I at one time blamed God for my circumstances,but I realized after time that he didn't cause them, I did that on my own.Also I came to the conclusion he had never abandoned me, I had made the choice to leave his company and go my own way. Even though I left him, many times he still protected me. Is God responsible for atrocities done in his name. No! God teaches us LOVE not hatred and abuse. Can God be held accountable for natural disasters(Acts of God on insurance forms)? Again No! Random things happen all the time in nature,trees fall,lightening hits, fires start, floods, etc.There are many other things people blame God for but reasoning through them God is not the culprit, it all comes down to three things
1 Ourself
2 Mankind
3 Nature
So to conclude I think God gets a bad rap,don't you? Keep the faith.
Someone taking God to court?
Submitted by Sire on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 02:31.
Someone taking God to court? Only in America?
I agree with you Darius. Our lives are shaped by the way we live it.
Submitted by Darius on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 14:38.
Our lives are lived by us. Keep the faith.
Submitted by gracepub on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 02:37.
Now I have heard everything!
I wonder if the witnesses will just disappear - into another dimension
Another dimension
Submitted by Darius on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 14:42.
or a alternate reality.LOL Keep the faith.
A sentor is responsible for this
Submitted by ccmal on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 08:33.
Unless there is another recent incident, the person is a State Senator from Nebraska named Ernie Chambers and he was trying to make a point about lawsuits. There was one he considered frivolous, so he decided to sue God to show that people can sue anyone.
Here is a link to the story from Fox News:
I would have liked a more professional approach, but he made his point.
Frivolous indeed
Submitted by Darius on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 14:55.
Reminds me of a Weird Al song, people will sue over anything these days. How about jeans that don't fit anymore? That reminds me of my fav song "Fat bottom girls" by Queen. Love my wifes big,beautiful,bodacious bottom. Keep the faith.
Submitted by lcoughey on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 09:05.
It is rather ironic that in our Western culture, we feel like we deserve all the luxuries that are available to us (air conditioning, 3 story homes with pools, fancy cars, money, fame, etc). Yet, the majority of the world's population would love to have the riches of the poorest person in our Western culture.
All in all, when things go bad for us, I think it is a great time to realize that would should thank God for all the things that He allows us to have. The fact that He even allows us to exist is amazing, seeing how much we complain about His creation.
Totally agree
Submitted by Darius on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 15:04.
Going past a church the other day I read this sign "feel unappreciated think how God feels". We tend to talk a good story in our affluent society but many times we take God for granted,like he should be a devine Santa Claus.Well let's try to live like we love him for who he is and not what he provides for us. Keep the faith.
The anger is directed at the Hypocrites not God!
Submitted by American Rhetor... on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 11:19.
I knew it was a matter of principal that this was filed and it figures Faux News played it up but there truly is a lot of anger out there. It's not directed at God as much as it is directed at the Hypocrites who proclaim to be representatives of God. The anger is real but let’s be clear at whom it is directed at.
Any church that can say they are representing God when they spread the word of hate and take whole groups of people and proclaim them to be the enemy is not a church representing God. That is where the anger is directed and justly so!
The anger is not directed at God, it's directed at the hateful devils that try to hide behind his name.
Good job AR
Submitted by Darius on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 15:18.
You did a fine job of proving one of my points.Although many can't reason through and disassociate the church from God. I have read blogs on this site from people claiming they are christians but they belie that claim by their hatred towards others or their refusal to evaluate their own sins. I am nothing more or less then a sinner saved by grace.
Don't mean to sound preachy but christians should be known by their love not anger no matter who it is directed at. Keep the faith.
Ahhhh, the old, "Love the sinner Hate the sin"
Submitted by American Rhetor... on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 08:32.
It's a convenient load of crap! What a convenient way to get around to continued hate mongering. It has such a lovely ring to it doesn’t it??? Just more crap from the Radical Right. Just another attempt to justify their bad behavior. Christians should be recognized for their actions. Telling the truth is a start! Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and housing the homeless are things god asked us to do. Not wale on people with the bible hanging on the end of a chain swung above the head.
Sorry, this bit of illogic has been used way to long and I've been a target and herd that excuse way to many times…... NO SALE!
I was not excusing anyone
Submitted by Darius on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 15:47.
