Sunday, September 27, 2009

From the Perspective of GOD and good gifts...

The analogy used in the Republic the book by Plato about the conversations of Socrates used an example of prisoners chained to a cave wall, one was allowed free to see and explore the outside, the prisoners could see shadows through the cave enterance the light of day reflected off of the cave wall and shadows of people moving around could be seen.

Upon observing the rituals of the people outside bringing gifts to the temple or carrying special poles to honor individual god's the outsider knew what all of the shadows represented. Upon returning to the cave to be chained back up again, he tried to explain to the other prisoners what each shadow represented.

The once free person knew the purpose for the passers by, he watched the gifts that the people gave to the institution of religion the particular path that the outsiders would choose. The once free man knew each and every detail.

What was brought as an offering? How did the rich control the poor; and how the church controlled all of the wealth. Who controlled the church?

People of one family gathered around cooking an animal offering (Pig or Cow) on a spit, a portion (10%) would be removed and put with everyone elses' offering (other families.) Like many family reunions all gathering together at one big festival, there would be much offerred to each and everyone. Food and drink would be shared and a special portion would be set aside for people who were and are poor with serious needs. A tenth of 20 families provides 200% more food in total than each individual family brings to the festival. Each family with 90% of what they brought has more than enough to provide for each individual, some families are large and bring twice as much while some are small and only bring a little all they need with the gift of 10% and a little extra.

The division of wealth was never equal, some gave more than others could afford.

The gift given for the poor was distributed through one organization. In the beginning 10% would be removed to pay for administration, but greed took a hold of those with the position of oversight, they decided they could siphon off more than 10% and use it for pet projects, these projects in the name of their god, soon more and more was diverted until nothing was left to go to the poor.

The diverted gifts would be sold to build great structures the government soon became involved and taxed every citizen. Books were used to convince people of the need to give, the books were corrupted some had a pair of books one for show and the other that they used to live by. In the end it was all a lie, they were taking from the poor and giving back to the rich or excusing the rich from participating. Eventually the only people that would keep the business afloat was the poor. Poor in spirit and financially poor doing what they were told to do to believe blindly never thinking outside of the box. The leadership was well versed in convincing the poor to give and this added burden contributed to a massive movement. The movement would set free the poor and expose the wicked ways of the rich, everyone would be able to see the reality the plain obstructions preventing fair trade, as people became possessions, oppressed and occupied.

In the end it was the government and the religious structures that would lead to the great decay the great corruption that would rule the culture until a new day, when people would wake up from their sleep and decide to take back control from the overgrown bush. The roots of the organization were very strong, but after constant prunning the bush became more managable and eventually easy to remove.

Poisoned plants like poisoned people are taking everything from your family for many generations to come.

We need a new way to expose the culture of corruption to take the people in charge of dividing our nation, our world and isolating us as we can't think or see through their lies.

Imagine the Discussion, between the one who had a taste of freedom and came back to share with former friends the shadows that they saw, the gifts that were being carried, the reason for the procession. All of this for a purpose. The shadows were no different, than the slaves chained to the wall. They all had the power of god they were actually all the same. Convinced to give or hang for all time. They couldn't see outside of their cave, the world and rituals were just processions of repitition, one day or week after another. Even those in the light of day were living in as much darkness as those in the cave. They needed to see from far out and aside. Instead they could only follow like a chain of ants, a parade nose to tail the free made me sad, as I saw how enslaved they would be, they could have traded places with those chained to the wall.

They all missed the vision of true freedom, the ability to have a friend in a greater spirit and power that is available to each and every one. Together they could have been connected we all have the ability working together to change our world. We could all be a vesel for peace and cooperation.

The Original "Think Outside the Box?"
Submitted by The Geminian on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 04:11.
what is it like now? Would you trade it for ignorance (and its' sweet bliss that I miss?)
To have pulled your head from the ground so long ago and from since till now, seen a sea of arses with their heads still firmly planted in the ground? It is a sh^dy outlook to have only seen people arses.
Man that was thousands of years ago and still so many "slaves." We are on a fool's errand!
To just put your head back would be better wouldn't it? If you could somehow unknow things?
Always strive for Original Thought.

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