Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Christian Programing

Through both television or radio I will catch portions of shows to glean the thoughts good and bad of those who are trying to instruct others in the ways of the Great Spirit GOD.



  1. What Christian teachers think about Pagans @ MyLot.com


  1. In Touch Ministries Dr. Charles Stanley

  2. Pro's:


      1. In touch or out of touch?
      2. In Touch or Out of Touch @ MyLot.com


  3. New Life Live

  4. Pro's:

    1. If the truth is ever revealed I would hope that these people realize that innocent people should never be lied about and forced medications for being innocent to false accusations.


    1. I hate when I hear people in this field pushing and advocating the use of poisons for conditions that clearly need loving guidance.


  5. Walk in t he Word Dr. James McDonald

  6. Pro's:

    1. I wish I had something good to say but I hear the works of a hardened heart that will not ever become softened by the truth.


    1. 10-1-2009 In the message today Mr. McDonald was all wrapped around the Anti-Christ with a message so twisted against what would be good that he himself becomes that which he preaches about and against. Enough said!

    2. No contact form, no opposing opinions accepted, the sure sign of a one way mind set that wishes to brainwash others leading them down a dangerous and dark path.


  7. Back to the Bible

  8. Pro's:

    1. I feel that the work of Woodrow Kroll could be used for the great day of revival but there are many things that have to be reconciled with the good work of GOD instead of the interpretations of those in opposition to the Truth, the works that lead to chaos and destruction as currently preached by the false preachers.


    1. While teaching on the message of Salvation does anyone ever consider the flaw in the interpretation? Jesus was the final substitutional sacrifice the purpose of the work of Jesus was to free the innocent. Free them from suffering, from persecution. Remember it was the most perfect that were demanded the sacrifice to the Anti-God be made.

    2. No contact form, no opposing opinions accepted.


  9. Truth For Life

  10. Pro's:

    1. This is a man that understands our times and the needs of our world, we must work in a new direction for the future.

    2. The house of GOD is found in the heart, the heart of love houses GOD



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