Thursday, April 2, 2009


Night I might help a little as you wrote about calling butterflies, in a dream, it was a beautiful post that inspired Goth to do a front page type of thing...

Solane Star, expect a PM but not today... I have that story, and I will share it, but not at this very moment... Soon though very soon...

And simple Birthday wishes written out by me,,, Happy B-Day Seek X...

Crickies, I saw you wasn't around but I didn't know you was trying out to be the next Steve Irwin... Then again maybe I did or do know that at least in your own sweet way... :)

Keep the lights turned on for all evolutionary souls, including those thoughts caught in a tangled web of mass communication.

Are you ready to wrestle with some big ole croc's? or would that be crooks? Ah' the stories yet to be told... You know there is a ring, a big ole professional ring that needs to be Wisked away and if Wisk doesn't wash out that ring we could always try that stuff called Tide... See I'm doing a laundry detergent commercial here Big name Brand Products that I don't use as I can't afford to pay more so I'll buy X-tra to conserve on my finances... Too bad that so far as I try to clean up I don't always seem to get rid of the dirt... Maybe I need a little help...?

Infinity is beautiful and you know how important 828 is to me... From infinity to two too infinity...

My little 1+1 thing actually works depending on how you interpret the meanings...

Not to worry Harmony...

twodays just a time period past twopresent clickity click...

The only possible way to successfully travel from one solar system to another is through the use of cryogenics... Otherwise it would be impossible to endure such a long journey.

Time travel will not cut the grade... Now I have to go read the Tesla thread... There is a fundamental flaw in all of this... Gaia is another problem that should be visible by now... Our eyes are getting tuned in better and better all the time...

Knowledge is the key...

Arrogance, Preconceptions and False Beliefs certainly are the problems... I'm always watching for proofs and explanations that are logical and can be tested true. I think it is better to be skeptical than gullible.

I feel that I'm caught in a feed back loop here, it is like I'm trying to tell people Christians that GOD exists and they say prove to us that GOD exists and I say it was through this experience that I had and they say that is not proof.

Substitute the word GOD with the word E.T. and we enter into the same paradigm a construct that is a trap for those who are out of the loop. How can you prove that which can not be proven?

Even having this apparent evidence something that can not be shared first hand with everyone and requires some sort of plausible explanation that we both have to be open minded enough to accept if the truth reveals something other than what we really expect. And there in lies the problem one of us could be right and in time we will know the truth at least eventually we can hope.

I'm just saying from the point of knowledge that we have that a belief in Extraterrestrial Life forms is a belief system that requires the same basic elements that the Church uses to indoctrinate new members under the guise of being evangelical.

Before you put me in any box I will attempt to keep an open mind maintaining my right to exercise my own free will...

I'm trying to share with you that I believe in the ability to travel far with thought, so far I have no proof that we can travel far in physical form. As for what this skull is, the jury is still out... I didn't make any jumps to any conclusions, I'm still trying to learn more, but the skull right now is the last thing that I need to worry about... I'm not going to be distracted from the real important things in my life.

Please don't try to frame me and my beliefs; I have enough problems with masters trying to frame the people in their world for their benefit.

The picture you draw is pretty scary but is sure isn't Hell and I want to see what Hell really is because it has something to do with slavery and being controlled, and who is the master? I know some of the answers...

And while the masters want to create this Hell they have devised, it will only back fire on them big time... They just can't see past the noses on their faces.

Of Slaves and Masters well here I go... Where is Hell? Hell can be found being created by the powers of Government that allow citizens to be abused!!! Question asked and now answered.

Boomerangs and Feedback loops... You certainly have to be careful when working with such items and concepts...

I've got a lot going on...

Right Goth, right to the point that you get abused and lose something like your forum... Then you wake up real quick and put your best foot forward to either rebuild what was lost or stolen or you become submissive and let it go... Never to be seen again.

I'm working on a major project something that was once discouraged... I'm bringing it back to life because I see a real need for such an ability that is so easy to create and yet requires a strong mind to control...

It all works together and I intend to show you the benefits of what I am working on for the purpose that will become so obvious that you won't be able to deny the genius behind the method.

At the boiling point we create steam and that can be transformed into energy...

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