Sunday, September 27, 2009

Finding Good in Bad

In the process of growing, how many people know that leaving a bad apple in the apple basket will cause the rest of the basket to go bad? Many people justify bad actions and actors and allow them to continue to violate our beliefs and our society. Many people go to church thinking that there is good being done by the church and these people make excuses to justify the bad things that are the direct result of flawed church teachings.

At one point in my life I believed in the power of the church and the bible flawless, I had no idea that this wonderful presentation to the world was so flawed. Until I was accused of things I didn't do or say, I hadn't seen the harm that could come from this institution of belief.

I had no idea the church was the blinder that allowed evil to exist by making excuses and condemning the good people to be violated as victims of the attackers that are the minority but allowed to control the majority of people and the way we live.

The elitists use the church as a means for controlling the masses and the equity of the community.

The lies and misinformation is well written into a book they call perfect the perfect word of god, infallible, with out error. Yet, if you live your life by the guidelines of this book you find that you are an exception to the ways of this world and you are a problem in society. So you would then be punished for being good. The Blessing then becomes the Curse and it is all because of the church and the book. One book, many beliefs and not one institution that really knows the right thing to do.

This flaw invades our government and we become chaotic warmongers following a dictator leading us against each other instead of drawing us together and building communities that expose the corruption and flaws that exist in all things created to pervert the system and reality.

Being progressive is coming back to center being confident that the extremes lead to chaos and that we need to take another look at what we all believe and how we can work better together.

How many examples of unsafe practices do we need before we understand that the reality of our actions and our greed plays a major role in allowing people to often times get abused and we could help expose the violations working together.

The church won't often fix the flaws, they might fix one point or part or maybe another but will they really look at the real problem? The real issue?

When the church itself is the source of abuse, does anyone ever hold up the mirror to the very institution that promotes civil unrest?

By church I also define this structure as temple or mosque. Not one organized religion has helped stop the violence that occurs as a result of the undermining of every community.

A community that is built on the principles of the Love of GOD rather than the foundation created by man will be a stronger community. The words printed and the walls erected by human hands will never last for an eternity.

The Love of GOD is eternal.

The love of GOD should be found in the heart of every human and all things created.

Love and Romance can be found in books, along with the truth, if only we can reason out and critically think our way through social values and skills.

We all have gifts. How can we encourage others to use their gifts wisely?

There is certainly a way today that we can empower the poor to rise above, if we want to we could change the world, but who is fighting and for whom?

Another post in similar thought can be found here:
Church Signs and Sins

I always have believed in
Submitted by Sire on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 21:18.
I always have believed in the Bible and doesn't Jesus himself say that those who follow his way will be persecuted. The disciples of old would have welcomed the persecution.

What parts of the Bible do you believe?
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 01:37.
The whole Bible isn't true, do you know which parts are filled with error?
Let's talk about the Lie in the Tithe, have you ever considered that tithing is flawed, and if it is reasonable to know that by critically thinking about the tithe and understanding the flaw of the tithe then there might also be other errors?
From beginning to end, the Bible is full of errors, and many churches try to pass the flaws off as divine infallible writings of my GOD who is pure and holy, without blemmish.
Well if the Bible isn't without error, and the chruch lies and calls the Bible inerrant, I would say that there is a problem with the foundation of the church and the Bible.
How do you teach people to be good?
Now this is the Christian backyard that we are playing in, what about the Jewish and Islamic religious boxes? Their playpens are also soiled...

You either believe it in its
Submitted by Sire on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 01:40.
You either believe it in its entirety or not at all.

Now who said it can only be one way or the other?
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 01:52.
A good lie has some truth in it...
Either you know or you don't, so don't kick the messenger until you know for sure one way or the other.
The next time you go to church you might hear clear as a bell things that just ain't so...
Things will start to fall apart and become unsettled, and finally it will all make sense and you'll know what I was trying to write to you about.
That's a book filled with a lot of errors, I can't explain all the problems in just a post or two...

But remember that all...
Submitted by huttriver14 on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 21:28.
in the church are human, and being human we are all flawed. The difference between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom is that we 'humans' have the power of reason. We need to use that reasoning power ourselves to understand what is going on around us, not just what some other human told us. We need to question what is said, and come to an understanding ourselves. In the words of some old and departed Kiwi - dont be a bloody sheep!

That is exactly my point...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 19:05. *new
We have sheep pretending to be leaders, as the children call people that try to be something that they are not, they call the imposters 'posers'.
I like the sheep analogy, and many sheep are pretending to be shepherds, they buy their training and with a piece of paper claim to be something that they are not.
You don't need a superior education to understand the written word, you only need a desire to read and then you need to read and comprehend what you are reading.
Increased comprehension comes with actually reading and going beyond what people say, sometimes you have to do a little research.
From there we all have the ability to grow.
I love the interactive format so that we can clarify questions and provide additional information if necessary.

Now isn't it funny mate that
Submitted by Sire on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 21:35.
Now isn't it funny mate that kiwis always refer to sheep.

We actually get it from...
Submitted by huttriver14 on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 21:38.
our Aussie cousins and becomes a habit. A sheep of course is just a follower.However I dont think the Anzac breed are just followers.

I knew that mate, I was just
Submitted by Sire on Sat, 08/18/2007 - 21:44.
I knew that mate, I was just pulling your leg.

Pass a leg over this way, please :)
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 01:48.
We are talking about leg of lamb?
Little jelly slow roasted...

We would be so lucky, seeing
Submitted by Sire on Sun, 08/19/2007 - 01:53.
We would be so lucky, seeing how a lamb on the spit is really tasty.

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