem with sabotage is that it wasn't just a joke to cause harm to my property it was a complete lack of respect for my life, as I traveled down the expressway and my motorcycle overheated the problem could have killed me if the engine would have failed. The gaskets that got damaged and the loss of use of this vehicle hurt, I certainly couldn't replace such a vehicle as this and I felt so violated.

Okay proof of this would have to come from inside, but I suspect the youth pastor (Andrew Gysi) and leader of the church as a result of the Senior pastor (Burge Troxel)resigned. Burge didn't get to control the church the way he wanted to, so he controlled the lives of his congregants, I'm just one of many that he tried to convince needed to be medicated to save our lives. So Andrew said to me that he was surprised I still had my motorcycle when I pulled up to have my membership revoked. It was 2 years prior that we went to Boston to the Promise Keepers gathering there. I was encouraged to tail gate the lead vehicle and on a long ride like that I wanted to enjoy the scenery, the view they wanted me to have was a close up of the van leading us... I was frustrated with how I was treated and I knew what it was all about. 'Control'

Now to apply this to the broader scope of agencies such as NASA or other programs that would expose the errors of a flawed belief. We now know that the Bible is alterable and flawed, whether or not people want to accept this as a fact is only the arrogance of the human condition. For anyone to claim the Bible is inerrant they would have to be lying to themselves and others.

The debate over Evolution proves this point to the extreme, if you read over any of the writings of people from both sides of the issue you'll find the ones supporting the religious belief structure as the ultimate authority have the most flawed position because they have to reject any and all of the evidence that proves differently. The facts of a young Earth are just flawed. There are many measurments that we can make to prove the Earth is not young and neither is our Universe. We do not create a different Universe than the one that exists.

We can interpret our universe in different ways, what happens in my world can be different than what happens in yours until you acknowledge that my world exists and then you see our worlds are one in the same.

The Evolution of Religion has happened in the past when we found that the thinking about our solar system was flawed and the Sun was the center and we revolved around the Sun, we learned that the Earth wasn't flat but our social structures should be flat, no one should be too far ahead of another we need to bring our friends and family up around us and provide a solid support structure for all.

I see how my friends and family allowed me to fall, and that was so wrong to support the lies of the liars.

I feel the lies have been covered up and veiled by organized religion and the court system, the media has not taken a close look at how our world is changed by those allowed to lie.

I look at current events and everything gets pretty personal...

Who would sabotage the space program and why? The answer is simple, it is to protect the lies in the Bible...

Religion needs to Evolve...

Quiplet Responds:
Keeping the Faith

Thank you, Gary, for the illumination. And who said there was no water on Mars?
One thing we can conclude, Richard C. Hoagland, is not - repeat - not responsible for this sabotage of the wires that send messages back to Earth from the space station.

Hoagland, author of 'God, Man, and ET' (as well as being former NASA science consultant to Walter Cronkite) might very well agree with you.
Perhaps you and I should get matching T-shirts:

My Reply:
I like those two links

Matching T-shirts, "I'm not religious I just love the lord..."
That wouldn't actually capture my true nature, I'm not a member of organized religion, I do believe in GOD and that Jesus exists in those that teach and love. My Lord are those Angels that need my help and help me to help others. Your wish is my command.

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