Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Path to Federal Court

  1. April 19, 2001 My Story Begins

  2. June 22, 2001 The District Court Hearing

  3. January 3, 2002 What happened in County Court written from my own recollection with in 3 days of the Court hearing

  4. January 13 and 14, 2002 The '302' the involuntary Committal, the bad intervention that went way wrong for the wrong reasons.

  5. On September 3, 2003 I mailed a complaint to the Judicial Conduct Board

  6. July 23, 2003 I mailed the time line of events in a complaint that I made to The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

  7. I received a reply from the Office of Disciplinary Counsel on October 28, 2003 complaint dismissed.

  8. And a reply from the Judicial Conduct Board in reference to case #03-328 on December 10, 2003, complaint dismissed.

  9. I made a complaint to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General in which I received a letter in reply December 5, 2003 recommending that I refer my questions to my attorney for review.

  10. August 2005 I filed a Federal Complaint in Forma Pauperis Pro Se

  11. April 2008 I filed a Federal Complaint Pro Se

  12. April 24, 2008 the case was accepted

  13. November 13, 2008 the case is reassigned

  14. November 18, 2008 the court requests a written explanation of why the defendant has not been served the complaint.

  15. November 29, 2008 I send via certified mail my letter created November 27, 2008 in the midst of my step mother filing to be my Grandmother’s Guardian a very suspicious court proceeding.

  16. December 2, 2008 the Judge provided an order to serve the defendant

  17. December 10, 2008 the Defendant is served

  18. December 19, 2008 I receive the Defendant’s request to dismiss the case

  19. December 21, 2008 I write a reply and mail that reply to the Defendant and to the Judge

  20. July 20, 2009I request an Order for a hearing through certified mail to the Court and to the Defendant

    1. Postal Track for Certified Mail sent to Federal Court July 20th and Still NOT delivered on September 11th three days after the case was dismissed

  21. July 21st Postal Track for Certified Mail sent to the Defendant (Barry Kramer Chief Deputy Attorney General) July 20th is Delivered.

  22. August 24th there is a Visit of my Blog by the United States Courts as recorded from Sitemeter

  23. September 8, 2009 the Judge signs an order to dismiss my case with prejudice for the case filed outside of the statute of limitations.

    1. Memorandum and Opinion Pg.#1

    2. Memorandum and Opinion Pg.#2

    3. Memorandum and Opinion Pg.#3

    4. Order to Dismiss and Close

  24. September 10, 2009 I have a 2 hour and 20 minute meeting with a paralegal and come home to find in the mail a letter with the order that my case was dismissed.

  25. September 11, 2009 Postal Track for Certified Mail sent to Federal Court July 20th and Still NOT delivered??? three days after the case was dismissed

  26. September 17, 2009 Create an Open Letter

  27. September 20, 2009 Create a second version of the letter

  28. September 29, 2009 Create Letter Watch

  29. September 30, 2009 Update Six letters that I am watching

  30. October (19,20 & 29) 2009 I end up hand delivering copies of the three missing letters.

Back To:

  1. My Self
  2. My online book
  3. Court Cases and Transcripts
  4. Time Lines
  5. My Writings
  6. Indexing and Organizing My Writings and Posts

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