I'm sorry if I was not clear on this point,but I never tried to justify or excuse wrong conduct or hatred. My point was exactly the opposite,all people should be held accountable for abuse and hatred no matter what causes that to come about(religion,politics,etc).I agree most people can't disassociate the sin from the sinner therefore they hate the sinner, while they almost always excuse their own sin. So we must put this all in perspective God did not form a religion, people did this on their own and have been divided and advisarial ever since then. As for me,a personnal relationship with my Lord and Saviour is much more important to me then deciding for others how they should live,example a homos*xual is no more wrong then cheating on my wife,not paying taxes,hitting my children,not doing my job properly or lazily,swearing,being unforgiving,etc. Christians should be known for their love but unfortunetly to often they are not,they are known for hypocrisy,intolerance,abuse and bigotry. I know many of both kinds of christians(righteous and selfrighteous)yet my reasoning tells me God did not cause them to be either way,this they did on their own. Put simply I agree with you we are all responsible for the way we treat others good or bad and we will reap what we sow in this life or the next. Keep the faith.
Right On Darius!
Submitted by American Rhetor... on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 16:01.
Sorry, I misunderstood what you had written. I too have a personal relationship with God and I know these churches misleading their members are going to have some serious splainin to do so to speak. Thanks for coming back to clarify. ARR
No problem
Submitted by Darius on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 12:14.
They sure do need to explain their actions. Keep the faith.
Hi Darius,
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 22:30.
Can I have your attention for a minute? I'm just curious if you happen to witness something and then you are falsely accused say of a crime something that someone else said, those words of another person are attributed to you. Would you fight the false accusations in court?
Would you expect that you would have a chance to defend you actions by being able to testify in your own defense? Better yet, if you are stripped of this constitutional right, would you appeal the case if the judge appealed to you three times to appeal the case?
As a side note of course a counter claim was filed and that was tossed but not with prejudice... I was given a minor gift on that...
So hire a lawyer and he tells you your civil liberties are violated and that you should appeal this matter, would you appeal?
On appeal the judge comes into the courtroom reading a book he is quite distracted and this can be proven through the transcript, at the end of the court hearing the judge comments, "So you think you are a Christian? Well, you're a liar!" I said, "Excuse me?" (My lawyer was pulling at my shirt sleeve advising me not to say another word.) The judge again states, "You're a liar! You're fine was two hundred dollars, how much is the maximum for disorderly conduct?" The District Attorney chimes in, "Three hundred dollars, your honor." The judge then said, "Your fine is now three hundred dollars."
Then the judge and the lying detective have this little joke fest about the detectives appearance in court.
You walk out of the court room with your lawyer and he wants nothing more to do with the case and quits.
What would you think about your government if this happened to you? What would you think about the system and the church when your pastor was considering coming along and doesn't? What would you think about your church if you ended up 10 days later in the psyche ward for 20 days and 13 weeks out of work?
How would something like that make you feel as a person, husband, father, and childrens program teacher.
Does my experience sound familiar to you?
Sort of like something that maybe a man 2,000 years ago might have experienced?
What would you say to Jesus if you had to say it through me?
Forgive them
Submitted by Darius on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 15:52.
Forgive them father for they know not what they do. Keep the faith.
I'm a living human being, how do I forgive?
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 17:43.
How do I forgive those who have not asked to be forgiven?
For they do not acknowledge their own sins, even though they are caught in their own lies they have not asked to be forgiven.
I can forgive them in my heart, but they have yet to learn the lesson of repentance and they haven't made reparations for the wrong they have committed.
How do they become accountable?
What convicts a heart to tell the truth?
Jesus forgave
Submitted by Darius on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 12:35.
Jesus said those words on the cross with the sin of all mankind past,present and future without our asking forgiveness or our even recognizing our guilt. So you have 2 options give them the gift of forgiveness (letting go and not continue to dwell on it) or harbour ill will towards those who have wronged you. Talking the other day with a friend he told me how foolish he felt about his unresolved resentment towards someone who had abused him in his childhood,he found out this person was dead 17 years ago,how sad.How do you forgive?, make the choice,ask God for help and as Addidas says "just do it". Keep the faith.
Okay, by your own words you have contradicted yourself.
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 13:52.
How can you justify both positions? Your writings prove that you are double minded on this very important issue.
Above you write about accountability to ARR and here you tell me how I'm to be forgiving to let go and don't dwell on the wrongs of the past. You have given me no formula to prevent from becoming a victim of the abusers yet again...
I have the answers; you have to figure out what I know. You are the one that needs to grow.
You haven't been in this position or you haven't really thought out how you would deal with this if you were in this position that I am in.
Imagine a dysfunctional family as I've described would you enter a house of a person that has threatened to lie to the police to force you to take medications. They were going to punch themselves in the face and report to the police that you had punched them, now demonstrate what you would do. What would be your future?
If I follow your teachings I would put myself or my family in danger of future abuse, I've lived your way in the past and as a result the abuse only got worse. I slaved to work for the person that would abuse me over and over again. Yet nothing that I did was ever good enough obviously what the other person thought of me was that I deserved to slave my life away and that I needed to be punished for existing.
Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Do you need to know the relationship of the abuser? Maybe that would help you.
