How does one determine whether they are Christian or not,love or lack of,works(feeding and clothing the disadvantaged,giving out bibles,showing compassion,empathy,etc),piousness,thought processes or martyrdom? Just exactly what makes us Christ-like? I don't in all honesty think this question has ever been answered to my satisfaction.
Have I displayed love in every circumstance? NO then I must not be a Christian right?
Have I never been selfish and always helped others? NO then I'm not a Christian right?
Am I pious? NO more like self righteous at times,again I'm not a Christian am I?
Are my thoughts always in line with my heavenly fathers? NO so I'm definitely not a Christian right?
So am I a Christian? By earthly standards maybe not but I know my Lord and Saviour didn't say I would be perfect in this life, he says to me each day I will never leave you or forsake you. My God reminds me each day I am a sinner saved by his grace alone and his mercy and forgiveness is fresh that day if I avail myself of it. So am I a Christian or not?,it really doesn't change who I am in him by giving me a label or pigeon hole. Keep the faith.
This brings to mind
Submitted by birdiesquill on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 08:22.
This brings to mind Scripture in the first chapter of the book of John:
Jhn 1:11
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
Jhn 1:12
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God–
Jhn 1:13
children born not of natural descent,nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.
Jhn 1:14
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
It is those who receive Christ with all their mind, soul and strength who are Christians. Many a man has added rules, traditions and the like--but it is the childlike faith that Jesus talks about that brings us to the saving knowledge and a life that reflects it. So it is not our works that save us, but our works will reflect that we are one of his children.
Donna Sundblad
Author of Windwalker and Pumping Your Muse.
Bird right you are
Submitted by Darius on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 13:31.
We don't need religion we need relationship. You are right on. Keep the faith.
I've noticed that there are
Submitted by lcoughey on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 09:16.
I've noticed that there are a lot of "Christians" who don't believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, they don't accept the Bible as the Word of God and won't submit to the authority of God. For those people, they are not Christians.
In the Bible, it is clearly written that we will know them by their fruit and the James goes further and explains that good works are a result of being a Christian and not the way to salvation.
I recall someone posting on one of your blogs that many Christians are hypocrites, bringing hate and war into the world. Assuming that they are implying Bush and his ware in Iraq, I think that they aren't being fair. Instead of blaming the terrorists who would be killing innocent Iraqi people daily, with or without the present of the US troops, they blame those who are trying to free a nation from the daily fear of being killed. I honestly think that if these groups were as active in the US as they are in Iraq, those who are against the ware would be very upset if the US military were to just back and say that we shouldn't push our Western beliefs on these people.
Sorry for the tangent.
a Justifiable war is one thing
Submitted by American Rhetor... on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 10:29.
War based on lies and deceptions is another. Don't try to call this travesty of a war anything remotely Christian. It is criminal and I hardly think god would approve of devastating a county that did nothing to you. Not one of the bombers on 9-11 was from Iraq. By the way, Al Quida was not present in Iraq before GWB took over Iraq so there were no "terrorists who would be killing innocent Iraqi people daily" present until we got there. "they blame those who are trying to free a nation from the daily fear of being killed"????? You have go to be kidding me. Over 1,000,000 people have been killed since we got there. This is our own holocaust.
And now for the ultimate Buffoon remark "I honestly think that if these groups were as active in the US as they are in Iraq, those who are against the ware would be very upset if the US military were to just back and say that we shouldn't push our Western beliefs on these people"
Oh MY GOD!!! duhhh but that would be on US soil!!! Are you for real?? OF course we wouldn't tolerate such behavior. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. Our efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan are justified efforts and we are fully behind finding OSAMA BIN LADEN, you do remember who that is right???? You know the one that your beloved Bush is no longer looking for... The one he called off the search to find...
No, we are not justified in Iraq. And where we are justified the "decider" has pulled most of our troops out of because he would rather squander our efforts and waste our resources in Iraq.
You have just drunk way too much Kool-Aid!!!
Oh one more thing it is W-A-R not W-A-R-E figures you don’t know how to spell it but only how to monger it!
Don't be fooled by the fools!!! Thank you for visiting American Rhetoric Review
Impeachment is the rational method to deal with our dilemma.
AR way off topic
Submitted by Darius on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 13:46.
Enough said,stay on topic please. Keep the faith.
Yes, We need to Back, Back OUT... of Iraq...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 13:20.
Getting out troops out of Iraq is imperative to the stabilization of that country. If we are killing innocent people we are causing more problems than we are solving.
They have their established rules of laws by their religious leaders they will make their own decisions even if we force our Western beliefs and inject our ideals we would be committed to staying in Iraq forever and we might as well make Iraq the newest state of our nation.
About being a Christian?
I'll address how the Son prayed to the Father for GOD to forgive them, for they know not what they do... I'll address that the Son is the judge and your actions will be judged by the Son Jesus who is going to decide if you are one of his Christians.
When put into that context, GOD has forgiven by the power of Jesus, but Jesus holds all the keys or cards.
And I come to you to set a new seal upon your heart.
If you are interested in more of my thoughts or writings this is the link to link more links
I'm a sinner saved by grace so are you
Submitted by Darius on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 13:50.
DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the faith.
I will DEAL with it, I was a sinner once... In my past...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 15:09. *new
I have a personal relationship with GOD and I choose not to be a sinner. I don't like being falsely accused of crimes I did not commit.
As for your own conduct you have presented a flaw to the purpose of Organized Religion.
Jesus taught that if you brother or sister repents of their sin you are to forgive the other person 70 times 7. I repented of upsetting you and you continued to play your game. You have not repented of your sin or sins according to the teachings of Jesus.
I thought I was finished before, I have laid out a plan to "Deal with it!" So it was written and so it has been done with others, so it may be done with you...
Good bye, Hasta la vista, Fare thee well, Good riddance...
I've noticed too
Submitted by Darius on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 13:43.
Many claiming to be Christian don't follow God's word or produce fruit or submit to any God given authority. Yet I would not ever presume the state of someone else's relationship with God. Keep the faith.
Your examples...
Submitted by communat on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 16:43.
Darius wrote:
Have I displayed love in every circumstance? NO then I must not be a Christian right?
Have I never been selfish and always helped others? NO then I'm not a Christian right?
Am I pious? NO more like self righteous at times,again I'm not a Christian am I?
Are my thoughts always in line with my heavenly fathers? NO so I'm definitely not a Christian right?
Every disciple of Christ asks these questions of themselves at one time or another, starting all the way back to the original disciples. In each case, the answer is always no; hence, the very reason God wrapped Himself in humanity and incarnate as Jesus Christ and fulfilled the plan of redemption agreed upon by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit before the foundations of the world. Makes me feel pretty secure that the Almighty already provided for me and all I have to do is trust that He did it. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me.
Communat / Mark Whitbeck
Founder /
You talk. I'll listen.
To you Communat...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 17:00. *new
I'm obviously taking a step back from causing more trauma and allowing self evaluation to run its predetermined course.
When we have mentors to show us Christ Like living and we follow the teachings of Christ and come to know this personal relationship with GOD. There is obvious growth.
We are taught how to make our lives right with GOD.
This is important...
We don't go around telling people they are going to hell because they are sinners, our evolution should bring us to a new understanding.
We can certainly deal with minor obstacles.
Again my most sincere apologies for causing this outburst at your forum...
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