Sunday, September 27, 2009

Deceptive Evangelicals

Deceptive Evangelical meeting held in the Public School System

By Gary

What a night, parent teacher meeting for my son and off to pick up my daughter who managed a ride to her old school district in Quakertown, PA. It was supposed to be a fun night with an event promoted as an entertaining evening for those that would attend at the Sr. High School in the Quakertown School District. Suddenly things changed, the entertaining evening turned into a testimony and sermon requesting that all in attendance submit to the religious belief of the person performing the show.

This meeting tauted as an athletic challenge turned into a mission of mining data from unsuspecting teenagers and parents by faking the real intent and purpose. Disguised as a raffle the spectators were all given a card to write personal information on and if they accepted the views of the speaker they were supposed to fold over one corner of the card. The question I was asked is if the raffle gifts would only be given to those people that accepted the beliefs of the speaker and all others would be used for some other purpose? I couldn't say for sure but it sounded like a mission to data mine information for a terroristic reason. You see the message was and is that if you believe Jesus died for your sins you will be saved and the speaker made a point to tell all in attendance that if you don't believe this as a fact you will go to hell! What could be much more realistic is that the people running this show could create an environment for those that don't accept their beliefs that would make life on Earth a living hell or nightmare for people that are innocent and free from the bondage of hell.

The Christians are selling bad mojo to the world, and as they would no more want to be forced to believe in Islamic beliefs with a sword held to their necks, the Christians should also know how absurd their beliefs are to those who feel the sword held to our necks because we have opposing beliefs and reject many of the Christian lies.

Did Jesus have to die for our sins?

If a Christian looks at the above question and doesn't question their own belief in creation then all is lost. The question begs an answer just a word. What do you believe? Yes or No...

If you say YES, then you believe that each living person is a sinner and you need to put all of the sins of the world on the shoulders of Jesus and all of the corruption and you allow all evil people to abuse the innocent because all is forgiven and there can be no accountability for the actions of others. Yet this type of Christian fears the Muslim religion?

If you say NO! Then you agree with me that GOD could save the world with a word and Jesus did not have to suffer for his teachings and we can all come to know this loving GOD that tried to reach us and our forefathers tried to kill.

How can a Christian support such extremism in the name of any religion that others should have to die for any salvation. We are people not objects, and we are born good, even a child knows how to be good. What has happened is we have allowed others to brainwash us so that we would believe that we are bad and then they used us to promote their own agenda's, their evil is cast upon others and they feel good about their actions as the innocent pay the price for crimes committed by others.

The Christians are teaching a false belief and trying to force their beliefs onto others, they lie and hide their true intentions and families get hurt as a result.

Is this how Jesus would promote his message by hiding his true intentions?

I don't hide my message behind lies, I tell you the truth, that I have these beliefs in GOD and that Jesus existed but I don't believe as the Christians believe, I believe that Jesus was more humane and taught us to tell the truth.

I believe that we are to, Help Others; Tell the Truth... Help others and tell the truth, help others to tell the truth. We should all be honest.

Hypocrisy of the Scribes
Submitted by Quiplet on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 17:36.
St. Luke Ch 20 v 45-47
And in the hearing of all the people he said to his disciples, 'Beware of the Scribes, who like to walk about in long robes, and love greetings in the market place, and front seats in the synagogues and first places at suppers; who devour the houses of the widows making pretense of long prayers. These shall receive a heavier sentence.'
Ummmm, is this 'school function' in any way paid with public funds, or is it a private church school?
Where does it say, 'all the sins of the world?' Jesus came to save his own people according to what I read.
Where's your sense of humor? You could have written a cute little joke about deception.
['The Lord tries the just and the wicked' Psalm 10 Just like you?]
Choices: Complain to the School Board; Get elected to the School Board; Ask for your money back (if it's a private school); contact the ACLU if it's a public school
Keep smiling

There is more to this mess than written...
Submitted by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 18:53.
I have more to add but I just didn't have the time to do all I wanted to do... The things that were said and done, like the raise of hands and pointing to those with hands raised and saying things like I like this one and that one and how the speaker didn't like those that had not raised their hands singling out one or another based upon a reply about a prayer.
For no other reason, pure discrimination based upon a christian religious belief.

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