In keeping the faith are you asking others to live in dangerous situations? My GOD is pure and holy; there is another way to deal with being the victim and preventing the victims from being violated over and over again.
Think about Burma and the Myanmar conflict, who is the bully? The pacifist monks are causing the conflict by rising up; they are threatening the well being of their wealthy rulers the generals and those in the military.
The dividing lines are drawn, are you a worldly warrior or are you a pacifist like me and do you pray for peace and know the way to peace for the whole world?
Keep keeping the faith and search deep inside of your heart. The answer is written there.
Submitted by Darius on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 19:30.
Get over yourself. Ar was not whining about his situation, which seems to be the only thing you do. EVERYONE needs to be accountable including you. To say you have forgiven these people in your heart but continue to whine at every oppurtunity proves your forgiveness to be a sham. If you want me to respond to your comments keep them on subject and don't continue to whine about your situation anymore. I never said to put yourself in a position to be hurt again, what I tried in patience to do was point out the folly of dwelling on abuse and not letting it go. As for what has been in my past that is not your business but I will say I have learned to let go of bitterness towards my abusers. If you want to harbour resentment fine,do that but get of your selfrighteous high horse and stop complaining to me about it. Keep the faith.
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 21:52. *new
Nice reply, I can feel the love...
My prayer remains, May GOD Bless all of creation that is a Blessing to GOD...
Help others to tell the truth,
Choose life not death.
Remember your words when your life is over and Jesus is telling you every detail you won't be able to say to Jesus just get over it, I lived my life what is the point in reliving it again? Maybe you missed an important lesson and your eternal soul is in jeopardy of being lost forever?
Could your existence be cast out into the darkest corner of the universe?
Are you really living your life according to the teachings of Jesus?
Are you really a Christian?
Are you a poser? An imposter?
I'm real and I've had this experience, have you baited me to try and accuse me of something that I am not guilty of?
Were you there when Jesus was accused in the same manner?
You call me self righteous, isn't that what they said of Jesus?
Maybe you would like to really prove your hatred of me and my exposing the crimes of others by taking my life?
I'm sorry for you and those that would be lead by your teachings.
I've said my peace to you, I fear the darkness of your heart, I fear for myself and I fear for others around you.
My signature doesn't apply here, I sense no peace...
I'm just sorry,
Sorry that I've been made a victim and sorry that I get violated for being a victim.
I'm really sorry that people claim to be religious and prove that they do not understand the teachings imparted unto them.
The Good Samaritan would help the Levite, yet you found me wounded and would just pass me by like a Pharisee or one of the wicked Scribes and Sadducee’s.
The father and son reunion will not be helped by people like you.
I see bad things on the Horizon the clouds are growing thick, darkness, poverty for those that are in positions of power.
I choose life,
You have taken enough of my life, You are not my master and I will not be your slave.
Expose to me all of your identities that I might not ever have to comment to you again, I wish not to offend you and I prefer not to participate in your conversations.
I'm really sorry that I exist in your reality and have tried to share with you the awful things that have happened to me in this world.
If you really knew my GOD you would not delight in causing others pain by being so offensive.
I really wish I could wish for you,
Note GWB's response
Submitted by Darius on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 00:00.
Totally inappropriate and not justified, I have tried my best to communicate with this man to no avail. He seems to delight in rehearsing his pain in public and almost always has no connection to the posts original content. I don't think I have ever attacked anyone's character in any of my blogs or comments but chose my words carefully to speak in broad terms. However this person is getting past curtious speach and becoming abusive(personnally attacking my character) so I will not further allow myself to be taunted by him! Keep the faith.
Darius, you have taunted yourself...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 14:39. *new
I have the right to answer direct questions and I have the right to ask direct questions. If my questions make you feel uncomfortable you have the right to say so and decline from responding this is not a court of law, but your responses can be saved for future reference.
You ask why are so many people mad at god? I provided proof that the teachings of GOD have been used for evil purposes.
You choose to turn my conversation into a violation of your sensibilities while not communicating or discussing the points of interest that I have raised.
I did not attack you, I asked you to demonstrate your beliefs and how you would respond.
I didn't put any words into your mouth and accuse you of saying or writing anything you didn't. You even used scripture to support your position. I'm fine with that, but do you know why you believe as you do?
Are you being honest about being attacked?
Can you really read my writings as a personal attack upon you?
My personal experience was and is quite traumatic; you act as if I don't have the right to fix the problem that created my suffering. Would you like another person to suffer as I have?
Again, my reality is not a fantasy, and don't provoke a confrontation with false accusations.
As John G. Elliot sings, 'Here I Stand' are you familiar with that song? How about 'Who is like the Lord?'
I know and expose the truth... You can't change that...
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