Sunday, September 27, 2009

Compostion or Response 11-29-2004

Dot, ThisI, Tucker, and Robbins:

Lash up a limb to your ponies and pull, Yeowww.

Let's see,
Does GOD promote homosexual behaviors and how does that tie into the bible from Genesis to the end? I have to admit that the suggestion about Adam and Eve would be a stretch to people that would like to support their choices so in that matter I have a personal belief and interpretation of the Bible that differs from your own.

I am sharing my belief and values with you and I an in no way telling you that you have to follow my thoughts beliefs or convictions.

I am here to discuss what I believe and why and not accuse any one of committing a great sin.

Please relax your hackles and talk with me and not to me. I am trying to talk with you and I am not pulling apart your posts looking for that needle in the hay stack to cause anyone alarm.

I am responding to the topics of the posts as I get to them and I thank you for being patient with me.

Should there be a war created in the name of GOD (Jesus) any one? Should one more person die in the name of evil?

Is war Evil? I think so.

I don't want to see any one die period, will we all eventually die, as the world turns today our bodies will die and as I believe there is a soul and that ALL living creatures have a soul.

Do I think that Robbins has sinned this last week; I don't think people are sinners if you are living how you believe that is right for you. I'm not judging you; I will allow yourself to be the judge of yourself.

You have asked to be allowed to live your way and I will allow you that freedom. I do not see that the word marriage has to be redefined to respect your thoughts or beliefs. I like the word Civil Union and it can be applied to a number of different situations where people are involved in non-marital relationships where certain propriety rights should be accepted and applied.

Now the question that is begging to be asked is, are Homosexuals the majority and does their group rule over what the majority of people in the world believe?

Is the law of creation violated by homosexual behavior?

I have seen peer pressure influence people to act and do things that they would not normally do, I would get into the psychology of why a homosexual is the way they are. Other factors are what happened in the relationships between people of this orientation. Parental and Sexual/Emotional.

Have you ever thought of the term the Last Generation?

What does that mean to you?

As far as their religion and the changes made in religions, I can go over this again, if you wish, I think that it would be better to say go in peace, and when you are ready you will see what I was referring to as a New Religion, a New Heaven created by a New Earth.

GOD Bless ALL that Bless GOD

Back To:
  1. Sexual Practices
  2. Is this a War for Oil or Gay Rights?
  3. Homosexuality
  4. Social Sciences
  5. Indexing and Organizing My Writings and Posts

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