Thursday, July 2, 2009


Homosexuals have an agenda and soon that agenda will be fully exposed. Often times people who present information that is (anti-homosexual) get attacked or misrepresented as homophobic somehow we have allowed people to twist our way of thinking around 180 degrees. We need to repair some of the damage done.


  1. Two people sharing life and love as though they were of opposite genders.


  1. Culture of life

    • Death

    • Drugs Often times sex is used to protect the underworld of drugs while drugs remove the inhibitions for peoples actions or as gay people become professional they prescribe drugs to manipulate the thoughts of society.

    • Disease Adding more money to the coffers of those in the pharmaceutical industry while spreading an immoral agenda.

    • Lies are often used as scare tactics

      • Lies about childhood abuse

      • Lies about being made into second class citizens, homosexuals are not treated as second class citizens even if they want to project that aura as victims, they are not being victimized!

      • Lies to alarm and control others, while pushing an agenda for profit

      • Lies to hurt heterosexuals, by calling opposition to their cause homophobic

  2. DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell) I believe it is a good program, people should not be talking about what is going on in their own bedroom or what should go on in the bedrooms of others. I mean really? We are talking about a corruption of morals of something that is between two people who should be monogamous. If monogamy isn't part of the partners program then all the Constructive Criticisms I have are absolutely valid and Homosexuals along with others are hypocrites.

    1. Military Men are Silent Victims of Sexual Assault

    2. Is this a war for Oil or Gay rights?

  3. DOMA (The Defense of Marriage Act.) Protecting our vocabulary so that we can communicate effectively. By not affording the word marriage to the unions of same sex couples we make clear distinction to the type of contract that joins two lives together. Marriage is the title to a contract between a man and a woman, a Civil Union is a good title for the contract between two or more people of the same gender or a group of people that are cohabiting in a familial way.

  4. A conversation that is a trap

Homosexuals have harmed the relationships of innocent couples and somehow are in control of many lives as 'their' agenda and businesses involve:

    * (Note: -- Links Marked with (*) are not yet alive)*
  1. Control issues

  2. Gambling (*)

  3. Pornography (*)

  4. Prostitution (*)

  5. Corruption of the morals of minors (*)

  6. Corruption of the morals of society(*)

  7. Abuse (*)

  8. Lying (*)

  9. Issues concerning Health


  • Links to Conversations, Arguments or Discussions:

  1. Nature vs. Nurture @

  2. Let's be open minded@MyLot

  3. Beliefs that Lead to War@MyLot

    1. Is this a war for Oil or Gay rights?

  4. Define Marriage

Back To:
  1. Sexual Practices
  2. Social Sciences
  3. Indexing and Organizing My Writings and Posts

1 comment:

  1. Homosexuals have no agenda. They are not out to get you. In fact, it was religiously fanatic heteros who have harmed the relationships of innocent couples, and actually manipulated and controlled a vote in California last year, and are doing the same thing as they spread their hateful agenda in Maine now.

    Of course, UTAH is at it again.

    If you don't want a gay marriage, fine. Don't be born gay, go marry a hetero, go do your church thing, and quit meddling in others' business.

    You don't ask if people are gay, and on the same hand, they won't ask if you are religuous. Don't ask, don't tell, right?
