Sunday, September 27, 2009

Changing the voice of Radio

What's Wrong in America and What is Wrong with America in the World

The suppression of voices listening only to one side of the story has led our nation in the wrong direction.

The Churches

First the churches learned how to control the masses with one voice, by presenting information held in secret, and omitting facts preventing others from defending the truth. We have many examples of church history to use as a method of understanding the formula to create a one sided argument, we can look to the one most famous example that the Christian faith is built upon it is the myth and cross of Jesus. The government of Rome established one version, while the Roman Catholic Church followed their own path, who is more important the son or the mother? The Church of England decided the Son was more important to follow while Japan followed the Sun. The rise of the Sun would bring division to nation and family. Yet the world doesn't see. Protestant Christianity all off shoots of the Church of England has spread like wild fire and the balance to Christianity came from another Religion much similar in the Middle East. They all know of Jesus, but what do we really know about Jesus?

The Heart and Mind

What fills the hearts and minds of people, we witness WWII and the acts of Adolph Hitler, we witness the build up to the war in Iraq and the acts of President George W. Bush and his administration. Promoting lies as the truth and reasons we need to eliminate the threat of others. Either we are with him or we are the enemy. It is them, against us, over here, or over there? Convincing people that their actions are right when the reason is built upon a lie is totally wrong. We can emotionally charge people blinding them from the truth, in many ways. We can use the possible threat tactic (i.e. if we don’t fight there they will come here), or exploit the death of friends and family to create the burning fire the desire to kill those that hurt the innocent. We can sell the ultimate sacrifice that we should give our life putting our lives on the line. We sell the idea that bravery and dying for a cause is heroic and will benefit society as a noble cause for all and for all time. The problem is that these people our soldiers no matter how good they are they aren't innocent when our leader is guilty of lying in the first place. All the blood of each dead and wounded body is the responsibility of the liar, the one accountable is the person (or group of people) that must be brought to justice, for misleading and being traitors to the truth.

Making the World a Better place

When we as a people take the bull by the horns and fix the problems in our own back yards it is then that we develop a sense of security and create a model for other countries to follow.

Social Constructs

What makes a country great? What makes America great? We talk about freedom, yet if we do not live by the example we profess then we are not free. How can we speak one way and act another. How is it that we can lie to ourselves and our children? We sell them short if we don't provide for each and every person the right to a quality of life and dignity with respect for the rule of law. We have no rules and no laws if our judges aren't doing their jobs properly. How many examples of judicial misconduct do we need before we see? The problem in the judiciary is the judges with agendas and their failure to apply the law equally. We need a real review board that takes judicial review seriously. Other countries with strong judges and respect for their citizens have lower crime rates the criminals know they aren't going to get away with cheating and that forces civility.

Backing out of Iraq

As we pull out our troops and equipment from the nation of Iraq. We will leave the Iraqi people the chance to rebuild their own nation, the two forces putting pressure on Iraq are both neighbors with vested interest in the oil fields the Saudis and the Iranians. Yet, if one or the other would try to infiltrate the government, then war would be certain to shortly follow, a revolt against one or the other. The balance must come from with in; a strong force standing up, the people themselves taking control and putting an end to the nonsense, the greed and the quest for power.

The judges have a responsibility to keep the peace and the rule of law. The government has the responsibility to make good laws for the people and to provide for each and every citizen.

Laws to Keep the Peace

Each religion has it's own set of rules and they are always the same no matter what nation you travel to the moral code of conduct is written on every human heart. We all know how we wish to be treated and we all want to be treated fairly. Law enforcement should have the power to stop elements that are criminal. The highest power of enforcement should be the most honorable people in the world. In other words each nation should have levels of law enforcement developed to over see each other. If the highest level is found to be corrupt the lower level should be able to act upon the higher level and the highest level should be without blemish. The lower level should be accountable for their actions according to law and monitored by the higher level. Criminals should be weeded out. What makes a person a criminal?

It is good for society to follow predetermined rules and guidelines.

All reports of abuse should be followed up, a full record should be made publicly available to contest or confirm all charges and all misconduct should be reprimanded with reparations made to all victims.

Misconduct of Military Personnel

All military equipment must be accounted for, right down to each round of ammunition. We have allowed our boys free reign to shoot at will with complete indifference to the lives of civilians the mind set of many of our men and women fighting a war presented to them with false information creating false beliefs. We have a military with many christians fighting a religious war built upon false beliefs from their own religious doctrines a false philosophy exists in all religious books based upon a false doctrine created at the beginning of the worlds first religions. The weed the bad seed needs to be removed. When we get bad people out of power, and replace them with good people who want to help other people and other nations then we can become the model for all nations to follow. As we witnessed with the War on Terror, our own leadership has embodied the terror we are trying to fight in other nations.

This will soon lead into a global, not just a national revolt, but a global revolt, and they the bullies and abusers of power will have to stand against us the peace makers and peace keepers. Either you are with them, or you are with us. The rhetoric has to come to an end, we are all supposed to be working together for the good of humanity and we can not be working together if one person is allowed to lie and get away with lying to all of us. If one person believes the lies and promotes evil and hatred then we are no better than those who that person hates. If we allow bullies to encourage violence against innocent people then it is our shame that we must bear as witness to vile acts of suffering allowed by our incompetence, or our incompetent system. We need to fix the problems now! We have the power and the tools, we can empower the Iraqi's to protect their nation, and their interests with out a single shot needing to be fired.

We have the eyes, we have the minds, and we have the heart to stop the abuse. We have the wrong approach at this time, this war can not be won by force, and we have to win this war on another level. We have to know the truth, and we have to expose the truth.

We need a social consciousness wake up call.

Through music and talk we all need to come together to expose the flawed hearts that do exist and heal the wounds created both theirs and ours, we need to use all the tools available to combat a flawed theology, and the message that it is okay to kill, steal, or lie to anyone anywhere.

We need to calm the anger, separate and step away from those that are known liars and surround them with love and accountability, all crimes must be punished, all criminals should be closely monitored and watched for they have given up their right to anonymity and immunity when they have acted abusively.

I am assuming by you mean right-wing radio!
Submitted by cajunrooster on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 17:17.
What are you going to do to change the voice? What about Air America and other lilberals on the radio. They went under for one simple reason; no one listened to them. Rush Limbaugh enjoys great success because he's on over 500 stations and millions listen to him. Do you think he'd be on the radio if no one listened to him. The left's message is void. Just void. There is nothing in it. The reason we don't have left wing radio is simple.

Caji, read what your RepublicMenu writes...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 17:34.
Are you any different than this person?
You hold to the same sweet values in support of all the same beliefs as he does.
You divide everything right and left and there is no middle ground. The worst part is you don't know me, and my words are right here to be reviewed, do I support lies? Do I call for the killing of innocent people?
What do you know about me and my beliefs, talk about left wing radio... I'm the nicest man to be hated by all sectors of society with exception to those that really know love...
I stand in the center, not on the extreme left or right.
I believe in Freedom, and Justice for all that respect our laws.
I'm really sad that Republicans just don't get the message, they are caught in a lie, they are exposed for being bullies and greedy and still they are the church and the supporters of corruption, they are the military and sending loved ones off to the killing fields, the desert of death.
The bloodshed is on your hands, and the power is in your hands.

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